Under the Slogan (Vision 2030 Challenges, Opportunities and Achievements)

Under the Slogan (Vision 2030 Challenges, Opportunities and Achievements)

UOB Celebrates the Glorious National Day Virtually


14 December 2020

On the occasion of the National Day, the University of Bahrain (UOB) is holding a celebration with a variety of activities under the slogan: (Vision 2030: Challenges, Opportunities and Achievements) on Tuesday (15 December 2020) at twelve o'clock in the afternoon via the online platform Microsoft Teams.

The Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Fatima Mohammed Al-Maliki, stated that: “UOB has always held National Day celebrations in a distinctive way, and this year as the country celebrates the forty-ninth national day of the Kingdom of Bahrain and the 21st anniversary of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa accession to the throne, the university continues to hold this annual national celebration, but in an innovative way.

Furthermore, he said that the celebration programme shall include several diverse and innovative events, which will be held remotely to be in line with the national precautionary measures to combat Covid-19.

Also, Dr. Al-Maliki indicated that celebration programme will start with a speech by the President of UOB, Dr. Riyad Yousif Hamzah, and another speech by the Dean, to be followed by various National Day competitions, including cultural competitions, the National Day Knights Contest, and other competitions for people with disabilities, where participants answer through Kahoot application.

Moreover, she added that the Deanship will hold comprehensive arts competitions for several arts, including a competition for the most beautiful painting under the title: (Vision 2030 Challenges, Opportunities and Achievements) for three categories: (children, amateurs and professionals), a visual arts competition (Arabic calligraphy - traditional and digital drawing), musical and solo recital competitions, and theatrical competitions of acting a theatrical scene. Also, a competition will be held under the title: (We celebrate from home), which aims to highlight the beauty of celebrating the National Day from home in light of the current conditions of the pandemic.

Also, Dean Al-Maliki referred to holding an art exhibition and various events, including: conveying congratulations on the occasion of the National Day, musical performances, and national films screenings.

Sustainable Development Goals:

4 Quality education

Key Words:

National Day of the Kingdom of Bahrain, University of Bahrain, Vision 2030: Challenges, Opportunities and Achievements, Deanship of Student Affairs, 49th National Day of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Arts competitions

2021-06-16T11:19:59+03:00December 14, 2020|Deanship of Students Affairs|

Student Affairs at UOB Celebrates IDPD

Student Affairs at UOB Celebrates IDPD

Prof. Hamza confirms: The University is Committed to Supporting the Provision of Infrastructure and Services that Meet the Needs of People with Disabilities

 The President of the University of Bahrain (UOB), Prof. Riyad Yousif Hamzah, confirmed UOB’s commitment to providing all means of support and aid for students with disabilities, in order to provide infrastructure and services that suit the needs of students of UOB from this segment, and enable them to benefit from the University’s services and facilities similar to their peers and fellow students, expressing at the same time his pride in how outstanding students with disabilities at UOB are.

During the participation of Prof. Hamza in the celebration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD), which was organized by UOB on Tuesday evening (8 December 2020), he stated in his speech that “We at UOB are proud of our dear students with disabilities and are committed to providing all means of support and assistance to them to enable them to achieve scientific and academic accomplishment in an appropriate environment and an atmosphere that motivates them to be creative and excel, thanks to the unlimited support provided by our wise leadership to our National University at various levels, on top of which is the support for the disabled category and the personal attention provided by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and the Crown Prince and Honorable Prime Minister, His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, and the late Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, may God have mercy on him, and the initiatives of His Highness Sheikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, First Vice President of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Chairman of the Olympic Committee Bahraini, in the field of empowering and supporting people with disabilities, which would develop and grow the skills and capabilities of people with disabilities, which would reflect on enhancing their integration and contribute to encouraging them to participate in the Kingdom’s development process. "

Through the virtual communication platform Microsoft Teams, Prof. Hamzah pointed out that “UOB’s focus on people with disabilities comes within the national strategy for persons with disabilities, which is based on the vision of the Kingdom of Bahrain government on building a Bahraini society with solidarity, compassion and justice. "

Moreover, the President of UOB, Prof. Hamzah, indicated that UOB has invested the capabilities and resources to provide the infrastructure, facilities and services that suit the needs of UOB students from this segment, and enable them to benefit from the University's services and facilities similar to their peers and fellow students in an equal manner that makes it easier for them to spend their University day and benefit from all academic programs and cultural, sports, and artistic activities and other extra-curricular activities that the University provides for students to refine their personal skills and abilities.

