Dept. of Buildings and Maintenance


The Department of Building and Maintenance is part of the Vice President’s Office for Information Technology Services, Administrative and Financial Affairs, and is one of the key and indispensable support departments at the University of Bahrain.

The Department of Building and Maintenance has great responsibilities in the university’s services system, and among its responsibilities are: agriculture and beautification, cleaning the campus, maintenance and construction services for all academic colleges, deanships, administrative departments and educational centers. In addition to its role in university events and activities, and equipping halls and classrooms, where everyone works as a team hard and dedication to serve the university.


  1. Managing maintenance and construction services for university buildings and facilities.
  2. Managing the operations of irrigation and agriculture services.
  3. Supervising and following up on purchase order transactions.
  4. Supervising and following up on the transactions of maintenance service requests and their implementation.
  5. Managing and following up on university events and activities.
  6. Managing and following up on the transfer and disposal services of assets at the university.
  7. Managing services of maintaining the outdoor environment and cleaning buildings and facilities.
  8. Repair works in the field of plumbing in university buildings and facilities.


  1. Conducting emergency and periodic maintenance of electrical, telecommunications and internet installations.
  2. Carrying out maintenance and repairs for electrical appliances and air conditioners of all kinds.
  3. Following up on the purchase and installation of electrical and air conditioning equipment and appliances.
  4. Maintenance, repair and painting of office furniture, doors and windows in university buildings and facilities.
  5. Installing billboards and signboards inside and outside buildings, in addition to installing advertisements for university events and activities.
  6. Maintenance and repairs in the field of construction and paving corridors in university buildings and facilities.
  7. Revamping the paint on the interior and exterior walls of buildings and facilities.
  8. Carpentry, painting, and extensions necessary for university events and activities.
  9. Supervising the cleaning company for cleaning buildings and university facilities from inside and outside, cleaning roads and streets, and transporting waste and garbage.
  10. Supervising the supply of university buildings and facilities with drinking water and water coolers through the contracted company.
  11. Spraying insecticides in university buildings and facilities.
  12. Equipping classrooms for exams and various university activities.
  13. Transferring or disposing of assets at the university.
  14. Works and services of irrigation, cultivation and increase of plants.
  15. Agricultural soil fertilization works and services.
  16. Transfering plants from the nursery to university buildings and facilities, and to other planting sites.
  17. Pruning and cutting trees and organizing weeds in agricultural green areas.
  18. Transporting agricultural waste outside the walls of the university.

The Department of Building and Maintenance is keen to cooperate with all parties at the university in order to provide an ideal study environment for students.



Tel: 17438998, 17437875