A study calls for promoting educational means of communication among teachers

37% of teachers often follow educational subjects

news 28 06 2017 2bA scientific study at the University of Bahrain called for the promotion of educational media among teachers in schools and urged them to participate through their opinions and experiences.

According to the study prepared by Uhud Buanq, the student in the Master of Media program at the College of Arts, 37% of the teachers often follow up educational subjects. In addition, the subject most commonly followed by the sample (23%) is new teaching strategies among other subjects.

The study, which was recently discussed by the examination committee as a candidate for the master’s degree, showed that the majority of teachers sometimes follow the educational media available. An exception to this is the Ministry of Education website, which is more often followed by them.

The study pointed out that 30% of the teachers do not follow the publications of the Ministry because of either being very busy with the many matters entrusted to them by the school administrations, by the lack of access to some of those publications by some teachers, or by the lack of knowledge by others to the existence of such publications.

The study, entitled “The role of Educational Media in the Flow of Information for Teachers of Secondary Public Schools in Kingdom of Bahrain”, aimed at identifying the level of exposure of information to secondary school teachers in public schools. In addition, it sought to identify the most common means of educational communication followed by secondary school teachers in public schools, the reasons for relying on these educational media as a main source of information about the ministry’s activities, and the most important contents that secondary school teachers are keen to follow up.

news 28 06 2017 2aThe thesis was discussed in the exam committee which consisted of: a staff member in the Department of Media, Tourism and Arts, Dr. Awadh Hashim as supervisor, a staff member of the same Department, Dr. Ashraf Abdelmogeth as internal examiner, and the head of the Department of Public Relations at the University of Sharjah, Dr. Khairat Ayyad as external examiner.

The study was based on the survey methodology, using two tools: content analysis and the questionnaire tool for data collection and analysis. The researcher processed the data and the results using the computer for the purpose of testing the hypotheses of the study.

The population of the study consists of the means of educational communication at the Department of Public Relations and Information at the Ministry of Education used to disseminate information about the educational aspects to all employees of the Ministry and the public that deals with them. The researcher chose the secondary school teachers in public schools in the Kingdom of Bahrain since this stage is characterized by the multiplicity of educational tracks and the abundance of disciplines compared to the primary and intermediate stages, which gives a variety of views and trends and enriches the subject with ideas and observations emanating from the educational field and should be taken care of in order to promote educational media work.

2017-06-29T06:17:00+03:00June 29, 2017|Uncategorized|
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