His Highness Shaikh Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa
Late Amir of Bahrain

His Majesty the King Shaikh Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
The King of Bahrain

His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa
The Crown Prince and Prime Minister
The wise leadership of the Kingdom of Bahrain has always been the spark behind all the accomplishments of the University of Bahrain, and all the developments that this national institute has undergone, ever since the royal decrees that established the colleges, to the royal decree that established the University, all in addition to the generous support and exalted status the university enjoys in the present and future national setting within the Vision of Bahrain 2030.
The University of Bahrain is proud that His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the beloved King of the country, is the honorary president of the University, and that this university and all its achievements are blessed with His Majesty’s trust. The University also draws upon the directives of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain, and it takes pride in the support it enjoys from His Royal Highness.
The Board of Trustees shall be formed with the Minister of Education as the Chairman, in addition to a number of members, including the President of the University, not exceeding twelve members, in whom competence, experience and scientific profile are required.
A royal decree shall be promulgated to form the University’s Board of Trustees based on the proposal of the Minister of Education, provided that the term of the council shall be four years, subject to renewal.
The Board of Trustees shall be in charge of the University’s public policy-making, supervising how work is done in it and its various colleges and units, taking the necessary decisions and procedures to achieve that, and shall do the following in particular: approve the public policy for education and scientific research at the University, approve financial, administrative and technical regulations, approve the University budget and the balance sheet, establish rules for investing and managing University funds, approving agreements in which the University is a party, creating vice-presidents positions according to the recommendations of the University Council, accepting grants, donations, contributions, wills, and endowments received by the University from outside the Kingdom of Bahrain, approving University fees, and establishing new colleges and institutes affiliated with the University, as well as abolishing, merging, or reorganizing them.

H.E. Dr. Mohamed Mubarak Juma
Minister of Education
Chairman of the Board of Trustees

H.E. Mr. Abdulla bin Adel Fakhro
Minister of Industry and Commerce

H.E. Mrs. Rawan bint Najeeb Tawfiqi
Minister of Youth Affairs

H.E. Mrs. Noor bint Ali AlKHulaif
Minister of Sustainable Development
Chief Executive of Bahrain Economic Development Board

H.E. Sheikh Daij Bin Salman Al Khalifa
President of the Civil Service Bureau (CSB)

H. E. Mr. Osama Saleh Alalawi
Undersecretary for National Economy
Ministry of Finance and National Economy

Mrs. Fatima Alsayed Redha Ismail Ebrahim
Member of the Board of Trustees

Mrs. Sonya Mohamed Janahi
Member of the Board of Trustees

Dr. Khalid Abdulla Taqi
Member of the Board of Trustees

Dr. Ebrahim Alsayed Jamal AlHashemi
Member of the Board of Trustees

Prof. David Palfreyman
Member of the Board of Trustees

Prof. Maia Chankseliani
Member of the Board of Trustees
The University Council is the executive authority which helps the university’s president to effectively manage the academic and administrative affairs as well as propose and amend the university regulations and pass them on to the Board of Trustees for approval. Approving study plans, granting scholarships and contracting with teaching personnel are also carried out by the Council.
The council consists of the president of the university (chairman), the vice-presidents and deans as members, and a maximum of three other external experts appointed by the Board of Trustees for three years for a one-time renewable term.

H.E. Dr. Fuad Mohammed Al-Ansari

Dr. Mohammed Saleh Al-Ansari
Vice President for Community Service and Alumni Affairs

Dr. Amal Zayed Alzayed
Dean of Admission and Registration

Mr. Fadhul Ghanem Al-buainain
General Secretary of the University Council