Dr. Al-Mudhahka Stresses the University of Bahrain’s Commitment to Spreading the Culture of Sustainability and Preserving the Environment and its Resources

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)


December 21, 2022


The President of the University of Bahrain, Dr. Jawaher bint Shaheen Al-Mudhahka, met with members of the committee concerned with classification of the University of Bahrain in Global Green Matrix of Universities 2022, the Dean of the College of Science, Prof. Mohammad Mustafa Al-Helou, the head of the committee, the head of the Department of Physics at the College of Science, Dr. Hanan Mubarak Al-Buflasa, on Wednesday December 21, 2022, at the University in Sakhir.


The President of the University of Bahrain, Dr. Al-Mudhahka stressed the pivotal role of universities in spreading the culture of sustainability and preserving the environment and its resources. Dr. Al-Mudhahka lauded the work of the committee members in the field of renewable energy and preserving the environment and thanked them for their tireless efforts which resulted in the University of Bahrain’s remarkable progress in the Green Matrix 2022 global classification. She congratulated all University affiliates on this achievement, which is a motivating force for further development and progress.


Dr. Jawaher Bint Shaheen Al-Mudhahka lauded the University affiliates’ efforts to enhance the University’s scientific and academic status at the local and global levels, through paying attention to the various local environmental issues, which reflects the University’s strategy in sustainable development.


The University of Bahrain ranked first in the Kingdom of Bahrain in the Global University Ranking for Sustainability 2022 – Green Matrix (UI Green Metric – 2022) and ranked 363 out of 1050 universities in this classification.


For his part, the Dean of the College of Sciences, Prof. Mohammad Mustafa Al-Helou, stressed the great interest that the University and the College attach to achieving sustainable development standards in all respects, through applying administrative, academic and research programs that contribute to protecting and preserving the environment and climate.


The head of the committee, Dr. Hanan Mubarak Al-Buflasa, also called for highlighting the programs’ outcomes and the Bahraini cadres’ efforts, to benefit to the fullest extent, and to identify local and international investment opportunities in the field of sustainable development.


The meeting was attended by the Vice President for Community Service and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Mohammad Saleh Al-Ansari, the Vice President for Academic Programs and Postgraduate Studies, Dr. Mohammad Reda Qader, and the Vice President for Information Technology Services, Administrative and Financial Affairs, Dr. Osama Abdullah Al-Jowder.


The meeting was also attended by the committee Chairperson, the head of the physics department, College of science, Dr. Hanan Mubarak Al-Buflasa. And the members of the committee, namely Associate Professor at the College of Sciences, Dr. Hammoud Abdullah Nasser, Associate Professor at the College of Engineering, Dr. Shaker Mohammad Hajji, the Director of the Engineering Programs Department at the College of Applied Education, Dr. Wafa Hassan Al-Madani, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the College of Information Technology, Dr. Ali Hassan Al-Saffar, the lecturer at the College of Applied Education, Anwar Abdullah Khalil, the teacher at the College of Science, Basma Taqi Al-Najjar, and the laboratory technicians at the College of Science, Alia Mustafa Khan and Warda Talal Oqab.

2023-01-10T10:27:23+03:00December 21, 2022|Uncategorized|
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