UOB Holds the Induction Day Electronically

Prof. Hamzah: the Support of the Wise Leadership Enabled us to Fully Prepare for the Academic Year

UOB Holds the Induction Day Electronically


Under the patronage of the President of the University of Bahrain (UOB), Prof. Riyad Yousif Hamzah, the University broadcasted the events of the induction day for new students for the academic year 2021/2020 on Thursday (17 September 2020) on UOB’s website, in which a large number of students and their parents attended.

In his speech, Prof. Hamzah pointed out the distinction of this group of those admitted to UOB for this year, as due to the pandemic they graduated remotely and started their University life remotely as well, indicating that the University “is well prepared, thanks to the generous support of its wise leadership, led by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the beloved King of the country, all the means of advanced study, including teaching programs, multiple and varied information resources, and the best academic professors were made available, so that we can go through this situation together with full ability and competence.

Moreover, the University President expressed his confidence in this generation’s ability to deal with technological changes, saying that “There is no doubt that you will deal with this circumstance with the utmost awareness and responsibility, as you are the children of this digital generation that knows how to deal with the tremendous technological changes, with its programs and products, so the process of transformation from regular teaching into digital teaching will not be anything new to you. "

Furthermore, he stressed the importance of the role of parents and families in helping their children to excel and succeed in this important stage of their lives, inviting them to watch the Orientation Day program and learn about the rules and regulations of UOB and its services.

While the Vice President for Academic Programs and Postgraduate Studies at UOB Prof. Waheeb Issa Al-Nasser spoke about the laws and regulations of the University and the importance of benefiting from all the potentials and services provided by the University, as joining UOB in itself is an opportunity as it is the best at the national level with its developed programs and qualified personnel.

Also, Prof. Al-Nasser stressed the need to understand the study plan, know the GPA, and see the evaluation process and all that concerns the student in a way that makes his university years go as planned and without any obstacles.

For her part, the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Fatima Mohammed Al-Maliki, congratulated the new students on the start of the academic year and stressed the importance of students getting to know the most important rights and duties of students at UOB, as well as the internal regulations and the types of services provided by the University.

The program included a presentation of a group of student experiences that benefited from the student activities provided by students’ societies and clubs at the Deanship of Student Affairs, in addition to a presentation on the services provided by the University's language centers.

The program presented on YouTube included instructional sessions, materials and clips, a brief presentation on the academic regulations and laws at the University, and an instructional film on the most important services provided by the Deanship of Student Affairs and ways to access them and benefit from them. Also, the program included e-links for students to be able to reach other service bodies at the University to benefit from them, including the Deanship of Admission and Registration, the E-Learning Center, the English Language Center, UOB Health Center, the Information Technology Center, and the Security and Safety Department.


Sustainable Development Goals

4 Quality education


Key Words

Induction day for new students, the digital generation, the shift from regular teaching to digital teaching, the laws and regulations of studying at the University of Bahrain,

2021-06-14T04:31:54+03:00September 17, 2020|Deanship of Admission and Registration|

UOB Allows High School Graduates of The Past Two Years to Submit Their Applications

UOB Allows High School Graduates of The Past Two Years to Submit Their Applications

17 July 2020

The Deanship of Admission and Registration at the University of Bahrain (UOB) announced the opening of registration for high school graduates of the past two years (2017/2018) and (2018/2019) who wish to enroll, indicating that this will be available to students from public and private schools and Nasser Vocational Training Center.

The Deanship stated that the registration process will be available through the electronic student service website (sis.uob.edu.bh), starting from next Sunday (19 July 2020) to the following Sunday (26 July 2020).

Also, the Deanship cautioned that one of the conditions for joining the University is that the applicant has a high school diploma or its equivalent with a GPA of no less than 70%, and that the applicant should not be enrolled in any other higher education institution in case he was accepted in UOB.

Indicating that the National University does not accept its undergraduates to enroll in the same level of degree nor students who were dismissed from it.

UOB stated that it decided not to conduct the general aptitude test and the interviews that it used to organize annually exceptionally this year due to the conditions that the world is going through due to the Corona virus pandemic, indicating that the competitive rate will be the GPA of high school or its equivalent.

