Students’ Council Division

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On December 10, 2001, a decision was issued by His Excellency the Minister of Education, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of Bahrain, to establish a council at the university called the “University of Bahrain Student Council.” On May 21, 2002, the university witnessed the establishment of the first University of Bahrain Student Council according to the free, individual and direct elections system. The Student Council is composed of representatives from academic colleges, presidents of student associations, and representatives of student clubs, who are elected by direct general election among club presidents. This is according to an electoral system, the provisions of which are detailed in a list prepared in this regard, which is “The Regulations for Establishing and Organizing the University of Bahrain Student Council.” The university established the Student Council Division in the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs


1- Encouraging students to volunteer and group work.
2- Refining the students’ personalities and opening the way for learning.
3- Developing the students’ leadership skills.
4- Provides all the support to the students


1- Supervising students’ activities and providing everything related to the success of their activities.
2- Follow up on the administrative and financial matters related to the activities which are provided by the  students.


Regulations for the Establishment and Organization of the Student’s Council (AR)

PDF, 1.7 MB , 9 Pages

Instructions of Students’ Council Elections (AR)

PDF, 1.4 MB , 8 Pages


Students’ Council Division
Tel: 17438748