A Study at UoB Proposes a Blockchain-Based Platform to Sign Electronic Documents 

Safe Platform and Ensures Business Confidence: 

A Study at UoB Proposes a Blockchain-Based Platform to Sign Electronic Documents 


A study at the University of Bahrain (UoB) introduced a technical proposal to sign electronic documents securely and effectively, through the establishment of a special platform that adopts blockchain technology and ensures business confidence and credibility. 

The study was submitted by the student Hazem Al-Sabaie for the master’s degree in cybersecurity at the College of Information Technology, and was entitled: “Bahrain e-Government Secure Document Signing Platform Using Blockchain Technology”. The study suggested a solution that includes a set of technologies, solutions and settings that ensure increasing security, achieving transparency and flexibility, and immediate traceability of operations through the features provided by the platform for digital document signing, as all data is distributed to network members and encrypted through complex mathematical algorithms with a partial code of the whole code, in which the component block chains are encrypted into the record of transactions for signing digital documents and the total blocks associated with the system. 

Blockchain technology is one of the emerging technologies concerned with the use of deployed records technology. This technology is a decentralized encrypted database of information, controlled by members of the network, and once the records and transactions that take place within this network are all completed, all will be linked to each other through digital chains using encryption, so that anyone on the network will be able to see any change to any record immediately. 

The discussion committee consisted of: Prof. Dr. Nik Bessis from Edge Hill University in the United Kingdom as an external examiner, Associate Professor in the Information Systems Department at UoB, Dr. Zakaria Issa Saleh as an internal examiner, Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering Dr. Wael Mohammed Al-Madani as a supervisor, and Dean of the College of Information Technology at UoB Dr. Lamya Mohammed Al-Jasmi as a co-supervisor. As the study was presented and discussed through the Microsoft Teams platform, in compliance with the precautionary measures in the Kingdom of Bahrain. 

2021-10-20T08:56:45+03:00October 20, 2021|Uncategorized|
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