Also, he praised the capabilities of people with disabilities and said: “The creative abilities and innovations that people with disabilities have deserve to be given the opportunity and to allow them to move towards transforming their dreams, aspirations and goals into a tangible and prominent reality in their lives and societies with persistence, determination and willpower, and that is by providing them with facilities and support to overcome the difficulties they face, support their aspirations and hopes, and facilitate their path, so that they can be effective in all sites and forums. "

For her part, the Dean of Student Affairs at UOB, Dr. Fatima Mohammed Al-Malki, congratulated the participants in IDPD, and thanked the rational leadership for its great interest in people with disabilities and the support that the Kingdom provides to this important segment of society and for believing in their role in building the country and consolidating the bonds of society, and in the great energies and capabilities of such individuals, which have contributed and continue to contribute to the development of various sectors.

Also, the Dean of Student Affairs highlighted Bahraini models who excelled in all fields, including those with disabilities who have achieved unforgettable accomplishments in various fields.

For their part, students with disabilities expressed their happiness and appreciation for the efforts made by UOB and the Deanship of Student Affairs in their continuous assistance and encouragement, praising the great interest that the University gives to students with disabilities and fulfilling their requirements continuously. As the celebration witnessed statements by several students with disabilities and their parents.

It’s worth mentioning that the celebration was organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs at UOB, aiming to highlight the talents of students with disabilities, emphasize the creative and positive aspects of students with disabilities, and inspire students to be motivated, persistent and defiant by participating in various programs.

The celebration included a variety of musical and poetic events performed by students with disabilities, a short film entitled A Success Story, done by a group of students with disabilities who graduated from UOB, a drawing contest, and intellectual competitions, in addition to a song performed by a group of students with disabilities.

Sustainable Development Goals:

3 Good health and well-being.

4 Quality education.

10 Reduced inequalities.

Key Words:

International Day for Persons with Disabilities, University of Bahrain, Corona, Persons with Disabilities, Wise Leadership, Deanship of Student Affairs, National Strategy for Persons with Disabilities, University of Bahrain,

2021-06-06T09:47:58+03:00December 8, 2020|Deanship of Students Affairs|

UOB Celebrates IDPD Tomorrow (Tuesday)

UOB Celebrates IDPD Tomorrow (Tuesday)

Corresponding with the World Health Organization’s celebrations of International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD), and under the patronage of the President of the University of Bahrain (UOB) Prof. Riyad Yousif Hamzah, the University is celebrating IDPD on Tuesday (8 December 2020).

The celebration is organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs at UOB and it aims to highlight the talents of students with disabilities, emphasize the creative and positive aspects of students with disabilities, and inspire students to be motivated, persistent and defiant by participating in various programs.

On this occasion, it is planned that the President of the University, Prof. Hamzah, and the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Fatima Mohammed Al-Maliki will both give a speech during the celebration.

The celebration will include a variety of musical and poetic events executed by students with disabilities, in addition to a short film entitled “A Success Story” done by a group of students with disabilities who graduated from UOB, a drawing contest, and intellectual competitions, in addition to a song performed by members of the Music Club with the participation of a group of students with disabilities.


Sustainable Development Goals:

3 Good health and well-being

4 Quality education.

10 Reduced inequalities.


Key Words:

International Day for Persons with Disabilities, University of Bahrain, Corona, Persons with Disabilities, A Day for Everyone, World Health Organization , Not All Disabilities Are Visible.

2021-06-06T09:51:12+03:00December 7, 2020|Deanship of Students Affairs|

UOB Students Learn the Importance of Extracurricular Activity in Skills Development

UOB Students Learn the Importance of Extracurricular Activity in Skills Development

Within the Steps to Academic Success Program, the Guidance and Counseling Department at the Deanship of Student Affairs at the University of Bahrain (UOB) organized a lecture for students, entitled: "University Life Between Academic Achievement and Extracurricular Activity." which aims to develop students' skills in various fields through several activities.

The lecture was presented on the virtual communication platform (Microsoft Teams) by the Assistant Professor at Department of Information Systems at College of Information Technology, Dr. Resala Abdullah Al-Adraj, in which she talked about the concept of student activities, the role of activities in developing social responsibility and hobbies, and the impact of extracurricular activity on social relations, in addition to its impact on the cultural level.

Also, Dr. Al-Darraj stated that student activities are the link between the university stage and the labor market because they help students develop the skills required in the labor market, and train them to take responsibility in completing the tasks assigned to them and that extracurricular student activities provide an opportunity to build positive relationships and experiment with different types of personalities.

The Steps to Academic Success Program is organized by the Guidance and Counseling Department and it includes a series of lectures and workshops organized every semester to developing students' motivation towards learning, raising the level of their ambitions, and developing their cognitive abilities and scientific expertise.


