During Her Participation in The International Nursing and Midwifery Congress in Saudi Arabia Dr. Khenji Showcases the Development of The Profession of Nursing and Midwifery in Education and Training in Bahrain

Sakhir – University of Bahrain – Mansoor Al-Wanni

16 March 2023


Dr. Lina Mohammed Khenji, Dean of the College of Health and Sports Sciences  (CHSS) at the University of Bahrain (UoB), showcased the development witnessed by the Kingdom of Bahrain in the nursing profession in the field of education and training, through her participation in the work of International Nursing and Midwifery Congress, which came under the title “Transformative Nursing & Midwifery: Leading Innovation and Advancing Practice Towards Better Healthcare”, that was held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Khenji participated with a scientific paper titled “Education and Training in the Nursing Profession in the Kingdom of Bahrain between the Present and the Future”, during which she talked about the development of the nursing education sector in Bahrain, since the establishment of the first nursing school with the degree of Associate Diploma in Nursing in 1959, to specialized academic programs in various degrees, which are accredited locally and internationally based on the foundations and curricula of modern education, with the integration of digital transformation and modern technology in education and training, and enriching the profession with the research outputs of Bahrainis specialized in nursing sciences.

Furthermore, Dr. Khenji mentioned the most important challenges that will face the nursing profession at present and in the future and called on decision-makers to include prioritize these challenges in in future plans, to develop the nursing profession in the fields of education, training, clinical application, and scientific research.

Moreover, Dr. Khenji participated in a dialogue session that discussed the concept of safe nursing care in light of the current challenges, represented by the shortage of nursing cadres, and the proposed solutions to bridge the gap between countries’ need for nursing manpower, and the number of graduates in universities and nursing colleges. The Dean emphasized the quality of the nurse’s performance in terms of practice based on modern scientific proof and evidence, sound nursing care in accordance with the basic standards and competencies of the profession, and adherence to professional ethics when providing nursing care.

Over three days, the Congress participants discussed a number of topics, including: policy making and influencing changes in the health sector, military nursing, nursing leadership and management, the impact of changes in the health sector, nursing education and professional development, improving quality, patient safety, and practical experiences, advanced innovations and technologies in nursing, excellence in nursing, and the advanced nurse practitioner program.

In addition, the Congress was accompanied by specialized training workshops, in which a number of speakers from inside and outside the Kingdom participated and presented the findings of their research and the latest developments in nursing.

2023-03-27T10:09:28+03:00March 16, 2023|Uncategorized|
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