The Department of English Language and Literature at the University of Bahrain Reviews its Students’ Skills in Scientific Research

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)


December 30, 2022


The Department of English Language and Literature, College of Arts, University of Bahrain organized a symposium on “Project Writing” at the E-Learning Center on Wednesday December 28,2022. The symposium was attended by several members of the academic staff and the Scientific Research Committee at the Department as well as the participating students.


Ten students in the “Project Writing” course presented a summary of their research projects. They touched on the aim of the research, the hypotheses of their research projects, the research findings, and the methodology in which they used questionnaires, surveys, interviews, text analysis tools, and audios from the various sources including social media, books, and movies.


The Head of the Department of English Language and Literature, Dr. Ghada Ahmed Jassim, confirmed that this symposium is the first of its kind on this topic, and it relied on students as the center of the educational process, and encouraged them to present their research. She stressed the Department’s keenness to organize various activities that contribute to inspiring students in the early stages, provide them with useful advice to write projects, and have a positive impact on the community.


Student Fatima Hassan Jaafar presented a project titled “Studying grammatical and morphological mistakes made by Bahraini students in the English Language and Literature Department”. Sherine Abdelnabi Al-Ghareeb presented a project titled “Explanatory Analysis of the Language of Generation Z,- the Generation Who Comes after the Millennials-, on Social Media.” Student Dima Salim presented “Research Study: A Comparison of Modern English and Arabic Poems”. The three projects were conducted under the supervision of Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Dr. Diana Abdul Karim Al-Jahromi.


Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics, Dr. Mervat Issa Albuflasa, supervised the research of four students. The student Sarah Ghassan presented the project “Production of English Consonant Groups: A Case Study for University of Bahrain Students.” Student Ali Hassan Jassim presented the project “An Investigation Using Psychological Reader Response Theory: A Study of How the Writing Style of Toni Morrison Affects the Bahraini Student.” Student Yasmine Rayan presented the project “Translating Literary Titles from Arabic into English and Vice Versa: Literal or Creative Translation?” Student Zahra Ibrahim Ahmed presented a project titled “The Impact of Immigration and Diaspora on the Literature of Jhumpa Lahiri and Chitra Banerjee Divakaruniare, two Indian American writers.


Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Dr. Halima Kazem Al-Aali supervised the research of three students. Student Sarah Jaafar Hassan presented a project titled “Analysis of Death Discourse in Literature: An Investigation into the Portrayal of the Afterlife.” Student Fatima Abdel Moneim Ibrahim presented a project titled “An Investigation into the Characteristics of Fan Fiction – Fictional Stories Using Characteristics of an Existing Work to Glorify and Honor that Work or Fictional Character and the Genre of Fan Fiction.” The student, Lulwa Mohammed Al-Amer, presented a project titled “Communicating the Concept of Death in Addressing Children: A Case Study of the Bahraini Community.”


2023-03-07T08:45:19+03:00December 30, 2022|Uncategorized|
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