The Exam Monitoring Program Saves Students’ Time and Effort

UOB: The Exam Monitoring Program Saves Students’ Time and Effort


25 November 2020

The University of Bahrain (UOB) confirmed that using the "LockDown" browser to monitor the exams is in the interest of students, as it saves students’ time and effort if any defect in the device or an interruption in the Internet service occurs, as the time is calculated after fixing the defect or reconnecting to the internet.

During a direct meeting with the students, the Director of the E-Learning Center at UOB, Dr. Fay Abdulla Al Khalifa, and a number of university officials reviewed the features of the browser, how to use it, terms of use, and she answered students' questions and inquiries through visual communication technology.

The meeting that was attended by more than three thousand students and a number of professors and officials at the University, during which the Director of the E-Learning Center explained that most of the problems that some students faced were because of their lack of knowledge of how the program works, and that can be easily fixed by looking at the instructions on the E-Learning Center page or through the instructions provided by the Respondus exams monitoring platform, which is the owner of the LockDown browser.

Also, Dr. Fay Al Khalifa indicated that many students did not face any problems in using the browser, calling on students who complained about obstacles to see the instruction manuals, and to contact the student service center at the University or to message the technical team of the company providing the system about their problem through live chat or by opening a technical support card.

Furthermore, she stated that the Respondus is one of the globally trusted and tested platforms, noting that the LockDown browser has been used for more than 120 million examinations annually by about 1500 institutions, a number that is increasing annually.

And she continued "Before using the Lockdown Browser to monitor the exams, we studied the available options, and found that LockDown enhances safety and reliability during exams," noting that "the Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries encouraged its use, and several universities in the region approved it, including King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, King Saud University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and University of Kuwait, in addition to its adoption in all universities in the United Arab Emirates by a decision from the UAE Ministry of Education.

For her part, the Dean of Student Affairs at UOB, Dr. Fatima Moahmmed Al-Maliki, explained that the University administration is keen to create a reliable educational system, especially in light of the exceptional circumstances imposed by the Corona virus pandemic.

Also, Dr. Al-Maliki stated that the Deanship of Student Affairs seeks to help students who face difficulties, giving a number of examples in which, the Deanship was able to facilitate for students the obstacles they faced in all respects, and that the Deanship will continue to do so in its work so that the experience of studying at UOB is always smooth and exciting.

On her part, Director of the Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation Center at the University, Dr. Luisla Paolo Federico, stressed the importance of relying on sound practices in conducting exams, through an internationally accredited monitoring program to achieve the reliability and quality sought by academic accreditation institutions in the world, noting that the browser increases the levels of safety and honesty in the electronic examination environment.

The meeting witnessed a positive interaction with more than 900 questions and remarks, in which the Director of the E-Learning Center denied that the program had a negative impact on the anti-viruses, and she denied what is said about the browser disconnecting the student of the pairing mode if they lower their heads when answering the questions, noting that the exams have different requirements, as some of which require writing mathematical equations, doing engineering drawings or others, and some are written, so the courses’ instructors decide on that.

Furthermore, Dr. Fay Al Khalifa said that the University allows downloading the browser for its students for free, and it encourages students to download their study materials via the cloud, to have enough space on the device generally and to work more efficiently.

While on the damage that got to some devices when downloading the program, she confirmed that some students were under the illusion that their devices had been damaged, but as soon as they followed the instructions they found that the solutions were very simple, indicating that if the devices were actually damaged, then it is necessary to contact the student service center to document these cases and take the necessary measures to compensate these students through the Deanship of Student Affairs.


Sustainable Development Goals

4 Quality education

17 Partnerships for the goals


Key Words

Respondus, LockDown, E-Learning Center at the University of Bahrain, Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation Center,

2020-11-25T00:00:00+03:00November 25, 2020|e-learning center|

In Cooperation with Local Partners and MIT University

In Cooperation with Local Partners and MIT University

UOB Prepares for a Global Research Project on Sustainable Building


22 November 2020

The President of the University of Bahrain (UOB), Prof. Riyad Yousif Hamzah, confirmed that the University is looking forward to conducting joint scientific research and promoting research production, in order to reach applied scientific solutions to society challenges and problems.

In a speech during a seminar on research participation in smart urbanization projects on Wednesday (18 November 2020), Prof. Hamzah stated that the University focuses on the importance of partnering with prestigious scientific institutions to benefit from their expertise and emphasize research capacities of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The seminar discussed a set of projects proposed by the institutions participating in the event, in preparation for choosing one research topic to be submitted to the global support providers for the research in which UOB, the institutions that proposed the selected research project, and the American University of MIT are participating.

