Bahrainis and non-Bahrainis who are graduates of government schools inside the Kingdom of Bahrain of the current academic year and the past academic year.
- Log in to
- Search for “University of Bahrain Services”.
- Select “e-Admission Service” , enter the personal number, the expiry date of the ID and the block number. Note: The address (block number must be correct) and the identity card must be valid.
- Please attach a colored photograph.
- Please add your contact numbers and email.
- Please add the academic programs you wish to enroll in at the University (12 choices or according to the choices available based on the secondary school track), priority in admission will be competitive according to the student’s High school average and according to the available seats offered by colleges and academic departments.
Students shall be notified of the date of the general aptitude test and the personal interview conducted by the University through the website (SIS), and that is by entering the website at the time announced by the University through its official social media and the University website, by entering (username = university ID number, password = personal number), after that the dates will appear, and if the student does not take the general aptitude test and does not attend the personal interview, his application will be canceled, and he will implicitly confirm that he has no desire to join the University.
Admission results will be announced on the website (SIS).
General admission guidelines for the academic year 2025-2024
- Admission announcement: from 31 July 2024.
- Admission confirmation period: from July 31 to August 07, 2024, and accordingly, the university confirms that the application is considered canceled if the student does not confirm his/her admission on time.
- Admission confirmation fees: The admission confirmation fee is 128 dinars for the Bahraini student, and 640 dinars for the non-Bahraini student. The amount paid includes the confirmation fees and tuition fees for the first semester.
- Change of Preferences period: from July 31 to August 07, 2024, where students are allowed to submit a request to change Preferences after completing the admission confirmation process and paying tuition fees.
- English Language Test for Students Admitted at (LEVEL1): During September 2 – 3, 2024, the date and time of the English language placement test will be sent via SMS.
Steps to confirm acceptance
- Access the university’s website
- Access the link UOB Admission Requests.
- Choose (Admission Post Service).
- Enter the university ID in the username field and CPR in the password field.
Admission Results: The admission results will be announced as follows:
a. Accepted Student
The steps to confirm acceptance will appear to you as follows:
- First Step: View the student’s pledge, verify the student’s personal number and name, enter the University’s rules and regulations link for studying, if you are a student with a disability, please specify the type of disability or choose “other” for the rest of the students.
- Second Step: Review the Orientation Program, view the instructions for changing choices, and instructions for canceling admission.
- Third Step: Identify the parents, or one of them, whether they have attended university or not, and indicate the highest academic degree they have obtained.
- Fourth Step: View the acceptance letter and the program you have been admitted to, the study duration of the Orientation program, and several key instructions.
- Fifth Step: View the tuition fee payment instructions.
- Sixth Step: Pay the tuition fees. The University confirms that the application for admission shall be considered canceled if the student does not confirm his acceptance on the specified date.
Important note for scholarship students: You can print the acceptance letter through the website and deliver it to the entity providing the scholarship.
b. Students on Waiting List
- (Accepted) student, the message that appears: the university apologizes for not accepting your application at present, and if you still wish to join any vacancies that may be available after the admission confirmation process, please press the (YES) button during the admission confirmation period or press the (NO) button if you no longer wish to join the university. Students will then be allowed to determine their Preferences according to the vacancies available in the College of Applied Studies, the College of Science and the College of Engineering.
- (Not Final) student, the message that appears: The university, while appreciating your valuable trust in it, and based on the communication that took place by those concerned with the Department of Admission and Alumni Affairs, whether – by phone call or by sending an e-mail or SMS text message -, the university apologizes to you for not accepting your application for admission due to not completing the submission of the documents required to complete the admission procedures.
Therefore, if you still wish to join the university, the applicant can update his/her information on the Student Information System ( through the links bellow:
- (Update Application Information and Preferences)
- (Modify Uploaded Documents)
Or contact the Student Service Center by phone call, WhatsApp, or the smart chat system service on the number (00973) 17155355 or e-mail after you complete the required documents. wishing you the best of success.
c. Rejected Students
- (Rejected) students, the message that appears: You will see a message stating that according to the university’s rules and regulations, you are not allowed to enroll in the University of Bahrain.
