A Professor at the University of Bahrain Publishes a Book Entitled “Fundamentals of Jurisprudence of Financial Transactions”

Sakhir – University of Bahrain
September 21, 2022

A book titled “The Fundamentals of the Jurisprudence of Financial Transactions” was recently published at the University of Bahrain by Associate Professor in the Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, College of Arts, Dr. Basem Ahmed Amer.

The book was printed at the University of Bahrain Press, after passing the external reviewing process and being recommended for printing by the Council of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research.

The book addresses the most important topics of jurisprudence of financial transactions, which students of Islamic studies need to study, particularly in the major of jurisprudence and Sharia.

Dr. Amer stated, “The book, which was written in a contemporary and simple language, is fundamental for students of Islamic banking, and those interested in the Islamic financial industry in general.” He mentioned that the book topics include money, property, and their types, how to conclude financial contracts and their elements, options, and varieties. The book also examined the most prominent financial contracts in Islamic jurisprudence, and their contemporary applications.

It is worth mentioning that Dr. Amer is an associate professor of Islamic economics and jurisprudence of transactions. He is a holder of a PhD from the Department of Economics and Islamic Banks, the Faculty of Sharia, Yarmouk University, Jordan (2009), and a master’s degree from the Department of Jurisprudence and its Fundamentals, the School of Sharia, the University of Jordan (2004).

The research interests of Dr. Amer, who joined UoB in 2004, include the jurisprudence of financial transactions, Islamic economics, and Islamic banking. He published several books, including “The Theory of Spending in the Light of the Holy Qur’an” and “Awards: Jurisprudence and Contemporary Forms”.

2022-11-02T10:31:30+03:00September 21, 2022|Uncategorized|
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