The University of Bahrain Conducts Specialized Admission Tests and Interviews Next Week

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Mansoor Alwanni and Ali Al-Sabbaq)

September 2, 2022

The University of Bahrain announced that exams or interviews for students initially admitted to majors that require the same will be conducted next week, stressing the importance of conducting these exams and interviews in a timely manner to complete the admission process.

Several majors at UoB require tests, interviews, or both, namely all programs of the College of Engineering, all programs of the College of Health and Sport Sciences, Bachelor of Actuarial Sciences in the College of Science, Bachelor of English Language and Literature, and Bachelor of Media, Bachelor of History, Bachelor of Tourism, and Bachelor of Arts and Design in the College of Arts.

All exams and interviews shall take place on Sunday to Thursday, September 4-8, 2022.

According to the applicable procedure, students admitted to the College of Engineering will receive an e-mail and text messages regarding times of in-person exams that will be held at the Sakhir campus, via the Blackboard platform.

The College of Engineering announced that taking the test requires students to register in advance via the link the student received through his email, which is the student’s university number followed by

The College of Engineering exams are scheduled from Sunday to Tuesday (September 4-6, 2022), over three periods.

For its part, the College of Health and Sport Sciences called for students admitted to the Bachelor of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences in the disciplines of: pharmacy, diagnostic radiology, and medical laboratory sciences, as well as students admitted to the Bachelor of Physical Education to report to the university to conduct interviews for the nursing and allied health sciences majors according to the notifications they receive.

The College of Health and Sport Sciences also called for students admitted to Bachelor of Physical Education to report to the College for the aptitude test and the interview which will take place on 4-8 September at the premises of the College of Health Sciences in Salmaniya, with the exception of the tests of students of Bachelor of Physical Education, which will be held on the University campus in Sakhir.

The College stressed that the student should present an approved medical fitness certificate while attending the admission test or the interview.

With regard to the actuarial science program, the College of Science announced that the test will be conducted at the university at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, September 5 in Haj Hassan Khonji Hall (50S), room 14. The College indicated that the interviews will be conducted through Microsoft Teams at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday September 6, 2022.

The College of Arts announced that the exams for the Bachelor of Media and Tourism will take place at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, September 5, 2022, in the College of Applied Education’s building (S20), and interviews for students of the two programs will take place on Tuesday September 6 at the same place from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Students admitted to the Bachelor of Arts and Design will be tested and interviewed at the same time via videoconference as the test requires students to do work using their personal devices and uploading them via links that will be sent to them through e-mail notifications.

The College of Arts announced that exams for students admitted to the Bachelor of History will be conducted in halls (S20A-19, S20A-18 and S20A-10) on the Sakhir campus at 10:00- 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday September 6, 2022. Meanwhile, students admitted to the Bachelor of English Language and Literature will take their test at 10 a.m. on Wednesday 7 September, 2022 at the (S17) building at Sakhir campus.

2022-12-14T14:42:36+03:00September 2, 2022|Uncategorized|
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