
– Important Announcment : Students of Information Technology College

Dear IT College Students,

I hope this email finds you well and that you are looking forward to the upcoming academic semester.

As the new semester approaches, I am writing to inform you about an important change in the mode of instruction/teaching for the first week. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have decided to conduct all teaching activities for College of Information Technology courses ONLY, online for the first week of the academic semester, from September 17th until September 21st. During this online teaching period, all lectures will be delivered through Blackboard

We encourage you to reach out to your instructor if you encounter any difficulties or have any questions regarding the online learning process.

Any further updates regarding the mode of instruction will be communicated to you in a timely manner through official channels, including email and Blackboard. We encourage you to update yourself with the University regulations of online learning and distance education and refer to the student resources for Blackboard:

We wish you a productive and successful academic semester ahead. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your course instructor and academic advisor.

2023-09-15T13:06:49+03:00September 15, 2023|
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