Sustainable Development Goals:

4 Quality education.


key words:

Deanship of Student Affairs, Department of Guidance and Counseling, Student Activities, Lectures, Students, University of Bahrain, Social Responsibility,

2020-12-07T00:00:00+03:00December 7, 2020|Deanship of Students Affairs|

UOB Reviews the Success of The Experience of People with Disabilities in Higher Education

UOB Reviews the Success of The Experience of People with Disabilities in Higher Education

The University of Bahrain (UOB) reviewed two experiences of students with disabilities who successfully graduated from the University, during the celebration organized by King Abdulaziz University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on Saturday (5 December 2020), to celebrate the International Day of People with Disabilities (IDPD) with the participation of several universities in the GCC.

The Deanship of Student Affairs at UOB participated with an event entitled "Success for Students with Disabilities", during which a graduate of the College of Arts at UOB and currently an English language teacher in the schools of the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Hana Al-Jamri, presented her success story, and how she overcame her sight impairment and was able to reach her goals and achieve her ambitions. Also, she participated in a singing performance done by students of the Music Club with the participation of students with disabilities.

The celebration was held on the virtual communication platform "Zoom", during which the Dean of Student Affairs at UOB, Dr. Fatima Mohammed Al-Malki, explained the idea of ??designing the logo for the Committee for Follow-up of the Affairs of Students with Special Needs in universities and higher education institutions in the GCC, and she stated that "The slogan was inspired by the wheelchair to denote disability in general, and there is a person at the top of this chair to signify honor and pride, in addition to the logo of the GCC countries surrounded by the flags of the Gulf countries."

Furthermore, the Dean of Student Affairs at the University of Bahrain, Dr. Al-Maliki, launched the committee's social networking sites.

Sustainable Development Goals:

3 Good health and well-being

4 Quality education.

10 Reduced inequalities

16 Partnerships for the goals.

Key Words:

International Day of People with Disability, Success for Students with Disabilities, Deanship of Student Affairs, Universities of the GCC, University of Bahrain.

2020-12-06T00:00:00+03:00December 6, 2020|Deanship of Students Affairs|

Coronavirus Under the Scope

Participants in the "Coronavirus Under the Scope" Symposium at UOB:

We are Still in Desperate Need for Continued Safety and Health Precautions


Participants in the " Coronavirus Under the Scope" symposium stressed the importance of preserving the safety and health of citizens and residents in the Kingdom of Bahrain, praising the community's awareness and solidarity in adhering to the precautionary measures and the achievements and progress made in addressing the pandemic since last January 2020.

The symposium was organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs at the University of Bahrain (UOB) on a virtual communication platform on Thursday (16 October 2020) under the sponsorship of the University President Prof. Riyad Yousif Hamzah and in his presence, during which speakers called for the importance of citizens and residents in the Kingdom of Bahrain to feel a sense of responsibility towards the efforts made by the National Taskforce, the medical staff and volunteers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the opening of the symposium, the President of the University praised the performance of the National Taskforce and health staff in confronting and combating the Corona virus (Covid-19) pandemic and expressed his pride in what the Kingdom of Bahrain has achieved in dealing with the pandemic, as well as the joint cooperation between all the people of the country. Also, he praised the efforts of front-line medical staff in combating this pandemic, expressing his gratitude and appreciation to the National Taskforce led by the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander, First Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Coordinating Committee of the National Taskforce for Combating the Coronavirus (Covid-19), His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa.

As the Assistant Undersecretary for Public Health at the Ministry of Health, Dr. Maryam Ebrahim Al-Hajiri, first spoke about " Health Status and the Role of the National Taskforce for Combating the Coronavirus” and pointed to the amount of progress the national taskforce and medical teams have achieved since its formation. Moreover, Dr. Al-Hajiri explained that the National Taskforce started with 300 examinations per day, “then we reached ten thousand examinations per day,” confirming that the total number of examinations amounted to more than one and a half million examinations during the first half of October, and that the number of those infected is 76 thousand, while the number of people who recovered is 72 thousand.

Also, Dr. Al-Hajiri indicated that the number of people infected is declining, thanks to God and to the efforts of the National Taskforce and medical teams that are doing their best to address the Corona pandemic (Covid-19), in addition to the community’s cooperation and awareness.

