Deanship of Admission and Registration
First Program undergraduate (First and Second Period)
and Postgraduate Academic Calendar for the Academic Year 2022/2023
Thu, 1 Sep 2022 – Faculty Attendance | |
Thu, 1 Sep – Mon, 5 Sep – Admission interviews for Postgraduate Programs | |
Thu, 1 Sep – Wed, 14 Sep – Period of submitting applications for Minor Specialization selection for First Program Undergraduate: First and Second period |
Article (20) |
The student must register the next semester courses early in the middle of the current semester, and he/she may make an amendment to his/her academic schedule within the limits of vacant seats in the academic sections during the period of deletion and addition specified in the academic calendar, and after consulting his/her academic advisor. The following rules shall be considered, when deleting and adding:
Also, the student is allowed to register in the laboratory section that fits his/her academic schedule, if he/she is unable to register in the same theoretical section of the course, provided that they obtain the department head’s approval and consider the specific procedures for doing so. |
Sun, 4 Sep – Announcement of admission results for First Program Undergraduate (Second period) | |
Sun, 4 Sep – Mon, 5 Sep – Confirmation of admission for First Program Undergraduate (Second period) | |
Sun, 4 Sep – Thu, 8 Sep – Admission tests and interviews for academic programs that require it (First Program Undergraduate: First and Second period) |
Tue, 6 Sep – English language test for Postgraduate students who do not have a TOEFL or IELTS certificates |
Mon, 12 Sep – Announcement of admission results for Postgraduate students | |
Thu, 15 Sep – Induction for new students (First Program Undergraduate: First and Second Period) | |
Wed, 14 Sep – Induction for New Postgraduate students |
Article (13) |
weeks for each semester. Upon the University Council’s decision, a “summer semester” may be offered, which consists of (8) weeks. The department, in coordination with the Dean, determines the courses offered in the semesters, considering the text of Article (24). |
Sun, 25 Sep – Thu, 6 Oct – Academic Advising for selecting the courses to be registered for the Second Semester 2022/2023 | |
Sat, 8 Oct – Prophet’s birthday 1444 A.H.* |
Article (25) |
The student may recover the paid course fees in full or keep it in his/her balance for the next semester, if his/her withdrawal is within a month of the commencement of study, for the first period programs, and within one week of the commencement of study for the second period programs, the student forfeits his/her right to refund the fees after the expiry of those periods. Also, the student is not entitled to a refund for the summer semester course registration fees after payment. |
Article (25) |
The student may recover the paid course fees in full or keep it in his/her balance for the next semester, if his/her withdrawal is within a month of the commencement of study, for the first period programs, and within one week of the commencement of study for the second period programs, the student forfeits his/her right to refund the fees after the expiry of those periods. Also, the student is not entitled to a refund for the summer semester course registration fees after payment. |
Article (25) |
The student may recover the paid course fees in full or keep it in his/her balance for the next semester, if his/her withdrawal is within a month of the commencement of study, for the first period programs, and within one week of the commencement of study for the second period programs, the student forfeits his/her right to refund the fees after the expiry of those periods. Also, the student is not entitled to a refund for the summer semester course registration fees after payment. |
For Students of the Foundation Program – Article (23) (16/b & c) |
16- final withdrawal from university, temporary withdrawal, withdrawal with the grade of (W or WE) b. A student is allowed to temporarily withdraw once (one semester) while studying in the foundation program, and it shall not be counted within the maximum period for completing the foundation program. c. The student is not allowed to temporarily withdraw from the first semester in which he/she was accepted. |
For students of diploma, associate diploma, bachelor’s and postgraduate programs – Article (29) |
The student, who has passed a semester in the academic program in which he/she are registered, may request – in accordance with the procedures followed – from the Deanship to temporary withdraw and to officially suspend his/her enrollment for a period of two continuous or separate semesters, in the period specified in the academic calendar, when he/she expresses the reasons supported by the documents – if any -, and this period shall not be calculated from the period stipulated in Article (18) of this Law. |
Article (25) |
The student may recover the paid course fees in full or keep it in his/her balance for the next semester, if his/her withdrawal is within a month of the commencement of study, for the first period programs, and within one week of the commencement of study for the second period programs, the student forfeits his/her right to refund the fees after the expiry of those periods. Also, the student is not entitled to a refund for the summer semester course registration fees after payment. |
For Foundation Program Students – Article (23) (16/d) |
