Dr. Al Mudhahka: We Support Students to Excel in Their Studies and Extracurricular Activities A Student at UoB recives the Bahrain Chess Championship Title

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Ali Al Sabbaq)

6 March 2023

The President of the University of Bahrain (UoB), Dr. Jawaher bint Shaheen Al-Mudhahka, congratulated Hawra’a Sharaf, a student at the University’s College of Arts, on winning the Bahrain Chess Championship, stressing that the National University supports its students to excel in their academic paths and extra-curricular activities alike.

The student in the English language program at the University, Hawra’a Sharaf, won the title of Bahrain Champion in Chess, which was organized by the Bahraini Chess Federation, and outperformed many experienced players.

Dr. Al-Mudhahka noted the role of extra-curricular activities and sports tournaments, especially intellectual ones, in developing students’ abilities, fueling their spirit of fair competition, and improving their communication skills, noting that the University has a hand in organizing chess competitions, through the Student Chess Club.

The student, Sharaf, expressed her happiness at winning the championship, and said: “The competition was open to both sexes, which provided an opportunity to compete and gain experience from high-level players,” expressing her pleasure with her performance during the tournament, which ended with her receiving the cup from the President of the Bahrain Chess Federation, Khalid Burhanuddin Al-Awadhi.

Regarding whether she is a member of the university’s chess club or not, she said: “I am not a member yet, but I intend to join it as soon as possible, because I am interested in chess, as it is a significant game for improving focus, planning, acquiring problem-solving skills, and raising the IQ, which in turn contributes to increasing academic achievement,” expressing her aspiration to participate in the upcoming foreign matches, to develop her playing abilities, and to win a foreign championship.

2023-03-27T10:02:56+03:00March 6, 2023|Uncategorized|
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