Through A Smart Tourism Application Designed for the Visitors of The Bahrain National Museum UoB Students Display Antiques Using the Modern Hologram Technology
Sakhir – University of Bahrain – Mansoor Al-Wanni
14 August 2023
A team of University of Bahrain’s (UoB) students developed a “Smart Tourist Guide for Visitors to the Bahrain National Museum” application project, which is an application enables smartphone users to view preserved artifacts in a 3D format (3DHologram), in addition to the feature of listening to a detailed explanation on everything related to the artifact in two languages: Arabic and English.
The project, which was developed by students at the College of Information Technology: Ali Reda Al-Jufairi, Ahmed Abdulrahman Miro, and Omar Mohammed Eid, is characterized by providing a visual and innovative experience for the visitors of Bahrain National Museum. As the visitor can view the various in the museum as a 3D hologram, with a narration that explains the historical details of each piece in Arabic and English and enhances the experience of using information technology for the Museum’s visitors.
Dr. Hadeel Shawkat Al-Obaidi, the project supervisor, assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science, said that the project aims to strengthen the role of UoB in supporting the technology industry through community participation with the Kingdom’s sectors in order to find technical solutions, as well as supporting the creativity and innovation industry.
The tourism app was developed in cooperation with the Cloud Innovation Center at UoB, Amazon web service (AWS) for cloud computing services, and the Authority for Culture & Antiquities.
The College of Information Technology had organized graduation projects exhibit for students of the three departments in the College: computer engineering, computer science, and information systems, at the end of the second semester of the academic year 2022/2023, which included 53 projects prepared by about 152 students.
It is noteworthy that the graduation projects exhibit of for the students of the College of Information Technology – which is held at the end of each semester – is a subject of interest and follow-up to many professional sectors in the technical fields, employers, and a number of companies that seek to adopt innovative student projects.