As Result of the Partnership Between UoB and Boston University BTC and Wheelock Education Offer a Master’s Program in Educational Leadership

Sakhir – University of Bahrain
22 August 2022
Eighteen teachers from Bahrain Teachers College (BTC) have been accepted into the Master’s in Education program in “Educational Leadership and Policy Studies” at the Wheelock College of Education and Human Development at Boston University, USA. Which is the first master’s program in education in Bahrain – in more than a decade – targeting practicing and ambitious school leaders inside the Kingdom of Bahrain.
The new candidates met with faculty members to learn about the master’s program in an introductory meeting on Wednesday (17 August 2022), as the program begins next September.
Candidates from BTC will have the opportunity to study within a collaborative community with faculty members from Boston University, who will pay periodic visits to Bahrain to build their skills and knowledge necessary to raise school performance and strengthen educational outcomes in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
For his part, Dean of the College of Teachers, Dr. Ted Purinton, confirmed that the partnership with Wheelock College of Education at Boston University is an important step in the development of BTC and the educational growth of the Kingdom of Bahrain, as the master’s degree in educational leadership and policy will provide new opportunities to develop skills and knowledge in the education sector, for both the Ministry of Education schools and private schools.
Furthermore, Dr. Purinton added that it was important for BTC to identify a partner that understood the current and future needs of the University of Bahrain (UoB), as Boston University faculty members were very keen to learn about the educational contexts in Bahrain and adapt the knowledge base of their curricula to meet the needs in this country.
He added that he expects this partnership to grow into a long-term collaboration that will improve learning outcomes in schools and for students across the Kingdom.
It is worth noting that UoB signed a cooperation agreement with Boston University in April 2022 to offer a Master’s in Education program in “Educational Leadership and Policy Studies” with cooperation between the Wheelock College of Education and Human Development and BTC.

2022-11-28T10:28:04+03:00August 22, 2022|Uncategorized|
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