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The Department of Guidance and Counseling carries out many functions within the scope of social and behavioral guidance as well as psychological counseling to UOB students.


Supervise the application of the University’s internal bylaws and regulations and ensuring the suitability of the atmosphere that embraces the student body. Also, the Department extends a helping hand to new students by introducing them to the University’s bylaws and regulations, from their first day on campus by organizing an induction day program, so that they are aware of their rights and duties as university students, and help them adapt to university life.


Social Guidance Division

The Division performs social guidance through social specialists and counsels at several locations on the University campus in both Sakhir and Isa Town, as well as the College of Health and Sports Science.

Psychological Counseling Division

The Psychological Counseling Division works side by side with the Social and Behavioral Guidance Division to follow up on the psychological and personal problems of the students which hinder the academic achievement, as the division helps them to overcome their psychological problems, whether as a result of academic constraints or causing a decrease in their academic achievement through providing individual or group counseling services, as well as specialist advice.

The division organizes many developmental programs aiming to develop the character of the students and provide them with the necessary skills to solve their problems.


1. Helping students adapt to university life.
2. Study student issues and help them face them.
3. hold programs and events to build the student’s personality.
4. Provide the necessary services during exams to levitate psychological pressures.
5. Field guidance and interaction with students to achieve social interaction.
6. Explain and apply the code of conduct for students.

1. Providing specialized counselling services to students individually or within groups
2. Providing developmental counselling services through a series of scientific and cultural activities as well as forums and workshops
3. Providing assistance to students of low GPAs and following up on their performance in cooperation with the Deanship of Admission and Registration
4. Providing specialized social and psychological counselling and assistance for students who face problems
5. Providing psychological counselling services for students with behavioral disorders hindering their academic life
6. Group Counselling targets a group of students who have the same problems and psychological disorders, in order to facilitate understanding of self and to achieve the wanted results for every individual.
7. In practice, individual psychological counselling is defined as the professional relationship between a psychological advisor and a student. The advisor helps the student in dealing with some psychological difficulties or problems and their personal, social, family, academic and cultural aspects.


1Discussion groups provided by social counselors and specialists, to introduce social and educational care services to students and provide them with information about UOB rules and regulations.

A series of lectures and workshops aimed at improving students’ motivation towards learning and improvement of their ambitions and development of their knowledge attainment skills.

This program includes advisory programs, giving social, psychological, health, and nutrition advices by specialists in these fields for the purpose of helping students and to reduce the psychological pressure of exams, and to help them acquire revision skills and exam readiness.



Department of Guidance and Counselling 

Tel: 17438280

Social Guidance Division

Tel: 17438113 – 17437442

Psychological Counselling Division 

Tel: 17437756 – 17438187