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The Students’ Activities Department is a department with a high impact on the university students’ life, as it is responsible for the task of improving the students’ personalities, developing their creative abilities through allowing them to discover their skills and potentials so they can develop them further by utilizing all available resources. The Department achieves its goals through four divisions: Cultural and Social Activities Division, Sports and Scouts Activities Division, Students’ Bodies Division, and the Artistic Activities Division.


  • Refinement of student personality.
  • Developing the creative abilities of students by allowing them to explore their abilities.
  • Enable students to develop their skills with the tools and possibilities it provides.


Artistic Activities Division

The Artistic Activities Division is concerned with the Art aspect of its activities and events, through 3 specialized units:

(Theatre – Music – Visual Arts)

Each unit seeks to develop talents of university students, discover and refine new student talents, through artistic programs and events organized by the division, such as plays, concerts, exhibitions, seminars, lectures, workshops, and participations in local programs that are held inside Kingdom of Bahrain, as well as organized by local universities and institutions, and external participations of festivals and competitions.

Student Bodies Division

The student bodies division supervises the activities offered by student societies and clubs inside and outside university and provides all the needs of activities for the students, also allows students to practice their hobbies through their participations in student club activities.

The division also organizes the work and distributes responsibilities to the students who are members in the student’s bodies according to their position in, accordance with the rules and regulations of University of Bahrain.

The Student Bodies Division hosts 15 scientific societies and student clubs.

  • Collage of arts society
  • Collage of business administration society
  • Collage of law society
  • Collage of information technology society
  • Collage of science society
  • Collage of engineering society
  • Media club
  • Theater club
  • Arts club
  • Photography club
  • Environment friends club
  • Chess club
  • Music club

Cultural and Social Activities Division

The Cultural and Social Activities Division aims to develop the cultural aspect of university students, and it achieves its work goals through several axes.

Sports and Scouts Activities division

Sports and scouts activities division organizes sports events and competitions and supervises the provision of a suitable environment suitable for University of Bahrain students, in addition to organizing scouts programs, activities and camps.


The Art Activities Division presents throughout the semester a set of events and activities:

1. Specialized artistic workshops to hone students’ talents.
2. Hosting specialized artists to hold lectures for students.
3. Artistic seminars on (theatre, music, and fine arts).
4. Screenings of documentary and fiction films about various arts.
5. Theatrical performances, and sketches prepared and performed by university students.
6. Musical Concerts from various art schools performed by university students.
7. Visual art exhibitions of painting, calligraphy and photography by university students.

  1. Supervising students’ activities and providing everything related to the success of their activities.
  2. Follow up on the administrative and financial matters related to the activities provided by the administrative body to the students’ societies and clubs.
  3. Embracing the talents of university students.

1- Discovering and refining student talents in the cultural and literary fields. This is done by organizing  cultural and literary events in the following areas:

  • Literary competitions in literary fields: (short stories, eloquent Arabic poetry, Nabati poetry, and press articles), and general cultural competitions.
  • Various cultural seminars and lectures.
  • University debates.

2- Programs to develop the spirit of cooperation and enhance the values of belonging and loyalty to the  homeland. By participating in the organization of national cultural competitions as follows:

  • Organizing the cultural competition in the glorious National Day celebrations.
  • Representing the University of Bahrain in local and foreign cultural events, such as participating in the cultural and scientific weeks of the universities of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.

3- Programs for preserving societal values. This is done by strengthening the community partnership by introducing several programs, the most important of which are:

  • Organizing student visits and social gatherings.
  • Organizing joint events with the relevant authorities in the community.
  • Daily games area in the restaurant complex, including billiards, table tennis, dominoes, checkers, chess, and carrom.
  •  Organizing group games in the gym, playgrounds and outdoor spaces.
  • Various sports competitions are organized by the Sports and Scouts Activities Division.
  • Participation in sports competitions outside the university.
  • Lectures and sports courses.


An annual event organized by Guidance and Counseling Department in the beginning of every academic year, as an open gathering in which new students meet the academic and administrative staff of UOB. The students get to know the academic programs and study plans, the university’s rules and regulations and the various social and educational services and activities provided by the Deanship of Students’ Affairs and other services provided by the university.

An annual festival organized by Students’ Activities Department in which UOB expresses its happiness and pride of the occasion of the national day of the Kingdom of Bahrain, and it renews its loyalty to the leadership of the Kingdom of Bahrain. During this annual event the members of different student’s bodies along with all UOB students, faculty and administration staff participate in these celebrations which are surrounded by a festive and competitive environment.

The Deanship of Students’ Affairs organizes the annual students’ council elections according to a free, individual, and direct system to choose the members of the students’ council which was founded in 2002. The council consists of representatives of colleges, presidents of students’ societies, and two representatives of students’ clubs, and this stems from UOB’s belief in the necessity of communicating with an elected student’s body that represents students; in order to provide students with better academic experiences and better services.



Students’ Activities Department

Tel: 17438139       Fax: 17449076

Contact Form – Students Activities Department

Students bodies division

Tel: 17438670 – 17438274 – 17438158

Email: –

Sports and Scouts Activities division

Tel: 17348178 – 17438188          Fax: 17449076