- Procedure by the Department of Admissions and Alumni Affairs: They cannot be admitted to the university and there is no action to be taken.
a. For non-Bahraini students (who have Bahraini nationality but are not updated in the system or treatment as Bahraini):
In case of a difference in the nationality mentioned in the admission confirmation screen, either parent is Bahraini, or the husband or wife is Bahraini, please follow the following steps:
- Access the link (UOB Admission Requests).
- Access the option (Request to Update Nationality).
- Please enter (username = university number) and (password = ID number or CPR).
- Please enter the correct information and upload the required documents.
- Please review the citizenship update by showing the correct nationality on the pledge page, so upon modification, you can complete the admission confirmation procedures and pay tuition fees.
b. For students accepted by the College of Applied Studies (Batch 2024 and later):
Students admitted to the programs of the College of Applied Studies can transfer when the following conditions are met:
- Passed the first semester of the Associate Diploma Program with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 out of 4.00 provided that 12 credits are achieved.
- Successfully passed the second semester of the Associate Diploma Program with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 out of 4.00 provided that 30 credits are achieved.
- Successfully Passed the Associate Diploma Program with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 out of 4.00.
c. Changing the Preferences
is available to all programs except the bachelor’s in Nursing program, and therefore after conducting the admission confirmation process and paying the tuition fees, please log in again on the website (, and choose (Post Admission Service to select 3 Preferences – in the same confirmation period – applications will be considered after the end of the admission confirmation period according to the vacancies available in the programs.
d. Orientation Program
On September 2 and 3, 2024, the date and time of the English language placement test will be sent via SMS. Based on the result of the English language test, students will be classified (first level, second level or first year in the program).
Classification of Orientation students at the first and second levels (according to Article No. 23 of the study and examination system at the University of Bahrain), is as follows:
- Students with high school averages or grades or their equivalent – taking into account the provisions of Article 10 – shall be exempted from the Orientation Program according to the following conditions:
a. Students with a secondary level/ high school average of at least 90%.
b. Students with an average score of at least 90% in all English language courses at the secondary level/high school.
c. Students with a TOFEL certificate with a score of not less than 500, or an IELTS certificate with a score of not less than 5.5, provided that the student provides the university’s English Language Center with the certificate before the start of the study.
d. Students graduating from IB and A.LEVEL schools are exempted from the Orientation Program.
- Students with an average in secondary school/high school from 70% to 89.99% are allowed to take the exemption exam from the Orientation Program in the English language, which is conducted by the English Language Center at the university, and accordingly, the day and date of the English language placement exam will be sent via text messages (SMS).
- The English Language Center classifies Orientation Program students into two levels: the first level (two semesters), or the second level (one semester), based on their results in the Orientation Program exemption exam.
- The student is exempted from the mathematics course MATHS001 if he/she holds a SAT/IB/AP certificate in mathematics or its equivalent, and the certificate can be submitted during the semester, and in the event that the student registers for the course, the fees paid based on this exemption are not refunded, and therefore it is possible to review the academic department – at the beginning of September – to submit the certificate to complete the course equivalency procedure.
- The student is exempted from the information technology course ITIS001 if he/she holds an AP/IP certificate in information technology, or a MOS/ICDL certificate or its equivalent, and this certificate can be submitted during the semester, and in the event that the student registers for the course, the fees paid based on this exemption are not refunded, and therefore it is possible to review the academic department – at the beginning of September – to submit the certificate to complete the course equivalency procedure.
e. Cancel Admission Instructions
The period for cancelling the admission and tuition fee refund will be from September 1 to September 19, 2024. The service is available online via (SIS), by following the following steps:
- Enter the Student Information System website ( by inputting the university number and the student’s password.