The authorities that participated in the seminar included the Supreme Council for the Environment, the Survey and Land Registration Authority, the Real Estate Regulatory Agency, Bahrain Real Estate Investment Company (Edamah), Bahrain Institute for Banking and Finance (BIBF), Urban Planning and Development Authority, and the Information and eGovernment Authority.

Moreover, the coordinator of the seminar and Director of the E-Learning Center at UOB, Dr. Fay Abdullah Al Khalifa, praised the ideas and proposals of the participating parties on sustainable urbanization and methods to reach the best smart solutions.

Also, she stated that "The participants provided an outstanding set of important ideas and urgent issues that contribute to raising the sustainability system in the built environment in three axes, which are: smart transportation systems, education, and smart and sustainable urbanization strategies."

Furthermore, Dr. Fay Al Khalifa stated that companies and government organizations submitted nine proposals, which were diverse in their presentation, starting from methods of using green roofs, air quality, smart and electrical transportation, to the importance of focusing on education and people, and that is to clarify and deepen the concept of urban sustainability in the different stages of education, and to include standards for practicing sustainable professions as one of the pillars of the success of Bahrain Vision 2030, indicating that the proposed ideas are not concerned with the next five years only, as they will contribute to changing Bahrain's future for decades to come.

For her part, member of the faculty at the College of Engineering at the University, Dr. Nihal Ali Al-Murbati, referred to the role that the Smart Sustainable Urbanization Research Lab at UOB is expected to play in supporting the foundations of scientific research and accelerating urban progress, pointing out that it can be used to support proposed strategies in the areas of smart and sustainable building.

Sustainable Development Goals

4 Quality education

8 Decent work and economic growth

9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

11 Sustainable cities and communities

13 Climate Action

17 Partnerships for the goals

Key Words

Promoting Research Production, MIT University, Smart Solutions, Green Roofs, Air Quality, Smart and Electrical Transportation, University of Bahrain Smart and Sustainable Urbanization Research Lab, Smart Transportation Systems

2020-11-21T00:00:00+03:00November 21, 2020|e-learning center|

The Pandemic Has Created Opportunities and Challenges That Must Be Utilized to Advance the Economy

The Pandemic Has Created Opportunities and Challenges That Must Be Utilized to Advance the Economy

In the virtual forum recently held by the University of Bahrain (UOB) under the title “The Future of Development in Light of The Current Challenges: Corona Pandemic (COVID-19)”, participants stressed the importance of identifying the challenges of the current period that the world is going through considering the spread of the Corona pandemic and identifying the most important strengths and weaknesses in the economic, scientific, and industrial systems. In addition to knowing the most important lessons learned from the current crisis, the opportunities available to young people at the present time and the stage following the Corona virus, as well as taking advantage of the opportunities created by the crisis to advance the economy and defining the roles of young people considering the current challenges. Not to mention the development of general frameworks that focus on at the current stage in preparation for the stage following the Corona virus.

Economic analyst and businessman Hazem Janahi stated that "The government's early response to confronting the Corona pandemic through economic support for the private sector, and in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, has contributed to saving the economy," pointing out that the companies that were steadfast before the Corona crisis will be able to survive this crisis. Indicating that the service sectors that were forcibly closed were the most affected ones during the crisis, and they are the ones who need special economic treatment, including: major restaurants, health clubs, and salons.

Moreover, he pointed to the urgent need for pioneering guidance so that small and medium-sized enterprises will be able to survive and stay in the market, pointing out that they constitute the largest segment of the market and are more deserving of support than major companies, provided that this should be done in a calculated and regulated way. Also, he said that "The Corona pandemic has as well created pioneering opportunities for those who have exploited them properly, such as starting electronic projects or participating in e-commerce."

The Forum aimed to identify the most important outcomes of current challenges and their impact on the economic, industrial and scientific developments that the world will witness, which will have a major impact on reshaping youth priorities and the tools for creating the future.

The forum had numerous speakers from inside and outside the University and was divided into four themes: economy and flexible transformation, the role of youth in facing development challenges (during the spread of the Corona pandemic), the Bahraini approach to confronting urgent challenges, and education and scientific research: between variables and opportunities.

