Associate Professor of Linguistics at the University of Bahrain Dr. Yasser Jumaa: Internationalization of Higher Education is the Way for Bahraini Universities towards Global Leadership ..Higher Education Institutions in the Kingdom of Bahrain Have a Well-Developed Infrastructure and Qualified Cadres

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Ali Al-Sabbagh)

December 6, 2021

Associate Professor of Linguistics at the Department of English at the University of Bahrain, Dr. Yasser Ahmed Jumaa, stressed that the internationalization of education in Bahrain is the way for Bahraini universities towards global leadership and rise in the international rankings of universities.

Dr. Jumaa, a fellow of the British Higher Education Academy, defines the internationalization of higher education as all efforts exerted by higher education institutions to integrate an international dimension in their programs and activities, with the aim of promoting cooperation and participation in facing global challenges and responding to the national needs.

Dr. Jumaa made this statement in a recent interview with Bahrain Radio, in which he discussed his call to use education internationalization strategies effectively in the Kingdom of Bahrain, being the way towards global leadership and competitiveness in higher education.

Dr. Jumaa stated, “Internationalization that employs modern technology in education, and depends on a comprehensive strategic management of quality, cooperation in the domain of scientific research, co-authoring, student exchange, and others, is a successful mechanism in transforming higher education institutions to global institutions capable of giving an international dimension to all aspects of its educational system.” He stressed, “This in turn increases the competitiveness of higher education institutions in the labor market, helps them take advantage of the opportunities, and increases their ability to expand.”

Dr. Jumaa pointed out, “The internationalization of higher education institutions is a motive for institutional planning based on international criteria.” He urged universities to “Seek to spread the culture of internationalization, motivate faculty members to participate in the internationalization process and develop educational programs and activities aimed at developing students’ awareness and encouraging them to acquire foreign languages.

Dr. Jumaa stressed the importance of establishing centers for internationalizing and marketing the programs of higher education institutions regionally and internationally, through establishing branches for Bahraini universities outside the Kingdom of Bahrain, and obtaining licenses for several educational services. He pointed out that this requires establishing a Bahraini university consortium, to help implement strategies of internationalizing higher education and get first-class higher education, in accordance with Bahrain Economic Vision 2030.

The associate professor of linguistics concluded his speech stressing that higher education institutions in Bahrain can achieve distinguished outcomes in the internationalization of education, given that many public and private universities in the Kingdom of Bahrain are academically accredited, have solid infrastructure and technology as well as qualified academic cadres.

2022-01-04T13:14:12+03:00December 6, 2021|Uncategorized|
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