- After clicking (Menu), choose (My Request) and then choose (Cancel Admission Request).
- Click on (Add Cancel Admission Request) h4, with that you have completed the application procedure for cancelling the admission. The request will be accepted automatically, and the request status will change from (New) to (Approved).
During the application period: it is possible to change the choices for the programs that have been selected, as follows:
- Via the Information and e-Government Authority website ( for public school students.
- Via the student service website ( for students of private schools or schools from outside the Kingdom of Bahrain. Also, the aforementioned applicants can upload documents or edit data after completing the application process during the application period. .
- After the announcement of results: it is possible to change the choices after the admission confirmation process on the date determined by the Deanship of Admission and Registration through (SIS), and the possibility of responding to the requests will be considered according to the University’s guidelines and regulations and the available seats in the academic programs.
- Students are only accepted once in the first semester of each academic year.
- The applicant’s admission to the University is valid only for the semester in which he was accepted, and he is not entitled to postpone the admission or to not attend the University.
- Admission results shall be announced on the University’s website.
- The application of admission shall be canceled if the student does not confirm his admission on the specified date.
- Scholarship students can print the acceptance letter through the website and submit it to the entity providing the scholarship.
- Bahrainis and non-Bahrainis who are graduates of private schools inside the Kingdom of Bahrain.
- Bahraini and Gulf school graduates from schools outside the Kingdom of Bahrain for the current academic year and the past academic year.
- Students of Nasser Rehabilitation and Vocational Training Center.
- Click on the “UOB Admission Requests” link, then select Undergraduate Applications.
- View the instructions and conditions, and to proceed with the application procedure, please click on the (Accept) button.
- Enter the student’s personal number.
- Enter the student’s main data: (name, address, place of birth, religion, gender, nationality, the country from which the student graduated, the name of the school from inside and outside of Bahrain, choose the study type “public or private secondary”, secondary school track, secondary school GPA, phone number, e-mail).
- Enter the choices, which will appear according to the secondary school track and the programs allowed to apply to only.
- Upload the required files, which are:
- Graduation certificate and transcript from a secondary school or its equivalent.
- Private school students: A statement, graduation certificate, and transcript issued by the Ministry of Education must be attached when submitting the application, along with a statement and graduation certificate and transcript of grades from the school. Also, documents can be uploaded and data can be edited after the completion of the application process during the application period.
- Secondary school graduates from outside the Kingdom of Bahrain for Bahrainis and Gulf nationals: please obtain the graduation certificate accreditation from the Ministry of Education.
- A copy of a valid passport (and for non-Bahraini students residing in Bahrain, please attach a copy of a valid residence permit).
- A valid ID card or proof of renewal in case of expiry. (Non-Bahraini).
- A colored photograph.
- Please add the academic programs you wish to enroll in at the University (12 choices or according to the choices available based on the secondary school track), priority in admission will be competitive according to the student’s High school average and according to the available seats offered by colleges and academic departments.
- Please click on the (Verification Code) button, and accordingly a message will be sent to the email you included in the application. Please enter the code into the designated field. Confirm the application by pressing the (Save) button.
- Pay the fees (non-refundable 10 dinars).
- After completing the payment process, the student will receive the University ID number in the receipt (kindly retain the number). It is possible to edit the data, information and choices, and upload the documents after saving the application up until a date that will be announced in the application period.
- Notice:
- You can add or modify the submitted documents or modify the wishes before issuing the acceptance by entering the link UOB Admission Requests and then choose the following:
- Updating the uploaded files, during the period you are permitted to do so and when the operation mode is (Opened).
- Updating the application data and desires, during the period you are allowed to do so and when the status of the operation is (Opened).
Students shall be notified of the date of the general aptitude test and the personal interview conducted by the University through the website (SIS), and that is by entering the website at the time announced by the University through its official social media and the University website, by entering (username = university ID number, password = personal number), after that the dates will appear, and if the student does not take the general aptitude test and does not attend the personal interview, his application will be canceled, and he will implicitly confirm that he has no desire to join the University.
