A Discussion Panel at the College of Law University of Bahrain Presents Ideas for Scientific Research

Sakhir – University of Bahrain
November 20, 2022

A discussion panel at the College of Law, University of Bahrain presented many ideas for scientific research in the field of commercial law. The faculty members are preparing to do such research during the next stage, as part of the “Thoughts in Commercial Law” event held by the College’s Private Law Department. The participants unanimously agreed that these ideas are seeds for research projects that they shall strive to implement.

The Scientific Activities Committee, Department of Private Law, College of Law has recently organized the event, moderated by Assistant Professor of civil law, Dr. Arwa Abdul Latif Al-Sheikh, with the participation of a group of specialists in commercial law.

The High Civil Court judge, Dr. Riyad Mohammad Siyadi, reviewed a ruling by the Bahraini Court of Cassation which stipulated that it is not permissible to complain about or challenge the arbitration order, given that the legislator in the arbitration law has allowed the parties to request setting aside the arbitration award, as provided for in Article (34) of the arbitration law.

Associate Professor of the Commercial Law at the College, Dr. Amal Kamel, presented an analytical reflection on the sources on which commercial companies depend on in committing to respecting human rights, including international agreements and national laws. Assistant Professor of Commercial Law, Dr. Mohammad Saud Al-Enezi, addressed -in his reflection- the economic challenges the world is going through, such as the high rate of global inflation in both developed and developing countries, that will constitute a major challenge for central banks, which will intervene to put measures in place to reduce inflation through raising interest rates, and preserving the currency value against the increasing prices of services and commodities. Dr. Al-Enezi stressed that world economy will take quite some time, to return to its status before the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, and the Russo -Ukrainian war.

Assistant Professor of Commercial Law, Dr. Samer Mohammad Al-Zoubi, talked about the possibility of establishing a One Person Limited Liability Company. He referred, “After amending the Bahraini Commercial Companies Law in 2020, the legislator amended Article (261) of the aforementioned law as this article before the said amendment provided that if the number of partners fall below o, the company shall, by force of law, become a single person company unless the company completes the number within thirty (30) days from the date of the company’s shares concentrating in the hand of one partner.”

For her part, Assistant Professor of Commercial Law, Dr. Manal Mohamed Al-Sayed, suggested amending the definition of the founder in the public shareholding company, and not confusing between the shareholder with an in-kind share at the time of incorporation and the founder, because of the serious responsibilities of the founder compared to that of the shareholder with an in-kind share.

The Research and Teaching Assistant, Shaikha Munira Bint Khalifa Al Khalifa, discussed urgent disputes in the Bahraini Arbitration Law, which adopted the UNCITRAL Law on International Commercial Arbitration of 1985, as amended in 2006, and the importance of granting the parties to the arbitration agreement the right to challenge the summary ruling independently, just as the provisional summary judgments issued by the judge of urgent matters.

2022-11-29T08:03:10+03:00November 20, 2022|Uncategorized|
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