“Business Incubator” Students Market their Projects and Attract Real Customers

News22092020 1
A number of students from the University of Bahrain (UOB) were successful with an important aspect of their emerging projects in the Bahraini market, and were able to attract real customers in short periods of time.

The Director of the Business Incubator Center, Dr. Israa Ahmed Wali, explained that the students were divided into teams during a summer program organized by the Business Incubator Center at the University in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship, and they effectively implemented marketing plans, and were able to attract real customers and obtain good financial returns. Dr. Wali added that “Each student team used a different method in the marketing process, and through its own experience and based on customer feedback, they changed and developed the marketing process, and identified various successful and most suitable methods to market its product.

For his part, the Co-Founder and CEO of VII Tech Solutions and Springring, Mohammed Ashoor, gave a lecture to students, in which he reviewed the difference between commercial marketing and individual marketing, confirming the variation in the size of marketing, which is greater in commercial marketing compared to individual marketing, on grounds of experience and financial ability.

While the Head of the Design and Marketing Department at VII Tech Solutions and Springring, Sabreen Bucheeri, presented the marketing strategy and tools that can be used in this process, and guided the students to a number of websites that they can benefit from in learning methods of sending automatic e-mails and text messages to customers on occasions or in specific and predefined dates and times.

2021-03-16T12:52:00+03:00March 16, 2021|Uncategorized|
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