A Lecture at UOB Reviews the Advantages of Upgrading “Bapco” Refinery

Ø£The Largest Industrial Project in the History of the Kingdom

News15112020 1aNews15112020 1bThe Head of the Refinery Modernization Program at the Bahrain Petroleum Company “Bapco” Hafedh Al-Qassab reviewed the challenges of the largest project in the history of Bahrain’s oil refinery industry in a lecture organized by the Chemical Engineering Department of the College of Engineering at the University of Bahrain (UOB).
The lecture was held remotely and was attended by the Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Fuad Muhammad Al-Ansari, and the Head of the Chemical Engineering Department, Dr. Majeed Safar Jassim.

Al-Qassab talked about the history of Bapco and its importance in the economy of the Kingdom of Bahrain, noting that the refinery modernization project is a pivotal part of the strategic vision of the wise leadership in investing in the energy sector for the coming decades.

News15112020 1c Also, the lecturer explained the advantages of the huge project, which included: the creation of job opportunities, reduced energy consumption, increased energy efficiency, and increased competitiveness of the company by exporting petroleum products with better quality and more environment-friendly specifications, and thus increasing revenues of the Kingdom of Bahrain. He also highlighted the project’s technical and logistical challenges faced by the working group, despite its presence in different countries


2020-11-16T11:12:00+03:00November 16, 2020|Uncategorized|
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