Admission results will be announced through an admission letter that will be sent via e-mail.
- Admission announcement: from 31 July 2024.
- Admission confirmation period: from July 31 to August 07, 2024, and accordingly, the university confirms that the application is considered canceled if the student does not confirm his/her admission on time.
- Admission confirmation fees: The admission confirmation fee is 128 dinars for the Bahraini student, and 640 dinars for the non-Bahraini student. The amount paid includes the confirmation fees and tuition fees for the first semester.
- Change of Preferences period: from July 31 to August 07, 2024, where students are allowed to submit a request to change Preferences after completing the admission confirmation process and paying tuition fees.
- English Language Test for Students Admitted at (LEVEL1): During September 2 – 3, 2024, the date and time of the English language placement test will be sent via SMS.
Steps to confirm acceptance
- Access the university’s website
- Access the UOB Admission Requests.
- Then choose (Admission Post Service).
- Enter the university number in the username field and CPR in the password field.
Admission Results: The admission results will be announced as follows:
Accepted Student
The steps to confirm acceptance will appear to you as follows:
- First Step: View the student’s pledge, verify the student’s personal number and name, enter the University’s rules and regulations link for studying, if you are a student with a disability, please specify the type of disability or choose “other” for the rest of the students.
- Second Step: Identify the parents, or one of them, whether they have attended university or not, and indicate the highest academic degree they have obtained.
- Third Step: Review the Orientation Program, view the instructions for changing choices, and instructions for canceling admission.
- Fourth Step: View the acceptance letter and the program you have been admitted to, the study duration of the Orientation program, and several key instructions.
- Fifth Step: View the tuition fee payment instructions.
- Sixth Step: Pay the tuition fees. The University confirms that the application for admission shall be considered canceled if the student does not confirm his acceptance on the specified date.
Important note for scholarship students: You can print the acceptance letter through the website and deliver it to the entity providing the scholarship.
Students on Waiting List
- The (Accepted) student , the message that appears: the university apologizes for not accepting your application at present, and if you still wish to join any vacancies that may be available after the admission confirmation process, please press the (YES) button during the admission confirmation period or press the (NO) button if you no longer wish to join the university. Students will then be allowed to determine their choices according to the vacancies available in the College of Applied Studies, the College of Science and the College of Engineering.
- The (Not Final) student ,The university, while appreciating your valuable trust in it, and based on the communication that took place by those concerned with the Department of Admission and Alumni Affairs, whether – by phone call or by sending an e-mail or SMS text message -, the university apologizes to you for not accepting your application for admission due to not completing the submission of the documents required to complete the admission procedures.Therefore, if you still wish to join the university, the applicant can update his/her information on the Student Information System ( through the links bellow:
- (Update Application Information and Preferences)
- (Modify Uploaded Documents)
Or contact the Student Service Center by phone call, WhatsApp, or the smart chat system service on the number (00973) 17155355 or e-mail after you complete the required documents. wishing you the best of success.
Rejected Students
- The (rejected) students, the message that appears: You will see a message stating that according to the university’s rules and regulations, you are not allowed to enroll in the University of Bahrain.
- Procedure by the Department of Admissions and Alumni Affairs: They cannot be admitted to the university and there is no action to be taken.
For non-Bahraini students (who have Bahraini nationality but are not updated in the system or treatment as Bahraini):
In case of a difference in the nationality mentioned in the admission confirmation screen, either parent is Bahraini, or the husband or wife is Bahraini, please follow the following steps:
- Access the link (UOB Admission Requests).
- Access the option (Request to Update Nationality).
- Please enter (username = university number) and (password = ID number or CPR).
- Please enter the correct information and upload the required documents.
- Please review the citizenship update by showing the correct nationality on the pledge page, so upon modification, you can complete the admission confirmation procedures and pay tuition fees.
