Covering The Most Important Services, Regulations and University Life UoB: New Students’ Induction to Be Held Next Thursday Virtually

Sakhir – University of Bahrain – Mansoor Al-Wanni
11 September 2022
The Dean of Student Affairs at the University of Bahrain (UoB), Dr. Fatima Mohammed Al-Maliki, announced that the Induction Day program for new students will be held online, next Thursday (15 September 2022), starting at ten in the morning.
Dr. Al-Maliki confirmed that UoB will send an SMS to new students via their mobile phones, as well as e-mail, in order to remind them of the date of the virtual induction ceremony.
Moreover, she explained that this day aims to prepare new students to easily engage in university life, stressing that the Induction Day is an important gateway through which the new student crosses to university life, feeling positive and optimistic, and fully understanding the nature of this stage.
It is scheduled that the Induction Day program will include a speech by the University President, Dr. Jawaher bint Shaheen Al-Mudhahka, another speech by the Dean of Students’ Affairs, an introductory film about UoB, its colleges and services, in addition to an awareness film about university life.
In addition, the induction ceremony will include presentations of the service agencies that the student will need during their university career, such as: the English Language Center, the E-learning Center, the Health Center, and the services of the Deanship of Admission and Registration. In addition to a presentation of the students’ most prominent experiences and participation in extra-curricular activities and programs that contribute to refining their personality, highlighting them to society, and the extent to which they benefit from these programs.
Dr. Al-Maliki indicated that a quick response (QR) code will be provided, through which the student can view more information about each of these agencies.
Additionally, there will be induction programs for each college separately with its students on separate days that will be set for students to get acquainted with the facilities, programs, and departments of their colleges, and all the details related to the student’s major.

2022-12-14T14:51:30+03:00September 11, 2022|Uncategorized|
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