Considered One of The Intangible Assets of Institutions… A Study at UoB: Reputation a Key Element in Achieving Competitive Advantage for Organizations

University of Bahrain – Sakhir
25 July 2022
A scientific study at the University of Bahrain (UoB) called on training institutions to properly apply aspects of visual identity through social media, for their role in building and shaping reputation, noting that electronic reputation is the most important element in achieving a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations.
The study – presented by the student in the master’s program in mass communication at the University, Qassim Hamdan, in fulfillment of his master’s degree in media – confirmed that institutional reputation is one of the intangible assets of organizations, therefore it should pay it special attention.
The study was supervised by Dr. Heba Ahmed Massa’ad, faculty member in the Department of Media, Tourism and Arts at UoB, and examined the role of visual identity in shaping the reputation of training institutes in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
The study aimed to identify the main dimensions of building and shaping reputation through visual identity on social media platforms, as the researcher conducted an analytical study of the training institutes’ profiles on Instagram, by analyzing 16404 elements related to reputation and visual identity on publications of training institutes, and on the field, he distributed 400 questionnaires to the audience of training institutes of their followers on Instagram.
The results concluded that there is a statistically significant correlation between the elements of visual identity and the elements of reputation formation, and that there are seven main dimensions that work on the formation of reputation, while visual identity depends on five main elements, and that the combination of elements of reputation and elements of visual identity can contribute to the formation of a strong and cohesive reputation for training institutes.
In addition, the researcher recommended intensifying publications on topics related to reputation, so that new followers can form a reputation, provided that they choose the right social network to build it in.
The discussion panel consisted of the Professor of Public Relations and Advertising in the Department of Media, Tourism and Arts at UoB, Dr. Heba Ahmed Massa’ad as a supervisor, the Professor of Media and Public Relations in the same department, Dr. Ashraf Ahmed Abdelmogeth as an internal examiner, and member of the Mass Communication Department at the UAE University in the United Arab Emirates, Professor Dr. Badriya Al-Junaibi as an external examiner.

2022-11-27T12:32:01+03:00July 25, 2022|Uncategorized|
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