16- final withdrawal from university, temporary withdrawal, withdrawal with the grade of (W or WE) D. The student is allowed to withdraw with a grade of (W), according to the period specified in the academic calendar, provided that he/she withdraws from all courses of the foundation program, and this semester is to be counted within the maximum period allowed to finish the foundation program. |
For Diploma, Associate Diploma, Bachelor’s and Postgraduate Programs Students – Article (28) |
Before the beginning of the last quarter of the semester, the student may withdraw from any of the courses he/she registered in, provided that a (W) will be given, considering the provision of Article (19) of this law. The student may withdraw from all courses in a semester, and such semester shall not be counted for once only, within the maximum period for graduation. And a student may compulsorily withdraw from all courses in which he/she has registered, during the last quarter of the semester and before the start of the examination period, for a compelling excuse, or for a health-related reason that prevents the student from continuing studies for a period of no less than two weeks, or for the death of one of their relatives up to the second degree. The student, in this case, must submit his/her request to the Deanship of Admission and Registration, accompanied by proof of such from the competent official authorities. The Deanship shall decide on the excuses provided directly. The Deanship may refer the request to the concerned dean of the college to obtain the college and department’s opinion, when necessary, provided that in case of approval, the student shall get a (WE) in all the courses, and the class they compulsory withdrew from shall not be counted except for once only within the maximum period for graduation. |
Sun, 6 Nov – Thu, 10 Nov – Mid-semester break for students | |
Mon, 14 Nov – Wed, 7 Dec – Academic Advising for Pre-registration | |
Mon, 21 Nov – Mon, 7 Dec – Period of submitting applications for Minor Specialization selection for First Program Undergraduate (Pre-registration period) |
Article (20) |
The student must register the next semester courses early in the middle of the current semester, and he/she may make an amendment to his/her academic schedule within the limits of vacant seats in the academic sections during the period of deletion and addition specified in the academic calendar, and after consulting his/her academic advisor. The following rules shall be considered, when deleting and adding:
Also, the student is allowed to register in the laboratory section that fits his/her academic schedule, if he/she is unable to register in the same theoretical section of the course, provided that they obtain the department head’s approval and consider the specific procedures for doing so. |
Sun, 11 Dec – Wed, 4 Jan – Courses Evaluation (for students) | |
Wed, 14 Dec – Thu, 15 Dec – University celebrations of National Day and Accession Day 2022 | |
Fri, 16 Dec – Sat, 17 Dec – National Day and Accession Day 2022 |
For Foundation Program Students – Article (23) (16/g) |
16- final withdrawal from university, temporary withdrawal, withdrawal with the grade of (W or WE) g. A student’s withdrawal is considered compulsory in a certain course if they fail to attend lectures, as stipulated in the university’s study and examination bylaw; If the student’s absence is with an acceptable excuse, the compulsory withdrawal grade (WA) will be assigned to him/her, and if his/her absence is without an excuse, they will be assigned a compulsory withdrawal with failure grade (WF). In both cases, the student will not be considered to have passed the course. |
For students of diploma, associate diploma, bachelor’s and postgraduate programs – Article (33) |
The student must continue his/her study and attend classroom and practical hours according to the nature of the course and inform the course instructor of any excuses for absence, with no more than two lectures from the end date of the reason for absence. If the student is absent for a period exceeding (15%) of the course’s specified hours, he/she will be given a written notice, and if the student is absent for a period exceeding (25%) of the course’s specified hours, the student shall be considered to have a compulsory withdrawal, and the compulsory withdrawal is either withdrawal with an official acceptable excuse or withdrawal without an excuse. If the student’s absence was with an acceptable excuse, the compulsory withdrawal symbol (WA) will be registered, and if his/her absence was without an excuse, they will receive a compulsory withdrawal grade with failure symbol (WF). Before the end of the last day of classes, the student may, based on an acceptable excuse, submit to the relevant department an official petition to reconsider the given decision of a grade (WF) compulsory withdrawal with failure. The department decides on the request and then sends it to the Deanship for approval and informs the student. If the excuse is acceptable, a (WA) symbol will be registered, and if it is not acceptable, the (WF) grade will remain unchanged. The department concerned shall inform the ‘compulsorily withdrawn’ students regarding their denial of entry to the final exam. |
Sun, 1 Jan 2023 – New Year’s holiday |
Article (13) |