On his part, Director of the Studies and Research Department at the Bahrain Center for Strategic, International and Energy Studies (Derasat) Dr. Omar Al- Ubaydli stated that “It is not possible to formulate policies for economic support without collecting accurate information and data about the economic and health repercussions, the extent of damages, and the identity of those affected by addressing them directly and addressing businessmen and businesswomen to identify the challenges and ways of addressing them," indicating the importance of forming dedicated work teams to collect such information, upon which solutions will be found, stressing that each country has its own nature and circumstances, which cannot be projected onto others.

Furthermore, Dr. Al-Ubaydli stressed the importance of restoring people's trust to revitalize the economy, explaining that even with deregulation and life returning to normal after the end of the pandemic, the largest segment of people will not go about their lives normally until after they’re completely certain that the virus has been eliminated, which slows down economy revitalization.

While the Bahraini entrepreneur and winner of the People's Choice Award in the fourth edition of the "Pitch at Palace" competition, the dentist Dr. Nahla Al-Sunni, agreed with Hazem Janahi on the need for entrepreneurial guidance for young people, noting that the currently available guidance is not continuous, and youth may get it when they establish their projects, but it will not continue with them, and due to the lack of experience they will be forced to stop their projects and leave the market. Emphasizing the importance of entrepreneurial and educational guidance, as well as moral support for young entrepreneurs.

In the third session of the FORUM, media researcher and advisor at the Ministry of Information, Dr. Lulwa Boudlameh, analyzed the speech of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa from the BeAware program, and praised the governmental measures and the commitment of individuals in in confronting the Corona virus. Identifying the term “Bahraini Approach” and its features.

Moreover, she indicated that Bahrain was able to take the first place in the world by adopting proactive measures to combat the Corona pandemic, and second in the world in terms of recovery rates. Also, it received international praise for the precautionary measures, Arab praise for its response to the virus, and a Gulf praise for taking effective measures to protect workers. Also, it was able to implement a treatment protocol and  achieve innovation in applying technology. Pointing out that Bahrain is one of the few countries that has not resorted to stopping life completely.

For his part, Director of the Bahrain Program for Best Government Practices Ibrahim Al-Tamimi pointed out that the inability to replicate the experiences of other countries in facing Corona virus is because the nature of each country is different. Indicating that in the Kingdom of Bahrain in particular, and the Gulf countries in general, the elderly were not the most vulnerable to the Corona virus, but patients with chronic diseases such as pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol, who represent a large segment of society members.

Furthermore, Al-Tamimi stated that "The Bahraini economy is a service economy, and therefore it works for two weeks, and stops its activity for two weeks, so that the economy doesn’t get affected," noting that Bahrain exercised truth and justice with all citizens and residents alike without discrimination, and it did not prevent anyone from receiving treatment, which confirms that it is a country of justice and law.

In the last session that dealt with the issue of education and scientific research: between variables and opportunities, Director of the Quality Assurance Office at the College of Arts, Dr. Diana Abdulkarim Jahromi, indicated that distance education is not new to the Kingdom of Bahrain, pointing out that electronic learning has been available since 1995. Stating that "The golden period for e-learning began with the launch of His Majesty the King’s project for future schools in 2005 and the inauguration of the Zain E-Learning Center at UOB in 2009. And during the years 2009-2010 the e-learning culture spread, and it was activated more widely in higher education institutions and public and private schools, considering it a basic requirement of international quality assurance and accreditation, while the year 2020 came to be the year of e-learning.”

The Director of the E-Learning Center at UOB, Dr. Fay Abdullah Al Khalifa, indicated that the process of converting courses into digital courses in a short period of time was quick because of everyone’s cooperation, including university academics, students, and employees of the E-Learning Center. Also, she shed light on the strategy of UOB in the process of transition to distance education, by setting the necessary plans to provide the infrastructure for a complete transition to distance education, taking into account the training of academic staff and students.

Moreover, she said: "UOB is outstanding, as it was able to overcome many of the difficulties facing this transformation in a short period of time, especially in light of current challenges in facing the Corona virus."



Sustainable Development Goals:

3- Good Health and Well-Being

4- Quality Education

8- Decent Work and Economic Growth

11- Sustainable Cities and Communities

17- Partnerships for the Goals

13- Climate Action


Key Words:

The future of development considering current challenges, economic support for the private sector, pioneering guidance, youth priorities, Bahrain Center for Strategic, International and Energy Studies, a river, BeAware, converting courses into digital courses, Quality Assurance Office in the College of Arts, e-learning culture

2020-07-27T00:00:00+03:00July 27, 2020|e-learning center|

Forbes Describes the Experience of UOB In BlockChain Technology as Pioneering

In an Article on Its Website

Forbes Describes the Experience of UOB In BlockChain Technology as Pioneering


Forbes magazine praised the pioneering of the University of Bahrain (UOB) in the application of BlockChain technology.

