Within The Soft Skills Program at UoB Public Speaking Coach Confirms: Learning and Growth Are Fundamental to Development and Making Positive Change

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)

8 March 2023

The University of Bahrain (UoB) recently hosted the CEO of the Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey (GSHNJ), Natasha Hemmings, to give an interactive lecture titled “Training of Trainers: Public Speaking”, within the soft skills program, which is part of the ” Study of the U.S. Institutes’ (SUSI) Programs” in cooperation with the US Embassy in the Kingdom of Bahrain, which was attended by about 40 faculty members from the University’s various colleges.

The public speaking coach, Hemmings, reviewed the basics of presenting and its impact on developing self-confidence, in order for a person to become an effective speaker, stressing that learning and growth are essential in development and in making any positive change.

Hemmings reviewed how to develop the skills that an educator needs to prepare and deliver a distinguished speech or presentation, through identifying the target audience, the speech objectives: such as persuasion, inspiration, providing information, managing pre-performance and presentation anxiety, credibility through effective body language, avoiding common mistakes, voice development, and diversity in vocal layers.

Furthermore, she shared some tips with the audience, which contribute to enriching the public speaking experience, through training on body language, vocal layers, avoiding common filler words, choosing strong beginnings, repetitive training, and some practical exercises to relax.

It is worth noting that Hemmings has extensive experience in public relations and professional communications, in addition to her interest in empowering the next generation of women leaders, through working over 18 years in talent development, brand awareness, influencer programs, mutually beneficial partnerships, and financial assets.

The session was moderated by the Director of the Excellence in Education and Leadership Skills Unit, Dr. Diana Abdelkarim Al-Jahromi, and the Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Systems, Dr. Amal Mohammed Al-Rayes. In addition, it was attended by several members of the US Embassy, including the Public Affairs Officer at the Embassy, Linda McMullen, and the educational specialist at the Cultural Attaché at the US Embassy in Manama, Samar Hassan.

2023-03-27T09:57:37+03:00March 8, 2023|Uncategorized|
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