The academic year is divided into two semesters, with (16) weeks for each semester. Upon the University Council’s decision, a “summer semester” may be offered, which consists of (8) weeks. The department, in coordination with the Dean, determines the courses offered in the semesters, considering the text of Article (24). |
Article (47) |
The academic calendar sets each semester’s date for holding the final exams and announces the exam date for each course as soon as the student registers in it. Short exams and mid-term exams are held during the lectures of the same course. In multi-section courses, midterm exams may be held in a unified manner, provided that this is not during the lecture dates of other courses taken by students of the course. |
Article (54) |
The person in charge, or whoever acts as such, must correct the answer sheets, and send the result to the department head within (72) hours from the end of the exam’s specified period, but the period may be extended in the case of multiple sections or courses. |
Sun, 22 Jan – Thu, 2 Feb – Inter-semester break (for Faculty) |
Article (66) |
After approving all courses’ results, the Deanship will announce the semester results to the student through his/her account on the university’s website, and the student may appeal against their results in the course in accordance with the grievance provisions contained in Article (67) of this system. |
Article (67) |
The previous provisions apply to grievances in all courses, including courses of a practical or training nature, or graduation projects. |
Article (34) |
Students of the first period may transfer to one of the second period programs, and therefore they shall abide by the admission terms and conditions and its prescribed tuition fees, with that, the student must take credit hours (no less than 40%) of the hours of the program transferred to, unless they transfer to the second period in the same program, in that case they are obliged to register for the courses they haven’t passed. In addition, a first period student may transfer from one academic program to another, in the same college or in another college, if the following conditions are met:
The University Council may exclude transfer requests for students who have been dismissed or transferred from Bahrain Teachers College, or students who have completed the Associate Diploma Program in Applied Education and wish to continue their Bachelor’s degree in one of the academic programs, provided that the decision includes the granted exclusion. |
Article (92) |
The student’s request to return to study shall be considered according to the following rules:
Article (67) |
The previous provisions apply to grievances in all courses, including courses of a practical or training nature, or graduation projects. |
* Upon sighting of the Moon.
Second Semester
Sun, 5 Feb – Tue, 14 Feb – Period of submitting applications of Minor Specialization selection (Period of registration, dropping & adding) |
Article (20) |
The student must register the next semester courses early in the middle of the current semester, and he/she may make an amendment to his/her academic schedule within the limits of vacant seats in the academic sections during the period of deletion and addition specified in the academic calendar, and after consulting his/her academic advisor. The following rules shall be considered, when deleting and adding:
Also, the student is allowed to register in the laboratory section that fits his/her academic schedule, if he/she is unable to register in the same theoretical section of the course, provided that they obtain the department head’s approval and consider the specific procedures for doing so. |
Sun, 5 Feb – Faculty Attendance |
Article (13) |
The academic year is divided into two semesters, with (16) weeks for each semester. Upon the University Council’s decision, a “summer semester” may be offered, which consists of (8) weeks. The department, in coordination with the Dean, determines the courses offered in the semesters, considering the text of Article (24). |
Sun, 19 Feb – Thu, 9 Mar – Academic Advising for selecting the courses that need to be registered for the First Semester 2023/2024 |
Article (25) |
The student may recover the paid course fees in full or keep it in his balance for the next semester, if his withdrawal is within a month of the commencement of study, for the programs of the first period, and within one week of the commencement of study for the programs of the second period, and he forfeits his right to refund the fees after the expiry of those periods. Also, the student is not entitled to refund the summer semester course registration fees after payment. |
Article (25) |
The student may recover the paid course fees in full or keep it in his balance for the next semester, if his withdrawal is within a month of the commencement of study, for the programs of the first period, and within one week of the commencement of study for the programs of the second period, and he forfeits his right to refund the fees after the expiry of those periods. Also, the student is not entitled to refund the summer semester course registration fees after payment. |
For Students of the Foundation Program – Article (23) (16/b & c) |
16- final withdrawal from university, temporary withdrawal, withdrawal with the grade of (W or WE) b. A student is allowed to temporarily withdraw once (one semester) while studying in the foundation program, and it shall not be counted within the maximum period for completing the foundation program. c. The student is not allowed to temporarily withdraw from the first semester in which he/she was accepted. |