The famous magazine published an article on its website entitled “The Saudi Central Bank Leads the Way with BlockChain Supported Transfer,” described the experience of the University of Bahrain (UOB) as a pioneer in the Middle East region and called for the world to pay attention to it and benefit from it.

The article was published on Wednesday (8 June 2020) and stated that the Kingdom of Bahrain was a forerunner in the application of the BlockChain technology and is a pioneer in this field. As the regulators in the Kingdom of Bahrain were quick to introduce a new system for crypto-assets and work closely with the financial services sector and the government to attract BlockChain expertise from around the world. Also, the article pointed out that UOB took advantage of this technology by issuing notarized diploma certificates.

Moreover, in April of last year 2019, UOB celebrated the delivery of more than 100 digital certificates issued by the BlockChain platform to students inside and outside of UOB.

As UOB has adopted blockchain technology and became one of the first educational bodies regionally to issue certificates to its graduates through this technology, which strengthened the University's leadership and reflected its adoption of modern technologies in various aspects of its operations and academic programs.

Also, it is now possible to achieve greater safety and verify the authenticity of academic certificates granted by UOB via the Internet in an easy and accessible way, and from anywhere in the world, without the need to refer to the University or any other party to verify its credibility. As this technology guarantees the issuance of notarized digital academic certificates that are unfraudulent and can be easily sent and shared with employers and universities, which provides institutions and individuals with lifetime ownership of their certificates, without the need for a program from the supplier that requires registration and verification.

These steps come within the framework of the digital transformation witnessed by the institutions of the Kingdom of Bahrain, as it attaches great importance to technology and its role in enhancing its economic growth, creating quality job opportunities, and raising human development rates for a better life for everyone.

Sustainable Development Goals :

4 Quality Education

17 Partnerships for The Goals

Key Words

Forbes Magazine, BlockChain, crypto-assets, digital certification, notarized digital academic certificates that are unfraudulent, digital transformation, better life for everyone

2020-06-24T00:00:00+03:00June 24, 2020|e-learning center|

Congratulating Students and Professors on the End of the Second Semester

Congratulating Students and Professors on the End of the Second Semester

Dr. Hamzah: The Achievements of UOB in Digital Education Is A "Success Story"

Dr. Fay Al Khalifa: The Provision of Courses Digitally Shall Continue to Expand, And Students' Engagement is Great


21 June 2020

The President of the University of Bahrain (UOB), Dr. Riyad Yousif Hamzah, congratulated the University’s academics and students on the occasion of the end of the second semester of the 2019/2020 academic year.

Stating that "The challenge imposed by the current circumstances witnessed by the whole world has shown many potentials and opportunities, represented in mainly examining digital education in the work of this chapter."

Also, the President of UOB indicated that what has been achieved at the University is a "success story" in which professors and students alike participated, with great support, and tireless work from the E-Learning Center which is responsible for the Black Board platform and the Information Technology Center that is in charge of the MS Teams platform.

Furthermore, Dr. Hamzah stated that "The academic staff has shown unrivaled enthusiasm for the shift from regular education to digital education, and many of them have created methods that suit the nature of the courses they present. During which, according to statistics, UOB students showed high commitment despite knowing that the atmosphere of studying in a regular classroom is different from watching lectures at home or remotely, stressing that “This experience that the education sector all over the world was forced to go through, opened wide doors for investment in digital learning and technology.”

Also, he stressed that UOB has benefited a lot from this experience, and shall continue to take steps towards enhancing digital education and continuously improving it through its interaction with the observations of professors and students.

On her part, Director of the E-Learning Center, Dr. Fay Abdullah Al Khalifa, stated that: “The statistics we obtained after the end of the second semester indicate the extensive use of many components of digital education, in terms of the number of lectures, attendance hours, creation of digital courses, exchanged messages, video hours, and other components, whether on Blackboard or MS Teams, stressing that these statistics are similar to their counterparts in the statistics of other international universities, and may sometimes surpass them.

