Director of the French Climate Laboratory: Beware of the Disaster

With Emphasis on UOB’s College of Science Need to Focus
on Renewable Energy Laboratories

news A 15 3 2020 1

The research director at the Laboratory of Climate and Environmental Sciences, Philippe Ciais, warned of the planet’s exposure to a climate change crisis, which he described as catastrophic, pointing to scientists’ expectations that confirm that if human production and consumption patterns don’t change, things will get out of hand.

This was during a recent lecture that Philippe gave at the University of Bahrain (UOB), as part of the Climate: 350 Exhibition, to be held in Arad, Muharraq, with the support of the French Paribas Bank, the United Nations Environment Organization, and the French Institute, and in cooperation with Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities and the Supreme Council for the Environment, aiming to encourage scientific research related to climate and sustainable development.

On the margins of the lecture, a number of researchers and those interested in conducting scientific research related to climate change met at the College of Science UOB and discussed possible ways of cooperation and support for the University and researchers to encourage research and programs related to the environment and sustainable development.

Moreover, Philippe reviewed the research of the University’s College of Science, with a focus on renewable energy laboratories and their role in finding environmental solutions, including finding sustainable energy sources.
2021-03-15T12:04:00+03:00March 15, 2021|Uncategorized|
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