For students accepted by the College of Applied Studies (Batch 2024 and later):
Students admitted to the programs of the College of Applied Studies can transfer when the following conditions are met:
- Passed the first semester of the Associate Diploma Program with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 out of 4.00 provided that 12 credits are achieved.
- Successfully passed the second semester of the Associate Diploma Program with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 out of 4.00 provided that 30 credits are achieved.
- Successfully Passed the Associate Diploma Program with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 out of 4.00.
Changing the Preferences
is available to all programs except the bachelor’s in Nursing program, and therefore after conducting the admission confirmation process and paying the tuition fees, please log in again on the website (, and choose (Post Admission Service to select 3 Preferences – in the same confirmation period – applications will be considered after the end of the admission confirmation period according to the vacancies available in the programs.
Orientation Program
On September 2 and 3, 2024, the date and time of the English language placement test will be sent via SMS. Based on the result of the English language test, students will be classified (first level, second level or first year in the program).
Classification of Orientation students at the first and second levels (according to Article No. 23 of the study and examination system at the University of Bahrain), is as follows:
- Students with high school averages or grades or their equivalent – taking into account the provisions of Article 10 – shall be exempted from the Orientation Program according to the following conditions:
- Students with a high school average of at least 90% .
- Students with an average score of at least 90% in all English language courses at the secondary level/high school.
- Students with a TOFEL certificate with a score of not less than 500, or an IELTS certificate with a score of not less than 5.5, provided that the student provides the university’s English Language Center with the certificate before the start of the study.
- Students graduating from IB and A.LEVEL schools are exempted from the Orientation Program.
- Students with an average in secondary school/high school from 70% to 89.99% are allowed to take the exemption exam from the Orientation Program in the English language, which is conducted by the English Language Center at the university, and accordingly, the day and date of the English language placement exam will be sent via text messages (SMS).
- The English Language Center classifies Orientation Program students into two levels: the first level (two semesters), or the second level (one semester), based on their results in the Orientation Program exemption exam.
- The student is exempted from the mathematics course MATHS001 if he/she holds a SAT/IB/AP certificate in mathematics or its equivalent, and the certificate can be submitted during the semester, and in the event that the student registers for the course, the fees paid based on this exemption are not refunded, and therefore it is possible to review the academic department – at the beginning of September – to submit the certificate to complete the course equivalency procedure.
- The student is exempted from the information technology course ITIS001 if he/she holds an AP/IP certificate in information technology, or a MOS/ICDL certificate or its equivalent, and this certificate can be submitted during the semester, and in the event that the student registers for the course, the fees paid based on this exemption are not refunded, and therefore it is possible to review the academic department – at the beginning of September – to submit the certificate to complete the course equivalency procedure.
- Students with high school averages or grades or their equivalent – taking into account the provisions of Article 10 – shall be exempted from the Orientation Program according to the following conditions:
During the application period: it is possible to change the choices for the programs that have been selected, as follows:
- Via the Information and e-Government Authority website ( for public school students.
- Via the student service website ( for students at private schools or schools from outside the Kingdom of Bahrain. Also, the aforementioned applicants can upload documents or edit data after completing the application process during the application period.
After the announcement of results: it is possible to change the choices after the admission confirmation process on the date determined by the Deanship of Admission and Registration through (SIS), and the possibility of responding to the requests will be considered according to the University’s guidelines and regulations and the available seats in the academic programs.
- Students are only accepted once in the first semester of each academic year.
- The applicant’s admission to the University is valid only for the semester in which he was accepted, and he is not entitled to postpone the admission or to not attend the University.
- Admission results shall be announced on the University’s website.
- The application for admission shall be canceled if the student does not confirm his admission on the specified date.
- Scholarship students can print the acceptance letter through the website and submit it to the entity providing the scholarship.
- Students applying through the Student Information System (SIS) website are advised to do the following:
- Submission via computer.
- Submission via Chrome browser.
