Dr. Al-Mudhahki: The Complexity of Engineering Sciences Is Matched by Many Opportunities and Alternatives UoB’s Engineering Students Present 271 Graduation Projects in the Second Semester Dr. Haifa Bint Ibrahim: The Graduation Project Is the Student’s First Actual Experience in Simulating Practical Life

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Ali Al-Sabbaq)
20 June 2022
Dr. Jawaher bint Shaheen Al-Mudhahki, President of the University of Bahrain (UoB), affirmed that the complexity of engineering sciences at the present time and its various challenges are matched by many opportunities and alternatives, stressing the importance of graduates and engineers following the developments of engineering sciences characterized by rapid development.
This came during her speech at the graduation projects exhibition for students of the College of Engineering for the academic year 2022/2021, which was organized by the college on Monday (20 June 2022), with the participation of members of the academic and administrative bodies, students, and their parents.
In her speech, Dr. Al-Mudhahki stated: “We live in an open world full of communication and mutual influence, so I recommend that you – in your new positions to which you will move – be a role model and an example for those who will come after you and seek the assistance of those who preceded you in the fields of work.” she further added, “I don’t want you to be contented with the sciences you have acquired, for what you have obtained is only an introduction to what you will learn in your practical life, as you must follow all that is new in your rapidly developing fields, hoping that you will continue your path in scientific research and postgraduate studies.”
The University President was accompanied in the exhibition – in which 284 male and female students participated in the various nine undergraduate programs of the College of Engineering – by the famous Japanese architect, Engineer Paul Tangi from the Japanese company Tangi, one of the University’s partners in the project to implement the University master plan and establish the College of Engineering on the campus in Sakhir.
The College’s students presented 271 distinguished graduation projects in the College, which they completed in the second semester within nine programs: mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, process instrumentation and control, civil engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, architecture, interior design, and landscape architecture.
Dr. Al-Mudhahki presented students who won the best projects with shields, certificates of appreciation and prizes from the supporting authorities at the exhibition’s opening ceremony, praising the diversity of projects topics that discussed various engineering issues, such as energy, water treatment, concrete components, oil refineries, and others.
For her part, the Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Sheikha Haifa bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, pointed out that “since its establishment, the College of Engineering has kept its mind on achieving excellence in engineering education and scientific research, in order to embody its vision and achieve its mission in community service.”
Moreover, Dr. Haifa bint Ibrahim stated : “With the development of the College, batches of graduates have continued, and their numbers have increased. And year after year, the graduates have proven that they have a high level of educational attainment, enabling them to work or continue studying in many international universities.”
The Dean also announced that 20 projects won the “Best Graduation Project” award, pointing out that “the graduation project represents the first actual experience in simulating practical life, graduation projects in engineering education are one of the most important building blocks of a knowledge-based economy. And the graduation projects exhibition is an opportunity to recognize the contributions of students at the undergraduate stage, in order to achieve integration with the requirements of the labor market”.
Awards supported by private sector companies were announced, namely: The Mohammed Salah El Din Foundation Award for Best Graduation Project in the Bachelor’s in Architecture and Bachelor of Interior Design Program, Ibrahim Khalil Kanoo Award for Engineering Excellence in the Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering Program, GPIC Award for the Best Graduation Project in the Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering, GPIC Award for the Best Graduation Project in the Bachelor’s in Process Instrumentation & Control Engineering, GPIC Award for the Best Graduation Project in the Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering, the Kuwait Finance House (KFH) Award for the Best Graduation Project in the Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering, KFH Award for the Best Graduation Project in the Bachelor of Electronic Engineering, and the Kooheji Contractors Award for the Best Graduation Project in the Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture.
Abdulrahman Al-Kooheji of Kooheji Contractors praised the diverse ideas of the students, who were open in their projects to modern technology, and tried to find practical solutions to industrial problems.
Furthermore, regarding the projects that caught his attention, he stated: “There are several projects, but the most prominent of them was the generation of electrical energy from kinetic energy,” calling on students to continue with the same vigor and enthusiasm when they join the labor market.

2022-08-16T10:42:36+03:00June 20, 2022|Uncategorized|
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