Regarding the selection of majors, the Deanship indicated that the selection and order of programs should correspond with the type of general secondary school certificate (literature, science, commercial, industry, unified tracks), noting that the comparison between applicants for admission in the different academic programs are based on the applicant’s fulfillment of admission requirements and the academic program’s capacity.

Also, the Deanship of Admission called on all students wishing to join the University to log on to UOB’s website (www.uob.edu.bh), and to follow its accounts on social networks to know admission requirements and to review the instructions and the required supporting documents, and it warned that applicants will be able to amend their choices during the application period, through the student service website, in addition to the possibility of uploading documents or editing their data until the 15th of August 2020.

Sustainable Development Goals

4 Quality education


Key words

Deanship of Admission and Registration at the University of Bahrain, the National University, Changing academic choices

2020-07-17T00:00:00+03:00July 17, 2020|Deanship of Admission and Registration|

Rumors of A

In Response to What Was Published by A Press Website: UOB Denies

Rumors of A "Black Market" For Summer Classes Seats

What Was Reported Is Contrary to Reality and Logic and It’s Offensive to The Reputation of the University and Its History

 The University of Bahrain (UOB) definitively denied the allegations of on the website of a local newspaper about the existence of a "black market" between students for summer classes seats.

The University confirmed in its comment on this rumor that the laws and regulations in force since UOB was established are the only ones that govern all procedures, which are based on equal opportunities and fairness among all students, and therefore it is neither logical nor realistic to talk about (selling seats) as if it is in a market.

Furthermore, the University statement stated that "What was reported from this press site is completely contrary to reality and logic, because any cancellation by the student of his seat for any reason whatsoever will absolutely not transfer this seat to another student of his choosing, because the process is done according to a tight electronic system, which gives priority to applicants according to the academic hours they spent and to how early they apply.”

The University expressed its great astonishment at how people followed such offensive rumors of a long-standing national academic institution, based on flimsy information circulating on some social media sites and not in line with reality or with the system applied at the University, claiming to "observe a black market" among students, without checking the validity of this information that any sound mind would not accept, and without checking with the University itself.

The University concluded its statement saying that as far as it highly appreciates the role of the press and the media, it is always ready to provide correct information and respond to the inquiries of all media outlets and newspapers in accordance with the requirements of the national duty. Also, it expressed how unfortunate it is for such an offense to be made towards an ancient national academic institution from which tens of thousands of students have graduated, and still are, who shall be responsible of building and developing the nation. Therefore, the University does not accept that its students, who represent our national elite and on whom we depend, are described with such inappropriate characterizations.

Sustainable Development Goals

4 Quality education

10 Reduced inequalities


Key Words

Black market, summer classes, equal opportunities and fairness for all students

2020-06-25T00:00:00+03:00June 25, 2020|Deanship of Admission and Registration|

UOB Announces the Results of The Second Semester 2019/2020

UOB Announces the Results of The Second Semester 2019/2020



The University of Bahrain (UOB) announced the results of the second semester of the academic year 2019/2020, as the results of more than 25,200 thousand students were sent by e-mail.

Acting Dean of Admission and Registration Dr. Mohammed Saleh Al-Ansari stated that the process of sending the results was successful, and a large number of students were able to view their results as soon as they were announced, while a small number of students needed technical assistance in reactivating their official e-mail accounts, to obtain the results, which can also be viewed through UOB’s application.

Also, he indicated that students who want their results to be reviewed can apply for that from 17 to 23 June 2020, as the results of the grievance will be announced later this month.

Furthermore, Dr. Al-Ansari stressed the importance of the student’s communication with the “Student Service Center”, which started its service in September 2019, as it actively helps students in their observations and inquiries that are related to a large percentage of them on admission and registration processes, announcing results and receiving other services from the Deanship through various ways of communication, and answer them in record time.


Sustainable Development Goals

4 Quality education

Key Words

University of Bahrain, second semester results, Student Service Center, admission and registration processes

2020-06-17T00:00:00+03:00June 17, 2020|Deanship of Admission and Registration|
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