In A Panel Discussion in Cooperation with The German Embassy and “Noga” President of UoB: The Transition to Clean and Sustainable Energy Is a National and Global Issue

Sakhir – University of Bahrain

16 May 2023

The President of the University of Bahrain (UoB), Dr. Jawaher bint Shaheen Al-Mudhahka, confirmed that transforming the energy sector towards more sustainable sources is a national and global issue, which falls under the vision 2030 launched by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the great King of the country, directed by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, and that universities continue to invest in research, education and training, to ensure that the next generation of professionals is equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy and promote sustainable development.

This was during a panel discussion organized by UoB on competitiveness in transforming the energy sector in cooperation with the German Embassy and the Oil and Gas Holding Company (Nogaholding), at the conclusion of the energy exhibition, which was held under the slogan “Energy in Transition – Powering Tomorrow “, on Sunday (March 19). 2023), attended by specialists in the field of energy from various authorities in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and a number of faculty members and students at the University.

Dr. Al Mudhahka added that, “Higher education institutions can play a decisive role in achieving a more sustainable future, by prioritizing sustainable energy and investing in research and education. Also, the initiatives of universities in the field of sustainable energy can contribute to economic development by creating job opportunities and stimulating innovation and entrepreneurship in the renewable energy sector.”.

Moreover, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Clemens Augustinus Hach, expressed his happiness with the good reception, and the level of cooperation between the two countries in several aspects, including: the exchange of scientific expertise between UoB and the universities of the Federal Republic of Germany in the field of energy and sustainability, and being aware of the potential and needs of economic transformation, reviewing some of the Germany’s experiences and its history in the field of energy transition, and praising the level of interest that school students have in the “Energy Exhibition” at UoB, as students shall be the centerpiece of transformation in the energy sector in the future.

While the specialist and coordinator of renewable energy laboratories at UoB, and head of the Department of Physics at the College of Science, Dr. Hanan Mubarak Buflasa, referred to the pivotal practical steps that the University is taking towards energy transformation, through laboratories and the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Research Center, in cooperation with local and international organizations, to develop energy solutions, and conduct research on the feasibility of renewable energy technologies, and the suitability of these solutions for weather factors and the environment of the Kingdom of Bahrain. Also, Dr. Buflasa stressed the importance of focusing on societal awareness of the issue of energy use and energy efficiency, because the issue of energy transition begins with the community members’ awareness of its necessity.

Dr. Omar Al-Ubaydli, Director of the Studies and Research Department at the Bahrain Center for Strategic, International and Energy Studies, gave an overview of the challenges that researchers may face when applying research in relation to policies and decisions, in addition to integrating machine learning, renewable energy and artificial intelligence into research work, in line with the goals of sustainable development in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Also, Dr. Al-Ubaydli focused on the importance of providing data on energy consumption, to develop appropriate solutions for transformation in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

For her part, the founder of Arepo Consult, the global expert in the fields of renewable energies and energy efficiency, Dr. Christine Furlin, reviewed – remotely – aspects of Germany’s experience in the energy transition period, how to evaluate the energy programs and policies of the institution, and provide advice based on the results of the company, and its energy efficiency.

The discussion session and the Q&A portion were moderated by the Deputy Delegate for German Industry and Trade to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Yemen (AHK), Sherine Fakoussa. As the questions touched on the importance of integrating the concept of sustainable energy into the curricula and research agendas of universities and schools, and raising societal awareness about sustainable energy, in addition to strengthening national and community partnerships to promote sustainable energy solutions.

2023-05-23T15:09:16+03:00May 16, 2023|Uncategorized|
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