In Collaboration with the U.S Institutes for Scholars Programs Paralympic Champion John Register Lectures at UoB on Trainers’ Leadership and Soft Skills

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)

17 February 2023

Professional motivational speaker and American Paralympic athlete John Register emphasized the importance of soft skills in the work environment, their role in creating a leadership personality, and their contribution to facing challenges and realizing achievements.

The University of Bahrain (UoB) hosted the speaker, John Register, on Wednesday 8 February 2023, to deliver a lecture titled “Training the Trainers: Leadership”, which is within the soft skills program of the “U.S Institutes for Scholars Programs SUSIs”, and it was attended by about 55 faculty members from the University’s various colleges.

At the opening of the session, Vice President for Academic Programs and Graduate Studies, Dr. Mohammed Reda Qadir, welcomed the audience, while the session was moderated by Dr. Diana Abdulkarim Al-Jahromi, Director of the Excellence in Education and Leadership Skills Unit, and Dr. Amal Mohammed Al-Rayes, Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Systems, and it was attended by a number of members of the U.S embassy, including the educational specialist at the cultural attaché at the U.S Embassy in Manama, Samar Hassan.

Moreover, during the remote session, John Register touched on leadership styles, the importance of a leader’s knowledge on their vision, mission, and values, use of the narrative method as a weapon for a leader, as well as the use of soft skills to transform hardships into interests.

The speaker defined soft leadership skills as personal characteristics that are not technical and intangible in nature, but are necessary for the success of a leader, as they are considered important personal and emotional skills that affect how the leader interacts and communicates with others, in addition to the way they make decisions and how they motivate and inspire their teams.

It is worth noting that John Register, a speaker and trainer, has participated in many motivational leadership workshops, and won the silver medal at the 2000 Sydney Paralympic Games in athletics.

The Soft Skills Program – an intensive academic program at UoB offered at the postgraduate level – aims to provide an opportunity for foreign university faculty and other scholars to deepen their understanding of American society, culture, values, and institutions, enhance curricula, and improve the quality of teaching.

In addition, the program continued its agenda with two sessions during the current month, one of which was held last Wednesday (February 15, 2023) titled: “Training of Trainers: Solving Problems,” and the other titled “Training of Trainers: Public Speaking,” which will be held on Tuesday, corresponding to the 28th of this month.

2023-02-21T09:32:45+03:00February 17, 2023|Uncategorized|
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