Dr. Al-Hajiri reviewed the tasks accomplished by the National Taskforce, noting that since its formation in January of the current year 2020, the National Taskforce has worked to develop proactive plans, take precautionary measures that are in line with the recommendations of the World Health Organization, and many preventive measures to limit the spread of the virus, and apply the most precise standards for tracking the impact of contacts through surveillance and investigation, increasing the capacity of hospitals, quarantine center, and treatment center, working to increase laboratory examinations, increasing intensive care equipment in all sites at the highest level, developing a complete plan to employ, qualify and train the necessary manpower, manage cases, and improve treatment capacity, which was reflected in the rate of recovery going up to 95% of the total infected.

Furthermore, Dr. Al-Hajiri stated that "The Kingdom of Bahrain is the first in the Arab world to carry out clinical vaccine trials, as the sincere efforts led by the Crown Prince His Highness the Prince led to preserving the safety and health of citizens and residents in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the National Taskforce employed all human, material and health cadres and volunteers to work around the clock and on the front lines to confront the pandemic. "

Also, Dr. Al-Hajiri stated that "All the cadres working to confront the pandemic have proven their competence and ability in dealing with these conditions," calling on everyone to appreciate what is being provided by the leadership and government to maintain health security on this good land and continuing to say that " we need to continue with willpower, determination and responsibility to preserve the health and safety of our people."

Dr. Al-Salman: The world is facing a circumstance it has not witnessed in 100 years.

Consultant for infectious diseases and internal diseases at the Salmaniya Medical Complex, Jameela Salman, spoke about “The Current Situation of The Corona virus (Covid-19) Internationally,” and said in this context “The whole world is facing a pandemic that it has not witnessed in 100 years and at this level of the impact on health, society, economy and education levels," stressing that "the pandemic has highly impacted several fields. "

On the incubation period of the virus for the infected person, Dr. Al-Salman explained that "The incubation period for the emerging virus ranges from one to ten days, and during these ten days, symptoms may and may not appear on the infected person." Further explaining that "the transmission of infection has stronger symptoms on the infected than the transmitter of the infection who had no symptoms, and both of them can infect others during the period of infection. "

Furthermore, Dr. Salman listed human organs in that can be affected by the virus, explaining that the virus starts in the upper respiratory system, as severe pain spreads throughout the body, and symptoms appear on the digestive system, such as vomiting or diarrhea. Also, Dr. Salman said that "One of the distinguishing effects of this virus is a temporary loss of the sense of smell and taste." pointing out that there are other long-term symptoms and effects such as heart attacks, strokes, and forgetfulness, as she said that "This virus affects all parts of the body."

Also, she indicated that people with chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and immunodeficiency, and the elderly are the most vulnerable groups to infection with the Covid-19 virus.

Dr. Jawad: Bahrain is a pioneer in testing vaccines.

On her part, the Public Health Consultant and Head of the Immunization Group at the Public Health Department, Dr. Jaleela Al-Sayed Jawad, spoke about "The Experience of The Kingdom of Bahrain in Taking Covid-19 Vaccines." where Al-Sayed stated that “Bahrain has been a pioneer in testing vaccines in the past years.” explaining that the most important vaccine at the present time for Covid-19 is the application of precautions and preventive measures, until a vaccine that can completely eliminate this virus is produced.

On the experience of the Kingdom of Bahrain in taking the vaccine, Dr. Al-Sayed said that "The Kingdom of Bahrain participated in the third phase of vaccine trials, after the tested vaccine passed a number of trials in the first and second stages, and the tests confirmed the safety and health of those who were subjected to the experiments earlier."

Furthermore, she stated that "The vaccine used in clinical trials in Bahrain is a vaccine manufactured by China, and it is considered one of the disinfectant vaccines, and it has no ability to transmit the infection, and this vaccine is given in two doses. Adding that it has proven safe after trying the first dose, and no complications were seen in volunteers so far. "

Also, Dr. Al-Sayed confirmed that there are several countries working to produce a vaccine in order to eliminate this virus, and there is still no vaccine that has proven its ability to completely eliminate it.

For her part, the Dean of Student Affairs at UOB, Dr. Fatima Mohammed Al-Maliki, thanked the Ministry of Health for its continuous cooperation and efforts to raise community awareness, and that its keenness to participate in the symposium reflects the vision of workers in the health sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain, as well as the National Taskforce for Combating the Coronavirus and the medical team and all the front-line workers who make great sacrifices to protect our dear Kingdom from this pandemic.

Sustainable Development Goals:

3 Good health and well-being.

Key Words:

The National Taskforce for Combating the Coronavirus, Covid-19, University of Bahrain, Ministry of Health, corona symptoms, effects of the pandemic, corona symposium, Kingdom of Bahrain, Chinese vaccine, clinical trials.

