A Conference in Cooperation with The Bahrain Pharmacists Society UoB Discusses “Current and Future Perspectives of Pharmacy” In the Kingdom

Sakhir – University of Bahrain – Mansoor Al-Wanni

9 February 2023

A conference has been organized by the College of Health and Sports Sciences (CHSS) at the University of Bahrain (UoB), titled: “Current and Future Perspectives of Pharmacy”, which will be held in cooperation with the Bahrain Pharmacists Society from 19 to 20 February 2023, UoB will be discussing professional and academic pharmacy topics and the challenges facing this sector, and the conference shall host experts from outside Bahrain.

Specialists in pharmacology will discuss the status of pharmacy in its various aspects and specializations, and the ambitions it seeks to accomplish among the developed countries in this field. In addition, the conference will discuss developments in the field of pharmacy, which include: modern treatments for some diseases, and the economics of medicine, in addition to investment in the pharmaceutical sector.

The conference will host experts in the field of pharmacy from the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to talk about their experience on the academic and professional sides. While professors and students from the Bachelor of Pharmacy program will represent UoB in the conference and the accompanying scientific activity.

It is worth noting that this conference comes within the framework of the continuous cooperation between UoB and the Bahrain Pharmacists Society.

2023-02-20T14:20:07+03:00February 9, 2023|Uncategorized|
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