For students of diploma, associate diploma, bachelor’s and postgraduate programs – Article (29) |
The student, who has passed a semester in the academic program in which he/she are registered, may request – in accordance with the procedures followed – from the Deanship to temporary withdraw and to officially suspend his/her enrollment for a period of two continuous or separate semesters, in the period specified in the academic calendar, when he/she expresses the reasons supported by the documents – if any -, and this period shall not be calculated from the period stipulated in Article (18) of this Law. |
Article (25) |
The student may recover the paid course fees in full or keep it in his/her balance for the next semester, if his/her withdrawal is within a month of the commencement of study, for the first period programs, and within one week of the commencement of study for the second period programs, the student forfeits his/her right to refund the fees after the expiry of those periods. Also, the student is not entitled to a refund for the summer semester course registration fees after payment. |
For Foundation Program Students – Article (23) (16/d) |
16- final withdrawal from university, temporary withdrawal, withdrawal with the grade of (W or WE) D. The student is allowed to withdraw with a grade of (W), according to the period specified in the academic calendar, provided that he/she withdraws from all courses of the foundation program, and this semester is to be counted within the maximum period allowed to finish the foundation program. |
For Diploma, Associate Diploma, Bachelor’s and Postgraduate Programs Students – Article (28) |
Before the beginning of the last quarter of the semester, the student may withdraw from any of the courses he/she registered for, provided that a (W) will be given, considering the provision of Article (19) of this law. The student may withdraw from all courses in a semester, and such semester shall not be counted for once only, within the maximum period for graduation. And a student may compulsorily withdraw from all courses in which he/she has registered, during the last quarter of the semester and before the start of the examination period, for a compelling excuse, or for a health-related reason that prevents the student from continuing studies for a period of no less than two weeks, or for the death of one of their relatives up to the second degree. The student, in this case, must submit his/her request to the Deanship of Admission and Registration, accompanied by proof of such from the competent official authorities. The Deanship shall decide on the excuses provided directly. The Deanship may refer the request to the concerned dean of the college to obtain the college and department’s opinion, when necessary, provided that in case of approval, the student shall get a (WE) in all the courses, and the class they compulsory withdrew from shall not be counted except for once only within the maximum period for graduation. |
Wed, 22 Mar – First Day of Ramadan 1444 A.H.* beginning work with Ramadan time | |
Sun, 2 Apr – Thu, 6 Apr – Mid-semester break for students | |
Sun, 9 Apr – Sat, 12 Aug – Period for submitting applications for admission to Postgraduate studies | |
Fri, 21 Apr – Sun, 23 Apr – Eid Al-Fitr holiday 1444 A.H.* ending work with Ramadan time | |
Sun, 30 Apr – Thu, 1 Jun – Courses Evaluation (for students) | |
Mon, 1 May – Labor Day holiday |
For Foundation Program Students – Article (23) (16/g) |
16- final withdrawal from university, temporary withdrawal, withdrawal with the grade of (W or WE) g. A student’s withdrawal is considered compulsory in a certain course if they fail to attend lectures, as stipulated in the university’s study and examination bylaw; If the student’s absence is with an acceptable excuse, the compulsory withdrawal grade (WA) will be assigned to him/her, and if his/her absence is without an excuse, they will be assigned a compulsory withdrawal with failure grade (WF). In both cases, the student will not be considered to have passed the course. |
For students of diploma, associate diploma, bachelor’s and postgraduate programs – Article (33) |
The student must continue his/her study and attend classroom and practical hours according to the nature of the course and inform the course instructor of any excuses for absence, with no more than two lectures from the end date of the reason for absence. If the student is absent for a period exceeding (15%) of the course’s specified hours, he/she will be given a written notice, and if the student is absent for a period exceeding (25%) of the course’s specified hours, the student shall be considered to have a compulsory withdrawal, and the compulsory withdrawal is either withdrawal with an official acceptable excuse or withdrawal without an excuse. If the student’s absence was with an acceptable excuse, the compulsory withdrawal symbol (WA) will be registered, and if his/her absence was without an excuse, they will receive a compulsory withdrawal grade with failure symbol (WF). Before the end of the last day of classes, the student may, based on an acceptable excuse, submit to the relevant department an official petition to reconsider the given decision of a grade (WF) compulsory withdrawal with failure. The department decides on the request and then sends it to the Deanship for approval and informs the student. If the excuse is acceptable, a (WA) symbol will be registered, and if it is not acceptable, the (WF) grade will remain unchanged. The department concerned shall inform the ‘compulsorily withdrawn’ students regarding their denial of entry to the final exam. |
