Chemistry Department At University of Bahrain Re-accredited by Canadian Society of Chemists

عميد كلية العلوم الدكتور هاشم أحمد السيد الأستاذ الدكتور رياض يوسف حمزة رئيس قسم الكيمياء الأستاذ الدكتور محمد العرب

The President of the University of Bahrain, PROFESSOR RIYADH HAMZA, expressed his proudness and delight as the Department of Chemistry in the University of Bahrain got a renewal of full accreditation for their several programs from the Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) for a second cycle 2015-2020. He stated that this international recognition is yet another achievement in the goal of the university to obtain international accreditations for all its programs. He added that this international achievement is an indicator for right plans and measures in the educational process to align with the requirements and standards for international accreditation of the academic programs and their outputs. The presidents also stressed on the importance of international accreditation because it is , in one hand, a channel to develop the scientific achievements for the students and, on the other hand, an open window to develop the high education methods and styles of the academic staff. He finally appraised the efforts and procedures of the university colleges to maintain the quality culture.

Dr HASHIM AL-SAYED, the dean of college of science stated that The Department of Chemistry programs were fully accredited for five years by the CSC in 2009 and it was the first department in the university that got accreditation for its programs. He also stated that the Quality Assurance Center in the University of Bahrain is currently planning to get accreditation for 70% of the programs in the university by 2019, in accordance with the new strategic plan for the years 2014-2019. In relation to that, the different colleges in the university are concentrating on studying the recommendations of the National Authority for Qualifications and Quality Assurance of Education and Training.

PROFESSOR MOHAMMAD AL-ARAB, the chairman of chemistry department stated that the Department of Chemistry recently got the trust of the CSC by the second cycle of five-year renewal of the accreditation of their programs for the years 2015-2020. PROFESSOR Al-Arab mentioned that this renewal of accreditation indicates that the department of chemistry is continuously maintaining the levels of quality and thoroughness in accordance with international standards. He added that the Department of Chemistry did a comprehensive self-evaluation, assessments, and developments for its courses and programs to meet and maintain the academic requirements of the recognized international universities.

PROFESSOR AL-ARAB , in turns, said that programs of Department of Chemistry were fully accredited for five years by the CSC for a first cycle in 2009 and the department of chemistry programs demonstrated once again that they are worthy of international recognition due to their good indicators and high standards of the programs outcomes and outputs. He indicated that the department took all standard measures to obtain the accreditation and worked hard toward responding to almost all the recommendation set by the CSC committee when they first visited the department 2009.
2016-06-26T08:07:00+03:00June 26, 2016|Uncategorized|
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