Forbes Describes the Experience of UOB In BlockChain Technology as Pioneering

In an Article on Its

Forbes Describes
the Experience of UOB In BlockChain Technology as Pioneering


Forbes magazine praised the pioneering of the University of
Bahrain (UOB) in the application of BlockChain technology.

The famous magazine published an article on its website
entitled “The Saudi Central Bank Leads the Way with BlockChain Supported
Transfer,” described the experience of the University of Bahrain (UOB) as a
pioneer in the Middle East region and called for the world to pay attention to
it and benefit from it.

The article was published on Wednesday (8 June 2020) and stated
that the Kingdom of Bahrain was a forerunner in the application of the BlockChain
technology and is a pioneer in this field. As the regulators in the Kingdom of
Bahrain were quick to introduce a new system for crypto-assets and work closely
with the financial services sector and the government to attract BlockChain expertise
from around the world. Also, the article pointed out that UOB took advantage of
this technology by issuing notarized diploma certificates.

Moreover, in April of last year 2019, UOB celebrated the
delivery of more than 100 digital certificates issued by the BlockChain
platform to students inside and outside of UOB.

As UOB has adopted blockchain technology and became one of
the first educational bodies regionally to issue certificates to its graduates
through this technology, which strengthened the University’s leadership and
reflected its adoption of modern technologies in various aspects of its
operations and academic programs.

Also, it is now possible to achieve greater safety and
verify the authenticity of academic certificates granted by UOB via the
Internet in an easy and accessible way, and from anywhere in the world, without
the need to refer to the University or any other party to verify its
credibility. As this technology guarantees the issuance of notarized digital
academic certificates that are unfraudulent and can be easily sent and shared
with employers and universities, which provides institutions and individuals
with lifetime ownership of their certificates, without the need for a program
from the supplier that requires registration and verification.

These steps come within the framework of the digital
transformation witnessed by the institutions of the Kingdom of Bahrain, as it
attaches great importance to technology and its role in enhancing its economic
growth, creating quality job opportunities, and raising human development rates
for a better life for everyone.

Sustainable Development Goals :

4 Quality Education

17 Partnerships for The Goals

Key Words

Forbes Magazine, BlockChain, crypto-assets, digital
certification, notarized digital academic certificates that are unfraudulent,
digital transformation, better life for everyone

2020-06-24T00:00:00+03:00June 24, 2020|e-learning center|
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