Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at UoB Launches a Scientific Activities Package

Dr. Qader: The University Moves to Provide More Support to Research Groups

Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at UoB Launches a Scientific Activities Package




Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at UoB has launched a package of scientific activities including group discussion, an induction day for graduate students, academic seminars, in addition to workshops and online group discussions.

The group discussion, which was held last Monday in the presence of about 20 professors, presented several research papers including a research paper about “Funding the Organized Research and Regulations” by Dr. Mohammed Redha Qader, Dean of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research. Another research paper entitled “Scientific Research and Funding Groups” was presented by two academics from the College of Science at UoB: Dr. Mohammed Bououdina and Dr. Hanan Al-Buflasa.

In addition, the Induction Day activities for graduate students were launched yesterday (Wednesday) which gave the students thorough instructions about the requirements of study and scientific research.

news-23-03-2017-2aThese Deanship activities are to continue next week by holding a seminar on Wednesday (5th April 2017). The seminar will show the progress of the graduate students at the research and study levels. The seminar will also allow students to exchange views with the professors and their fellow students.

The professors and the graduate students will discuss many topics in the workshop that is going to be conducted on Thursday (6th April 2017). The topics will include, “Academic Integrity” by Dr. Diana Al-Jahromi, Director of Quality Office at the College of Arts. Another workshop will be conducted about “Academic Writing” by the faculty memberat the College of Science Dr. Moahammed Al-Hilo, and the faculty member at the College of Arts Dr. Haleema Kadhem. The Deanship activities will close by the end of April by conducting direct online group discussions between the graduate students at UoB and their fellow students in American and British universities on Monday (24th April 2017).

Dr. Mohammed Redha Qader, Dean of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, stressed the importance of activating the research work groups because of their important role in increasing the rates of scientific research publishing, and in exchanging experiences and experiments. In addition, these research work groups contribute to the involvement of a larger number of researchers in scientific research and studies especially the graduate students.

Dr. Qader pointed out that the University is moving towards providing more support for research carried out within research groups. He also urged to put a clear plan for this kind of research to be published in refereed scientific journals.

2017-05-16T08:19:00+03:00May 16, 2017|Uncategorized|
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