- Allow Pop-up to move to a new page.
- Old high school graduates from inside and outside the Kingdom of Bahrain.
- Students who have previously joined the University of Bahrain and are currently on the following academic statuses:
- Old high school graduates.
- Students who have withdrawn permanently from studying at the University or other universities.
- Students who are graduates of Associate Diploma and Bachelor’s programs from the University or another university.
- Students who are dismissed academically – not disciplinary – provided that the application is for other academic programs.
- Choose the link (UOB Admission Requests).
- Choose Apply for Admission of Undergraduate Programs -Evening Program.
- Name, address, place of birth, religion, gender, nationality, country of graduation, name of school inside and outside Bahrain.
- Choose the type of study “public or private secondary school learning”, the high school tracks, high school GPA, phone number, email address.
- The graduation certificate and the transcript of high school or its equivalent.
- Private schools’ students: attach certificate issued by the Ministry of Education at the time of application along with an affidavit and graduation certificate and the transcript issued by the school. They could also upload the documents or edit the data after the completion of the application process during the admission period.
- Bahraini students and high school graduates from outside Bahrain: graduation certificate equivalency is required from the Ministry of Education.
- Non-Bahraini students: attach affidavit, graduation certificate along with the transcript and any proof of accreditation of qualifications from outside Bahrain.
- Transcript of the student from the University (if available)
- Copy of a valid passport (and for non-Bahraini students residing in Bahrain, please attach a copy of a valid residence permit).
- A valid identification card.
- Colored photographic photo.
- A message will be sent to the email inserted in the application.
- Insert the code in the designated field.
- Click on (Save) button to approve the application
In the event of any inquiry or problem, please contact the Student Service Center by phone, WhatsApp or the smart chat system service on number 16633366 or via e-mail:
You can add or modify the submitted documents or modify the desires before issuing the acceptance by entering the link UOB Admission Requests and then choose the following:
- Updating the uploaded files, during the period you are permitted to do so and when the operation mode is (Opened).
- Updating the application data and desires, during the period you are allowed to do so and when the status of the operation is (Opened).

Academic Programs for Second Period
The service allows graduates of Bachelor’s, higher diploma or Master’s programs from various universities, whether inside or outside the kingdom of Bahrain, to submit an application to complete the study of subsequent programs in postgraduate studies, whereby the student submits all the required data and documents via the SIS (student information management system).
- Login to the application website
- Select the Link “UOB Admission Requests”.
- Choose Admission Application for Postgraduate Programs.
- Enter the required personal data.
- Select the required program to apply for (Higher Diploma – Master – Doctorate).
- Select the previous qualification of the applicant (Bachelor – Master).
- Enter personal contact data (email – mobile-address).
- Choose an English language Certificate (TOEFL or IELTS) and enter the result, or choose an English language exam with a fee of BD 50.
- Click Submit.
Note: you can add or edit the submitted documents by accessing the UOB Admission Requests link and then choosing “edit the files of postgraduate students” during the period you are allowed to do so and when the operation mode is open.
First Category: University of Bahrain graduates
- A recent coloured passport photo.
- A valid passport.
- For the programmes taught in English: a valid IELTS Academic English language certificate or equivalent thereof with a score of 5.5 or above to be exempted from sitting the aforementioned English language exam.
- For applicants with a GPA between 2.00-2.33: Proof of one-year work experience in the field of specialisation, or a sponsorship letter from the sponsoring entity.
Second Category: Graduates of Universities in the Kingdom of Bahrain other than the University of Bahrain.
- All the documents required from the first category (the graduates of the University of Bahrain)
- Graduation Certificate for the previous qualification (Bachelor’s Degree Certificate for Postgraduate Diploma and Master’s applicants, Bachelor’s and Master’s degree certificates for Doctoral applicants).
- Academic transcript for the Bachelor’s Degree (for Master’s and Postgraduate Diploma applicants), and academic transcript for Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees (for Doctoral applicants).
