UOB Prepares a Variety Program for Sports Day

UOB Prepares a
Variety Program for Sports Day

10 February 2020

The President of the University
of Bahrain (UOB), Prof. Riyad Yousif Hamzah, stated that the University strongly
supports active participation in Bahrain Sports Day, because of the effects of
regular sport on the health of the individual, and consequently on his giving
and his physical, psychological, and mental health.

Furthermore, the University
President added that “The nature of business and daily life leads us to a
lack of movement and making muscle effort consistent with mental effort, and
such changes have led to the emergence of many negative health phenomena in
societies around the world, as sport (along with a balanced diet) is one of the
main reasons of enjoying a healthy life. “

Also, Prof. Hamzah said that the University’s
response comes in response to the directives of the Prime Minister, His Royal
Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, with the support of His Highness
Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the representative of His Majesty the King
for Charitable Works and Youth Affairs, Chairman of the Supreme Council for
Youth and Sports and Chairman of the Bahrain Olympic Committee.

The University has prepared many
activities on this day, to encourage the practice of sports among its members,
as the sports day program includes walking, volleyball, football, table tennis,
athletics and long jump, and tires pushing speed races, in addition to other


Sustainable Development Goals

3 Good health and well-being

4 Quality education

17 Partnerships for the goals


Key words

Bahrain Sports Day, University of Bahrain, healthy life, the
Prime Minister, athletics, speed races

2020-02-10T00:00:00+03:00February 10, 2020|Uncategorized|
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