Dr. Abdul Ghaith Proposes a Model for Effective Communications during Crisis

Participating in Saudi Arabia’s Public Relations Forum

Dr. Abdul Ghaith Proposes a Model for Effective Communications during Crisis


Dr. Ashraf Ahmed Abdul Ghaith, Associate Professor at the Department of Communication, Tourism and Fine Arts at the Faculty of Arts, University of Bahrain, will participate in the the 4th Public Relations Forum, which will be held on May 2, under the theme “Public Relations and Crises: Roles and Strategies.” Dr. Abdul Ghaith will present a paper entitled “A Proposed Model for Effective Communications during Crisis”.

Dr. Abdul Ghaith attempts to propose a model for better communications during the various phases of crisis (pre-crisis, crisis and post-crises). This study carries out secondary analysis of existing studies to define the elements of an ideal model for crisis management and communications.

In the introduction to the paper, the researcher stressed the importance of crisis communications as “an integral part of societies.” He described communications as “the main factor behind the emergence of human civilizations and the development of cultures. When there is a crisis, things deviate from their normal course, tension starts to develop and imbalance occurs in the crises environment. This would in turn threaten the basic values of any governmental or non-governmental organization in the society.”

The 4th Public Relations Forum which will be held in the Saudi capital Riyadh. It aims to identify the true causes of institutional crises, strategies of predicting and dealing with them, as well as to highlight the role of public relations in overcoming crises and exploring global, Arab and local experiences in crisis management.

2017-04-03T09:38:00+03:00April 3, 2017|Uncategorized|
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