She further added "Without going too much into the details shown by the statistics, the number of students who benefited from digital learning and interacted with it reached 22,400 students, while all the academic staff at the University of 868 professors used digital learning in various forms, including broadcasting, recording, presentations, meetings, correspondence with students, recordings and audio broadcasts, and other various means provided by the two platforms used at UOB. Also, 4,625 courses were presented during this period, and the attendance rate exceeded 90% in e-courses, with an attendance period for lectures, and an active interaction by both sides of the educational learning process. "

Moreover, Dr. Fay Al Khalifa stressed that “The E-Learning Center has expanded with the presence of digital learning for the second semester that ended days ago, as well as for the future, as it captured and documented many clinical and laboratory experiments in the Colleges of Science and the College of Engineering, and it continues to document and record what needs to be documented in the rest of the faculties and parts of the University,". Noting at the same time that the Center is in continuous contact with regional and international universities to exchange experiences and have the best implemented ones, either through individual communication or by participating in digital conferences and forums that are widely held these days to study different experiences."

Also, the Director of the E-Learning Center indicated that the experience of UOB received great praise and appreciation in the electronic workshop organized by the British Council in the middle of last month. In which many international universities participated, and the University College London - one of the oldest British universities - praised the steps taken by UOB and the results achieved by its digital education experience.


Sustainable Development Goals:

4 Quality Education

17 Partnerships for The Goals

Key Words:

End of the second semester, A Success Story, E-Learning, Digital Learning, The British Council, University College London, Creating Digital Courses, E-Courses, Information Technology Center

2020-06-21T00:00:00+03:00June 21, 2020|e-learning center|

Confirming That UOB is working on Developing Electronic Content


Confirming That UOB is working on Developing Electronic Content

Dr. Al Khalifa Expects A Change in Teaching Methods After the Corona Pandemic



Director of the E-Learning Center at the University of Bahrain (UOB), Dr. Fay bint Abdullah Al Khalifa, confirmed that the distance learning experience has changed the perception of digital learning in the world, expecting that teaching methods will change after the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, so that digital learning will expand.

This came on the margins of an electronic debate workshop that was recently organized by the British Council, in which members of the British Council's UK Alumni Network from several countries in the world participated.

Dr. Al Khalifa explained the timeline that UOB scheduled to ensure the continuation of the educational process during the period of precautionary measures after the suspension of classes, noting that the University’s experience was admired by the participants in the workshop, especially by the University College London, which is one of the most prestigious universities in the United Kingdom and the second party in the debate.

In the remote workshop, the Director of the E-Learning Center spoke about the number of faculty members who have integrated into digital teaching and provided statistics on their interaction with each of the educational tools offered by the distance learning system.

Also, she reported that UOB is developing electronic content for all academic courses, stating that "There is no doubt that the teaching method in our schools and universities will change, and it is possible that we will see certain courses being presented entirely electronically after the pandemic, especially regarding common courses, after we have seen the benefits and advantages of digital learning."

It is worth noting that Dr. Fay Al Khalifa is a member of the British Council's UK Alumni Network.


Sustainable Development Goals

4 Quality education

17 Partnerships for the goals

Key Words

The e-learning center at the University of Bahrain, distance learning, Covid-19 pandemic, suspension of studies, the experience of the University of Bahrain, integration into digital teaching, the benefits and advantages of digital learning

2020-05-18T00:00:00+03:00May 18, 2020|e-learning center|

Online Teaching at UOB Starts Officially on Wednesday

Online Teaching at UOB Starts Officially on Wednesday

11 March 2020

After resuming the work of the academic and administrative cadres at the University of Bahrain (UOB) based on the directives issued by the Coordinating Committee headed by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister, the University completed the activation of its e-learning platforms, and announced that Wednesday, 11 March 2020, will be the official start for e-learning and interaction between students and their professors to benefit from the study suspension period due to the current situation.

The Director of the E-Learning Center at UOB, Dr. Fai Abdullah Al Khalifa, said that the Microsoft Teams and Blackboard platforms offer the possibility to download study material for courses and share it with students registered in that course, and they allow communication between students and faculty members as well, whether through the platform’s discussion rooms or live streaming.

Moreover, she confirmed that UOB had started using the Blackboard platform since 2009 to download teaching materials and allow communication between students and their professors, and that this platform is available to be used for e-learning purposes along with the Microsoft Teams.

Also, Dr. Fai Al Khalifa explained that at the present time, all theoretical courses can be offered through these two platforms, and theoretical courses are those courses that do not require laboratories, workshops or halls, indicating that these two platforms are linked to the student information management system to facilitate their use and handling.