2020-10-16T00:00:00+03:00October 16, 2020|Deanship of Students Affairs|

Al-Maliki: Activities to Reduce Stress and Encourage Students to Stay at Home

Al-Maliki: Activities to Reduce Stress and Encourage Students to Stay at Home

Student Affairs at UOB Launches A Package of Remote Programs and Events


The Deanship of Student Affairs at the University of Bahrain (UOB) announced the launch of a package of remote programs and events presented by specialists and mentors in several fields, noting that it has updated its website to include new services and programs.

The Dean of Student Affairs at the University, Dr. Fatima Mohammed Al-Maliki, stated that “The Deanship is keen to continue providing the services and programs that it has always provided throughout the academic year, and it has worked to contain the student from all psychological, social, cultural, sports and artistic aspects, by organizing a package of activities and programs.".

Moreover, Dr. Al-Maliki indicated that these programs come as well within the framework of encouraging students to commit to staying at home and helping them to make the most of their time, in light of the current health conditions, and in adherence to the directives of the National Task Force for Combating the Coronavirus for distance work and learning and the commitment to stay at home.

According to the Dean, the programs included a set of counseling and awareness lectures (psychological and social) provided by social specialists and workers in the Guidance and Counseling Department at the Deanship, in addition to sports, cultural and artistic courses, lectures, and workshops.

The Deanship organized a course entitled: “Mental Training and the Mindset of a Sports Champion” presented by the Director of the Sports Development Department at the Bahrain Olympic Committee, Dr. Nabeel Taha, and a lecture entitled: “Skills of Dealing with the Psychological Effects of the Coronavirus Crisis” presented by Director of Guidance and Counseling Department, Sameera Ahmed Al-Bastaki.

Also, it organized a set of artistic competitions, such as drawing, calligraphy, painting, and photography competitions for the fine arts club and the photography club, and a chess competition for the chess club.

In addition, the Deanship of Student Affairs launched a competition entitled: "Your Home ... The World's Studio", which includes a set of competitions in the fields of theater, visual arts, and music, as well as cultural and sports competitions that were presented throughout the current month of Ramadan, and a number of artistic training courses for the music club, the fine arts club and the theater club, in addition to virtual art exhibitions such as the Photography Club Gallery and the Fine Arts Club Gallery, and other student programs that contribute to containing students during this crisis, reducing their psychological stress, and enabling them to invest their time in what supports their academic achievement.

Furthermore, Dr. Al-Maliki mentioned that the Deanship of Student Affairs launched its new website, which contains all the offered programs, recorded lectures, and daily competitions, to let students to view them in an easy and accessible manner, calling on all students to benefit from its services and programs, and to participate in the competitions and events.


Sustainable Development Goals

4 Quality education

11 Sustainable cities and communities

17 Partnerships for the goals


Key Words

Deanship of Student Affairs at the University of Bahrain, distance learning, social workers, sports courses, art workshops, music club, fine arts club, theater club

2020-05-11T00:00:00+03:00May 11, 2020|Deanship of Students Affairs|

UOB Students Participate in the Gulf Theater Festival in Jeddah

UOB Students Participate in the Gulf Theater Festival in Jeddah


With the participation of nine universities from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in addition to the University of Bahrain (UOB) and universities from the State of Kuwait and the Sultanate of Oman, students of the Theater Club at UOB participated in the fifth Gulf Theater Festival for Universities and Higher Education Institutions in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states, at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, during the period from the 2nd to the 7th of February 2020.

The students of UOB performed a theatrical work entitled "Al-Qadem", directed by the Artist Ebrahim Khalfan, written by Waleed Ikhlasi, and performed by the students: Ali Hussain, Hamad Al-Haddad, Ali Hassan and Ja’afar Al-Bannai.

In this context, the Dean of Student Affairs at UOB, Dr. Fatima Mohammed Al-Malki, who headed the student delegation, stated: “The Theater Festival for Universities of the Arab Gulf states provides an opportunity for students in these universities to exchange experiences and expertise, and represents an opportunity for university students to participate and show their experiences, ideas and expertise.". Furthermore, Dr. Al-Malki expressed her happiness at the participation of UOB students in the Theater Festival.

Participants in the Festival will perform 12 student plays, practical seminars, theater acting training courses, and a mask-making course.

UOB delegation consisted of Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Fatima Al-Malki, Instructor of Theater Club Shaikha Bukamal, the theatrical work director Ebrahim Khalfan, and club students Ali Hussain, Hamad Al-Haddad, Ali Hassan, and Ja’afar Al-Bannai.

2020-02-03T00:00:00+03:00February 3, 2020|Deanship of Students Affairs|
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