Dr. Al-Ansari Discusses Aspects of Research Cooperation between the University of Bahrain and Kuwaiti Universities

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Yasmeen Khalaf)

June 7, 2023


The President of the University of Bahrain, Dr. Fuad Mohammed Al-Ansari, and the director of the Cultural Office at the Embassy of the State of Kuwait, Prof. Mohammad Daghaim Al-Dughaim, discussed aspects of cooperation between the University of Bahrain and Kuwaiti universities in academic and research aspects.


This took place when the President of UoB received the director of the cultural office at the embassy of Kuwait at the University’s premises in Sakhir on Wednesday June 7, 2023. The two parties discussed ways to enhance effective academic cooperation and student exchange, in a way that would serve the educational process, and enhance experiences and knowledge of students in the two brotherly countries.


During the meeting, the President of the University of Bahrain noted that Kuwaiti students were and still are an integral part of students at UoB, whether in undergraduate or postgraduate programs. He hoped to increase the number of university places allocated to Kuwaiti students in the future.


For his part, Prof. Mohammad Daghaim Al-Dughaim, lauded the scientific and research role of UoB and all its recent achievements represented in offering academic programs in line with the labor market needs, and obtaining advanced academic accreditations and rankings worldwide, which increases students’ desire to join the University. He expressed his deep thanks and appreciation to the President of the University for the warm welcome and congratulated him on the royal trust bestowed upon him by appointing him to this prestigious post and wished him every success in his endeavors to develop performance of the University.


The meeting was attended by the academic advisor at the embassy, Jaafar Mohammad Al-Arayedh.

2023-07-03T10:17:54+03:00June 7, 2023|Uncategorized|
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