Tue, 9 May – Wed, 31 May – Academic Advising for Pre-registration |
Article (20) |
The student must register the courses of the next semester early in the middle of the current semester, and he may make an amendment to his academic schedule within the limits of vacant seats in the academic sections during the period of deletion and addition specified in the academic calendar, and after consulting his academic advisor. The following rules shall be considered, when deleting and adding:
Also, the student is allowed to register in the laboratory section that fits his academic schedule, if he is unable to register in the same theoretical section of the course, provided that he obtains the approval of the department head and takes the specific procedures for doing so into account. |
Article (5) |
The University Council determines the number of students accepted to study within the framework of the general policy of the University. The University Council may raise the maximum number of students accepted, based on the Dean’s recommendation in light of the official requests it receives for scholarships from official institutions in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Also, the University Council sets admission criteria for each major. |
Article (37) |
The Deanship decides on transfer requests in light of the number that is allowed to be accepted, and in accordance with the general conditions for transfer and the special conditions for faculties, departments and academic programs. The University Council may issue approval for the transfer of some special cases, supported by justifications and reasons. |
Thu,18 May – Wed, 31 May – Period of submitting applications for Minor Specialization selection (Pre-registration period) |
Article (20) |
The student must register the next semester courses early in the middle of the current semester, and he/she may make an amendment to his/her academic schedule within the limits of vacant seats in the academic sections during the period of deletion and addition specified in the academic calendar, and after consulting his/her academic advisor. The following rules shall be considered, when deleting and adding:
Also, the student is allowed to register in the laboratory section that fits his/her academic schedule, if he/she is unable to register in the same theoretical section of the course, provided that they obtain the department head’s approval and consider the specific procedures for doing so. |
Article (13) |
The academic year is divided into two semesters, with (16) weeks for each semester. Upon the University Council’s decision, a “summer semester” may be offered, which consists of (8) weeks. The department, in coordination with the Dean, determines the courses offered in the semesters, considering the text of Article (24). |
Article (47) |
The academic calendar sets each semester’s date for holding the final exams and announces the exam date for each course as soon as the student registers in it. Short exams and mid-term exams are held during the lectures of the same course. In multi-section courses, midterm exams may be held in a unified manner, provided that this is not during the lecture dates of other courses taken by students of the course. |
General Exams for University Admission | |
Wed 7 Jun – Sat 12 Aug – Apply for enrollment for First Program Undergraduate (Second period) 2023/2024 |
Article (54) |
The person in charge, or whoever acts as such, must correct the answer sheets, and send the result to the department head within (72) hours from the end of the exam’s specified period, but the period may be extended in the case of multiple sections or courses. |
Thu, 15 Jun – Mon, 19 Jun – Admission interviews for Postgraduate students |
Article (66) |
After approving all courses’ results, the Deanship will announce the semester results to the student through his/her account on the university’s website, and the student may appeal against their results in the course in accordance with the grievance provisions contained in Article (67) of this system. |
Article (67) |
The previous provisions apply to grievances in all courses, including courses of a practical or training nature, or graduation projects. |
Article (92) |
The student’s request to return to study shall be considered according to the following rules:
If the student submitted a grievance request against the result of an academic course and was re-enrolled because of a high GPA after considering the grievance, the student’s case application will be canceled, and the application fee will be refunded. |
Tue, 20 Jun – Wed, 21 Jun – English language test for Postgraduate students who do not have a TOEFL or IELTS certificates |
Article (34) |
Students of the first period may transfer to one of the programs of the second period, and therefore they shall abide by its terms and conditions of admission and its prescribed tuition fees, and he must take credit hours of not less than 40% of the hours of the program to which he is transferred, unless he is transferred to the second period in the same program, in which case he is obliged to register the courses he did not pass. Also, a first period student may be transferred from one academic program to another, in the same college or in another college, if the following conditions are met:
The University Council may exclude transfer requests for students who have been dismissed or transferred from Bahrain Teachers College, or students who have completed the Associate Diploma Program in Applied Education and wish to continue their Bachelor’s degree in one of the academic programs, provided that the decision includes the granted exclusion. |
Tue, 27 Jun – Day of Arafah 1444 A.H.* | |
Wed, 28 Jun – Fri, 30 Jun – Eid Al Adha holiday 1444 A.H.* | |
Thu, 29 Jun – Last day for faculty members | |
Sun, 2 Jul– Thu, 31 Aug – Faculty summer annual vacation |
Article (67) |
The previous provisions apply to grievances in all courses, including courses of a practical or training nature, or graduation projects. |
Article (5) |
The University Council determines the number of students accepted to study within the University’s general policy framework. The University Council may raise the maximum number of students accepted, based on the Dean’s recommendation in light of the official requests it receives for scholarships from official institutions in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The University Council also sets admission criteria for each major. |
Article (37) |
The Deanship decides on transfer requests considering the number that is allowed to be accepted, and in accordance with the general conditions for transfer and the special conditions for faculties, departments and academic programs. The University Council may issue approval for the transfer of some special cases, supported by justifications and reasons. |
* Linked to crescent watch.
Summer Semester
Article (20) |
The student must register the next semester courses early in the middle of the current semester, and he/she may make an amendment to his/her academic schedule within the limits of vacant seats in the academic sections during the period of deletion and addition specified in the academic calendar, and after consulting his/her academic advisor. The following rules shall be considered, when deleting and adding:
Also, the student is allowed to register in the laboratory section that fits his/her academic schedule, if he/she is unable to register in the same theoretical section of the course, provided that they obtain the department head’s approval and consider the specific procedures for doing so. |
Article (25) |
The student may recover the paid course fees in full or keep it in his/her balance for the next semester, if his/her withdrawal is within a month of the commencement of study, for the first period programs, and within one week of the commencement of study for the second period programs, the student forfeits his/her right to refund the fees after the expiry of those periods. Also, the student is not entitled to a refund for the summer semester course registration fees after payment. |
Article (13) |
The academic year is divided into two semesters, with (16) weeks for each semester. Upon the University Council’s decision, a “summer semester” may be offered, which consists of (8) weeks. The department, in coordination with the Dean, determines the courses offered in the semesters, considering the text of Article (24). |
Article (25) |
The student may recover the paid course fees in full or keep it in his/her balance for the next semester, if his/her withdrawal is within a month of the commencement of study, for the first period programs, and within one week of the commencement of study for the second period programs, the student forfeits his/her right to refund the fees after the expiry of those periods. Also, the student is not entitled to a refund for the summer semester course registration fees after payment. |
For Foundation Program Students – Article (23) (16/d) |
16- final withdrawal from university, temporary withdrawal, withdrawal with the grade of (W or WE) D. The student is allowed to withdraw with a grade of (W), according to the period specified in the academic calendar, provided that he/she withdraws from all courses of the foundation program, and this semester is to be counted within the maximum period allowed to finish the foundation program. |
For Diploma, Associate Diploma, Bachelor’s and Postgraduate Programs Students – Article (28) |
Before the beginning of the last quarter of the semester, the student may withdraw from any of the courses he/she registered for, provided that a (W) will be given, considering the provision of Article (19) of this law. The student may withdraw from all courses in a semester, and such semester shall not be counted for once only, within the maximum period for graduation. And a student may compulsorily withdraw from all courses in which he/she has registered, during the last quarter of the semester and before the start of the examination period, for a compelling excuse, or for a health-related reason that prevents the student from continuing studies for a period of no less than two weeks, or for the death of one of their relatives up to the second degree. The student, in this case, must submit his/her request to the Deanship of Admission and Registration, accompanied by proof of such from the competent official authorities. The Deanship shall decide on the excuses provided directly. The Deanship may refer the request to the concerned dean of the college to obtain the college and department’s opinion, when necessary, provided that in case of approval, the student shall get a (WE) in all the courses, and the class they compulsory withdrew from shall not be counted except for once only within the maximum period for graduation. |
