After Their Participation in The University’s Business Incubator Summer Program.. Two Graduates from UoB Create the “Dukkan Bahrain” Application

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadija Abdulsalam)
26 April 2022
Two software engineering graduates from the College of Information Technology at the University of Bahrain (UoB) launched the “Dukkan Bahrain” application for businesses, which serves small business owners and their customers. The application brings together the seller and the buyer in an electronic platform available for iPhone and Android devices, designed with high standards, an easy-to-use interface, the ability to communicate directly with the other party, and a simple registration method, through which orders are easily and simply received.
Both of Ghufran Mohammed and Sayed Jalal Majid participated in the Entrepreneurship Skills Program, which was held by the Business Incubator Center at UoB in the summer semester 2021, to learn about the basics of entrepreneurship. As Ghufran Mohammed stated that: “One of the things that I was not aware of in entrepreneurship and learned after attending the lectures given by prominent entrepreneurs and specialists during the program; the importance of the idea, refining it, showing it as required, and measuring the market need for it, and I realized the importance of marketing, and the way to present and promote products or services”.
Furthermore, she added that she started working with co-founder Sayed Jalal Majid on the idea of the application through the Business Incubation Center program, and then through the graduation project at the College of Information Technology. Also, the team benefited from other services provided by the Business Incubator Center, such as mentorship sessions with prominent entrepreneurs and future investors. The team advises students wishing to start their entrepreneurial projects to benefit from the services and programs of the University’s Business Incubator Center.
As UoB pays special attention to developing students’ skills in the field of entrepreneurship, at a time when the importance of entrepreneurship has been clear in the development of various vital sectors, in line with Bahrain Economic Vision 2030. The University’s Business Incubator Center contributes to the development of these skills, through programs and services it provides, which the University’s students of all disciplines benefit from, to establish their entrepreneurial projects.

2022-05-08T14:22:30+03:00April 26, 2022|Uncategorized|
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