Dr. Al-Maliki: Sports Day Is an Implicit Call to Make Sports A Lifestyle.. UoB Finishes its Preparations for Bahrain Sports Day Activities

Sakhir – University of Bahrain
9 February 2022
The Deanship of Student Affairs at the University of Bahrain (UoB) announced that the organizing committees for Bahrain Sports Day activities have completed their preparations for the event, which will start at eleven in the morning on Thursday (10 February 2022).
The University had announced a diversified program on Bahrain Sports Day and invited its students and affiliates – who had the green shield according to the traffic light mechanism – to participate in the events taking place on the University campus in Sakhir.
The Dean of Student Affairs at the University, Head of the Higher Committee for the Sports Day Program, Dr. Fatima Mohammed Al-Maliki, said that the working committees have completed their preparations for the events, and that the registration process to participate in the events will begin at 10:30 in the square opposite the University Mosque in Sakhir, calling on participants to wear appropriate sports clothing.
Regarding the precautionary measures, Al-Maliki stated that: “The Deanship of Student Affairs has allocated teams to supervise compliance with the precautionary instructions and instructions, as attendance will be limited to those who have the green shield, and all participants will have their temperature taken, and will have a health examination such as checking sugar and pressure before the launch of the program.”
As the examinations will be supervised by UoB Health Center, while the organizing committees will monitor social distancing measures during the events, and there will be signs for those participating in walking and other events to apply distancing, and a team from the Deanship of Student Affairs and the Security and Safety Department will be present to ensure that participants adhere to all precautionary measures.
Also, she pointed out that the sports day program includes many competitions, sports and various games, topped by the three-kilometer walk.
Regarding the goals and messages of the event, the Dean of Student Affairs said: “The National Day develops the concept of sport for all through its implicit call to make sport a lifestyle to promote public health in the community,” noting that “the practice of physical activity is one of the basic requirements that help a person maintain his health and his ability to perform efficiently in any position, enjoy life, and thus participate in shaping the future.”
On the occasion of sports day in the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Council of Ministers decided that Thursday, February 10, 2022, would be a half working day in all ministries, authorities and government institutions, to allow their workers to participate in the activities of the sports day, in a manner that consolidates the role of sport as a societal culture.

2022-05-08T12:08:12+03:00February 9, 2022|Uncategorized|
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