Third Category: Graduates from universities outside the Kingdom of Bahrain
- The documents required from the first category (graduates of the University of Bahrain) and the second category (graduates of Universities other than the University of Bahrain in the Kingdom of Bahrain)
- A valid verification of the validity and authenticity of the academic qualifications from one of the accredited companies (Quadrabay or DataFlow ).
Non-Bahraini applicants:
- A valid residence permit.
- For the applicants with Kuwaiti or Omani nationality: A No-objection Statement from the Cultural Attaché Office of the Kuwaiti and Omani Embassies in the Kingdom of Bahrain must be provided in addition to the aforementioned documents.
- Quadrabay Guide (PDF, 3.3 MB , 11 Pages).
- Dataflow Guide (PDF, 0.6 MB , 2 Pages).
Admission results will be announced by sending an acceptance letter via e-mail.
Pay the acceptance fee to confirm your admission to the postgraduate program.

Admission conditions:
A student may transfer from other universities to the University of Bahrain if the following conditions are met:
- The other university must be recognized by the concerned authorities in the Kingdom.
- To submit a newly approved academic record to the Deanship of Admission and Registration, with the required documents, including a certificate of good conduct and behavior from the university from which he is transferring from, and a recommendation from two of his professors at that university.
- The secondary school certificate must be qualified for admission to the program the student wishes to transfer to.
- His/her studies must be regular at the university he/she is transferring from (total system).
- The student must have successfully passed (30) credit hours or its equivalent at the university from which he/she is transferred, and his/her cumulative average should not be less than (2.33) out of (4.0) (C+ or its equivalent in other academic evaluation systems).
- The relevant academic department council must approve the transfer request, after reviewing his/her academic record, the scientific content of each course he passed, and specifying the courses that he/she is exempted from studying.
- The student must not have been disciplinary dismissed from any university. And if the transfer is to be made to any of the first period programs, it is required in addition to that, that the student has not been suspended from one of the academic programs at any university.
- When submitting the transfer request, he/she should not have dropped out from the university from which he/she was transferred for more than (16) weeks. This condition is not required for transfer applicants to second period programs.
- The student must take a minimum of 50% of the hours required for graduation at the university.
Required documents:
- Transcript from the university from which the student is transferred.
- A copy of the high school transcript or its equivalent, along with a graduation certificate, certified and approved by the competent authorities.
- The content of the courses to be equivalent at the University of Bahrain, certified and approved by the university from which the student is transferred.
- The student shall submit two academic recommendations from previous professors.
- The student shall succeed in the tests conducted by the academic department (if any).
- Good conduct and behavior certificate from the university from which the student is transferred.
- Colored photograph.
- A copy of a valid passport or proof of renewal in case of expiry. For non-Bahraini students residing in Bahrain, please attach a copy of a valid residence permit or proof of the renewal procedure.
- A valid ID card or proof of renewal in case of expiry. (Non-Bahraini).
- An application fee of BD 10 .
- A medical fitness examination certificate from one of the accredited centers or hospitals in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
UOB welcomes all visiting students from other universities to study if the following conditions are met:
- The student shall be a regular student (total system) in a university recognized by the concerned authorities in the Kingdom.
- To submit an application with an approved candidacy by the competent authority at his/her university to study specific courses in one semester, along with an attested copy of his/her academic record, a copy of his/her passport, and his/her university card.
- The student’s registration in this capacity is not accepted, unless he/she has a vacant seat in the course to be studied after completing the registration, deletion and addition processes for university students.
- Foreign student – wishing to study as a visiting student – shall conform to obtaining a visa for entering the Kingdom of Bahrain and residing in it from the competent authorities. In case the student was not able to get a visa, his/her application will be considered invalid with no responsibility whatsoever to be upon the University.
- The student shall, at the time of registration, adhere to the payment of the tuition fees and any other fees.
- Acceptance of the student in this capacity does not consider a transfer to the University.