In Cooperation with the Middle East Synchrotron Center (SESAME) UoB Hosts Multiple Scientific Experiments Carried Out by Synchrotron-Light

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)

16 February 2023

The managing director of the Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME), Dr. Atef Al-Qadim, stressed the importance of the Center, as the largest scientific and technological center open to all scientists in the Middle East, working to promote scientific, technical and economic development, and aims to advance various scientific research projects, in which the material is analyzed with high accuracy, using x-rays, without any damage to the material being analyzed.

This came during the second day of the activities introducing the achievements of the National University in the muon detector experiment under the slogan “Discover the Future of Science”, which was held on Tuesday and Wednesday, corresponding to February 14th and 15th, 2023, and was organized by the University of Bahrain (UoB) under the auspices of its president, Dr. Jawaher bint Shaheen Al-Mudhahka, and in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), the Muon Detector Experiment (CMS), SESAME, and the Shaikh Ebrahim bin Mohammed Al Khalifa Center for Culture and Research.

For his part, Dr. Andrea Lucy, Scientific Director at SESAME, reviewed the scientific opportunities available at SESAME, as it is well connected at the international level, producing world-class science and opportunities for research and training, and publishing solid scientific research.

The Cyprus Institute Assistant Professor, Dr. Kersey Lorentz, presented the applications of synchrotron radiation in a study titled “Cultural Heritage and Archeology, and the Benefits of SESAME Membership: The Cyprus Experience”, as well as the case studies: Human Bioarcheology – Combining Health and Archeology.

It is worth mentioning that synchrotrons are a giant type of particle accelerator used in scientific research in chemistry, biological medicine, natural heritage, and many other fields.

The beamline expert at the Royal Scientific Society in Jordan, Dr. Mahmood Abdulatif, presented the beamline specifications in materials science, pointing out that synchrotron X-ray diffraction technology is a very powerful tool for understanding and improving materials in many research fields.

While a professor of chemistry at Bilkent University, Turkey, Dr. Emrah Ozensoy, discussed a topic on “Understanding Heterogeneous Catalytic Systems and Studying the Surface of Materials at A Depth Of 10 Nanometers”.

Inaddittion, an expert from IAEA, Dr. Jeff Cutler, presented examples of how synchrotrons contribute to local scientific and industrial development.

While Assistant Professor from the College of Engineering, Dr. Abdullah Faisal Al-Shater, presented a number of studies on research efforts on the corrosion of nuclear materials and radiation damage.

Associate Professor from the College of Science, Dr. Nabil Mohamed Hassan, presented a topic titled “Enhancing the Microscopic Physicochemical Properties of Polymer Materials Using Ionizing Radiation”, in which he referred to solving the problems of challenging the level of saturation of the nuclear pathways of the polymer, and limiting radiation detection.

A PhD student at the College of Information Technology, UoB, Alia Al-Kameli, presented a study on applications of deep learning models for hyperspectral imaging data in plant pathology, explaining detection methods, management and control of plant diseases, and the causes of disease development in individual plants and plant populations.

In addition, Associate Professor at the College of Information Technology, Dr. Riyad bin Mohammed Ksantini, gave a presentation on deep learning models with applications, the use of machine learning for volume display and visualization in the medical field, and deep aggregation models: an application for energy management and smart meter analysis.

The Dean of the College of Science, Prof. Mohammed Mustafa Al-Hilo, said the event shed light on UoB achievements in implementing global projects for technology development since 2019, when it became a participating member in the muon detector experiment, and thus exploring cooperation frameworks with SESAME works to create new opportunities for researchers and students to train and work on scientific projects to diagnose materials, using the synchrotron-light available at SESAME.

Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Al-Hilo thanked the President of the University for her support in holding this event, which provided an opportunity for researchers and students at the University and the Kingdom of Bahrain to explore new frameworks for cooperation in training and implementation of research projects, as well as to the attendees, speakers and students for their active participation.

2023-02-21T09:38:35+03:00February 16, 2023|Uncategorized|
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