For her part, the Head of the Computer Engineering Department at the College of Information Technology, Dr. Aisha Fuad Bushager, said that she started presenting her lectures to her students using electronic platforms and described the experience as "wonderful," noting that the students "interacted with the new teaching method, which allows the professor to write on the whiteboard and students can choose to "raise their hand" to inquire or question or participate and intervene", pointing to the wide possibilities offered by e-learning with its advanced platforms.


Sustainable Development Goals

4 Quality education

17 Partnerships for the goals


Key words

Academic and administrative staff at the University of Bahrain, activating e-learning platforms, the e-learning center at the University of Bahrain, electronic platforms,

2020-03-11T00:00:00+03:00March 11, 2020|e-learning center|

Activating E-Learning Platforms at UOB During the Study Suspension Period

Activating E-Learning Platforms at UOB During the Study Suspension Period


Due to the current conditions, the University of Bahrain (UOB) has finished activating its e-learning platforms, and announced that Wednesday, 11th of March 2020, shall be the first official day for e-learning and interaction between students and their professors to benefit in the study suspension period.

The Director of the E-Learning Center at UOB, Dr. Fay Abdullah Al Khalifa, stated that the Microsoft Teams and Blackboard platforms offer the possibility to download the scientific material for the course and share it with the students registered in the course, as well as allowing communication between students and faculty members, whether through discussion rooms or the live broadcast provided by the platform.

Also, she confirmed that UOB started using the Blackboard platform since 2009 to download teaching materials and for communication between students and their professors, and this platform is available to be used for e-learning purposes along with the Microsoft Teams platform.

Furthermore, Dr. Fay Al Khalifa explained that at the current time, all theoretical courses can be offered through these two platforms, and theoretical courses are those courses that do not require laboratories, workshops or halls, indicating that these two platforms are linked to the student information management system to facilitate their use and handling.

For her part, the head of the Computer Engineering Department at the College of Information Technology, Dr. Aisha Fuad Bushager, said that she started presenting her lectures to her students using electronic platforms and described the experience as "wonderful," noting that the students "interacted with the new teaching method, which allows the professor to write on the whiteboard.", and that students can choose to "raise their hand" to inquire or question or participate and intervene," referring to the wide possibilities offered by e-learning with its advanced platforms.

2020-03-11T00:00:00+03:00March 11, 2020|e-learning center|

A Workshop at UOB Discusses Innovation in Interactive E-Learning

A Workshop at UOB Discusses Innovation in Interactive E-Learning

Dr. Fay Al Khalifa: The University Is Looking to Expand Its Cooperation With "Blackboard"

Participants in a workshop organized by the E-Learning Center at the University of Bahrain (UOB) confirmed that the upgraded blackboard platform would help in further innovation in interactive education, noting that they have made great use of the platform in the past years.

The Director of the E-Learning Center, Dr. Fay Bint Abdullah Al Khalifa, explained that the blackboard system is an information system for education management, following up students and monitoring the efficiency of the educational process in the educational institution.”

Furthermore, she pointed out that "this system provides great opportunities for students to be in touch with the course outside class, anywhere and at any time, and that is through various tools to view the content of the educational material of the course and to easily interact with it, in addition to communicating electronically with the professor and the rest of the students registered in same the course. "

The workshop was presented by a team from the Blackboard, in which about 30 employees and professors at the University participated, and it explored the options offered by the system to promote intergated learning and innovation in the teaching and learning process.

According to Dr. Fay Al Khalifa, the University is offering 900 integrated courses on the Blackboard learning platform, from which about 12,000 students from the University’s nine colleges can benefit, confirming the University’s endeavor to expand the experience of cooperation with the international platform (Blackboard).

Moreover, the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the College of Engineering Dr. Bader Darwish Al-Mannai also participated in the workshop and stated that “The blackboard system facilitates several operations, such as communication, informing students about assignments evaluations and allowing them to follow up their course of study in the course,” stressing that “The applications and tools that the system provides facilitate the teaching and learning process for students and professors alike.

Also, Hanan Mubarak Albuflasa, who is a member of the faculty in the Physics Department at the College of Science, stated that Blackboard strengthens the University’s efforts towards digital transformation and improves the education process, especially in light of the steady increase in the number of students.

Furthermore, she stated that " According to what the lecturers reviewed in the workshop, the upgraded version of the Blackboard system shall help in effectively developing and updating the course material, and increasing communication between the parties to the educational process."

2020-02-12T00:00:00+03:00February 12, 2020|e-learning center|
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