Within A Cultural Exchange Program, An Academian in the College of Business Administration at University of Bahrain Learns about the American Economy Structure

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)


December 29, 2022


The Director of Quality Assurance and Accreditation Office at the College of Business Administration at the University of Bahrain, Dr. Hessa Mubarak Al-Fadhel, has recently participated in a U.S. cultural exchange program (The Study of the U.S. Institutes for Scholars “SUSI”) in the field of American economics and business administration.


Dr. Hessa Mubarak Al-Fadhel, along with 18 participants of different nationalities including faculty members, researchers, experts, and policy makers from various foreign universities, had the opportunity to take a closer look for a deeper understanding of the main components and structures of the U.S. economy as the largest economy in the world and an understanding of the American community, culture, values, and institutions.


Dr. Al-Fadil, who is an assistant professor in the Accounting Department at the College, stated that she could explore -through the program- ways of supporting economic growth and employment in the United States, by getting to know how financial institutions, companies and investors deal with each other, and how to maintain a strong private sector by paying attention to the institution’s main elements, including corporate governance, monetary policy, and legal and regulatory framework in the business sector.


She added that the program discussed the impact of the United States on the industrial sector, the free market, and the financial sector around the world, in addition to the development in the fields of trade and investment.


Participants in the program met with several stakeholders, business and corporate leaders, and some small business owners.

2023-01-10T10:26:15+03:00December 29, 2022|Uncategorized|
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