
– Transfer announcement for the first semester of the academic year 2023/2024

Transfer announcement for the first semester of the academic year 2023/2024

1. The Deanship of Admission and Registration at the University of Bahrain announces the start of submitting transfer applications electronically through the university’s website ( for the first semester of the academic year 2023/2024, from Wednesday, June 21, 2023, to Thursday, June 28, 2023.
2. Before the transfer results are announced, the student must complete all early registration procedures in the current major within the specified period (if any).
3. Date of transfer results announcement: to be determined later.
4. Date of Cancellation or confirmation of the transfer results: to be determined later.
5. If the scholarship student’s transfer application is approved, confirmation of that approval is conditional on submitting a letter of no objection from the scholarship authority to the Department of Admission and Alumni Affairs.

Conditions for transferring between Bachelors programs

A student may be transferred from one academic program to another in the same college or another college, or from Bachelor programs to programs of the College of Applied Studies when the following conditions are met:
1- The student must submit an application to the Deanship with complete information, supported by the required documents, and have the transfer fees paid, if any.
2- The student’s high school diploma is eligible for admission to the academic program he/she wishes to transfer to.
3- The student must have successfully passed (3) courses or (9) credit hours as a minimum, and not have passed a maximum of (66) hours.
4- The student has not been expelled from the university.
5- The student has not previously transferred from one academic program to another twice, including transferring to and from the College of Applied Studies’ program, and the student is not allowed to return to his/her first major from which he/she was previously transferred, and is not allowed to return from a diploma program after transferring to it to a Bachlor program or vice versa.
6- The transfer must be within the maximum number of students determined by the academic department according to its capacity, and in the event that the number of applicants exceeds this limit, the distinction is made based on their cumulative average, and in the event of equality, preference will be given to those who have successfully passed more credit hours.
7- The student must pass the personal interview required by the academic department to which he/she is affiliated with the academic program to which the transfer is required, whenever the department requires it.
8- The program required to be transferred to must have vacant study seats.

Conditions for transferring from the College of Applied Studies to Bachelor programs

1. The program to which the transfer is requested must have vacant study seats.
2. The student’s high school diploma is eligible for admission to the academic program he/she wishes to transfer to.
3. The student must pass the personal interview required by the academic department to which he/she is affiliated with the academic program to which the transfer is required whenever the department requires it.
4. At the end of the semester in which the student applied for a transfer, the transfer applicant must meet one of the following conditions:

(A) Passing the first semester of the Associate Diploma Program with a cumulative GPA of not less than 3.0, provided that 12 credit hours are achieved.
(B) Passing two semesters with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, provided that 24 credit hours are achieved.
(c) Successfully pass the Associate Diploma Program with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.33 out of 4.00.

5. The equivalency of the courses previously studied by the student is considered in accordance with the regulations of the college to which the transfer is required.
6. The student is not allowed to transfer throughout the period of study at the university more than twice.
7. The student is not allowed to return to the Associate Diploma Program after transferring from it to the bachelor’s degree.

Procedures for submitting a transfer request electronically

A. After reviewing the transfer conditions, please follow the application steps as follows:
1. Enter the Student Information System website by entering the university number and the student’s password.
2. Click on the (Main Menu) option, choose (My Requests), then choose (Transfer) and then choose the appropriate transfer type from the options below:

– College To College Transfer (application fee BD 10)
– Internal Transfer
– Diploma to Bsc Transfer (application fee 10 Bahraini Dinars) for students enrolled in the condition of passing the first or second semester.

3. Determine the college to be transferred to.
4. Determine the specialization to be transferred to.

Notes: Students transferring from the Associate Diploma programs at the College of Applied Studies to the bachelor’s degree – who fulfill the first and second conditions only – can select more than one desire (maximum 10 desires) according to the vacancies and seats available for transfer.

5. Mention the reason for the transfer.
6. Click on the Save button to save the application in the event of transfer within the college, and press the Pay To Add Request button to pay the fees and save the application in the event of transferring from one college to another or from diploma to bachelor’s degree.

B. Students who graduated with the diploma from the College of Applied Studies with the conditions of transfer (2.33 to 4.00)
1. Choose the UOB Admission Requests.
2. Then choose (Apply for Bachlor Programs – College of Applied Studies Graduates).
3. Please review and agree to the existing instructions to complete the application.
4. Enter the required personal data.
5. Choose and select the program to apply for, as the available program will appear according to the transfer vacancies corresponding to the high school track from which you graduated.
6. Enter personal contact data (email – mobile phone – address).
7. Please click on the (Verification Code) button and a message will be sent to the email you placed in the request, please put the code in the field designated for that.
8. Press Submit.
9. Pay the 10 dinars fees which is non-refundable.

Note: In case of any inquiry or problem, please contact the Student Service Center by phone call, WhatsApp service, or smart chat system service on the 16633366 number or e-mail

Important Notes:
– The student is not allowed to change the transfer request in the same semester.
– The fee for submitting a transfer application from one college to another is 10 Bahraini dinars.
-The transfer results are announced through the Student Information System website by showing an alert / Notification and by sending text messages / SMS.

2023-06-22T00:22:39+03:00June 21, 2023|
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