To Spread Awareness on Breast Cancer, The Equal Opportunities Committee at the University of Bahrain Holds a Symposium titled “What Does Pink October Mean to You?”

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)
October 26, 2022

The Equal Opportunities Committee at the University of Bahrain organized a symposium titled “What does Pink October mean to you?”, participating in the Kingdom of Bahrain and worldwide celebration of the International Breast Cancer Awareness Month, to shed light on the disease and participate in spreading awareness, through a symposium held on Microsoft Teams, on Sunday October 23, 2022.

Dr. Fatima Mohammad Al-Malki, Head of the Equal Opportunities Committee, Dean of Student Affairs, and presenter of the symposium, stated “This symposium aims to take part in the efforts exerted by the official institutions in the Kingdom of Bahrain. It is one of a series of events organized by the University of Bahrain on this occasion, as breast cancer is s the most common cancer diagnosed in women, and it causes death in many victims of late diagnosis. Therefore, it is crucial to spread awareness on the seriousness of this disease and encourage early detection. It is the responsibility of official and community institutions as well as individuals.”

The symposium dealt with three topics. The first focused on “Preventing Breast Cancer”, presented by Consultant General and Breast Surgery at Ibn Al-Nafis Hospital, Dr. Maryam Al-Jenaidi, in which she presented information about breast cancer, methods of prevention and screening, and reviewed some statistics related to this disease.

The second topic addressed “Nutrition to protect against breast cancer”, presented by the Head of the Nutrition Department at Ibn Al-Nafis Hospital and the Director of Nutrition at Smile Studios Medical Center, Dr. Nagham Nour El-Din. Dr. Nagham shed light on nutrition and how to prevent the disease through the proper nutrition, the connection between nutrition and cancer, and the most important Healthy foods to eat during this period.

The third topic focused on “Psychological support during treatment of breast cancer”, presented by consultant psychiatrist, Dr. Tarek El-Maadawy. Dr. Tarek touched on the concept of mental health, psychological impacts on infected women, the types, and stages of psychological disorders in breast cancer patients, the impact of mental illness on treatment, and some tips and psychological support methods for families of breast cancer patients.

2022-11-01T12:00:18+03:00October 26, 2022|Uncategorized|
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