Request to Review the Final Exam Result for a Course


  • The service for submitting a grievance against the results of one or more courses is available through the student information management system. This service operates during a period announced in the academic calendar after the announcement of the final exam results for each semester, with a fee of 10 BD per course. This fee is refunded to the student if the grade changes in their favor. The result will be available within seven working days after the end of the application period.

Governing Laws and Regulations

  • Article (67) of the study and examination regulations at the University of Bahrain


  1. Save the request via the student information management system.
  2. The student will be transferred to the e-government portal to pay the application fee of B.D. 10
  3. After payment, the request automatically transferred to the Head of the Academic Department concerned.
  4. After review by the relevant committee, the result is approved and announced to the student.

Processing Time

  • Seven working days, after the end of the appeal period.

Office Name

Entity Responsible

Deanship of Admission and Registration University of Bahrain