Tue, 27 Jun – Day of Arafah 1444 A.H.*
Wed, 28 Jun – Fri, 30 Jun – Eid Al Adha holiday 1444 A.H.*
Wed, 19 Jul – Al Hijri new year holiday 1445 A.H.*
Thu, 27 Jul – Fri, 28 Jul – Ashura Holiday 1445 A.H.*
For Foundation Program Students – Article (23) (16/g) |
16- final withdrawal from university, temporary withdrawal, withdrawal with the grade of (W or WE) g. A student’s withdrawal is considered compulsory in a certain course if they fail to attend lectures, as stipulated in the university’s study and examination bylaw; If the student’s absence is with an acceptable excuse, the compulsory withdrawal grade (WA) will be assigned to him/her, and if his/her absence is without an excuse, they will be assigned a compulsory withdrawal with failure grade (WF). In both cases, the student will not be considered to have passed the course. |
For students of diploma, associate diploma, bachelor’s and postgraduate programs – Article (33) |
The student must continue his/her study and attend classroom and practical hours according to the nature of the course and inform the course instructor of any excuses for absence, with no more than two lectures from the end date of the reason for absence. If the student is absent for a period exceeding (15%) of the course’s specified hours, he/she will be given a written notice, and if the student is absent for a period exceeding (25%) of the course’s specified hours, the student shall be considered to have a compulsory withdrawal, and the compulsory withdrawal is either withdrawal with an official acceptable excuse or withdrawal without an excuse. If the student’s absence was with an acceptable excuse, the compulsory withdrawal symbol (WA) will be registered, and if his/her absence was without an excuse, they will receive a compulsory withdrawal grade with failure symbol (WF). Before the end of the last day of classes, the student may, based on an acceptable excuse, submit to the relevant department an official petition to reconsider the given decision of a grade (WF) compulsory withdrawal with failure. The department decides on the request and then sends it to the Deanship for approval and informs the student. If the excuse is acceptable, a (WA) symbol will be registered, and if it is not acceptable, the (WF) grade will remain unchanged. The department concerned shall inform the ‘compulsorily withdrawn’ students regarding their denial of entry to the final exam. |
Article (5) |
The University Council determines the number of students accepted to study within the University’s general policy framework. The University Council may raise the maximum number of students accepted, based on the Dean’s recommendation in light of the official requests it receives for scholarships from official institutions in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The University Council also sets admission criteria for each major. |
Article (37) |
The Deanship decides on transfer requests considering the number that is allowed to be accepted, and in accordance with the general conditions for transfer and the special conditions for faculties, departments and academic programs. The University Council may issue approval for the transfer of some special cases, supported by justifications and justifications and reasons. |
Article (13) |
The academic year is divided into two semesters, with (16) weeks for each semester. Upon the University Council’s decision, a “summer semester” may be offered, which consists of (8) weeks. The department, in coordination with the Dean, determines the courses offered in the semesters, considering the text of Article (24). |
Article (47) |
The academic calendar sets each semester’s date for holding the final exams and announces the exam date for each course as soon as the student registers in it. Short exams and mid-term exams are held during the lectures of the same course. In multi-section courses, midterm exams may be held in a unified manner, provided that this is not during the lecture dates of other courses taken by students of the course. |
Article (54) |
The person in charge, or whoever acts as such, must correct the answer sheets, and send the result to the department head within (72) hours from the end of the exam’s specified period, but the period may be extended in the case of multiple sections or courses. |
Article (66) |
After approving all courses’ results, the Deanship will announce the semester results to the student through his/her account on the university’s website, and the student may appeal against their results in the course in accordance with the grievance provisions contained in Article (67) of this system. |
Article (67) |
The previous provisions apply to grievances in all courses, including courses of a practical or training nature, or graduation projects. |
Article (92) |
The student’s request to return to study shall be considered according to the following rules:
Article (67) |
The previous provisions apply to grievances in all courses, including courses of a practical or training nature, or graduation projects. |
* Linked to crescent watch.