Dr. Al-Wadi receives the Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK

news 2 04 2017 2A member of the teaching staff at the Bahrain Teachers College at the University of Bahrain, Dr. Hassan Al-Wadi, was awarded the Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK (SFHEA), to be the third academic at the university to receive such certificate.

Dr Al-Wadi won this fellowship by contributing to the development of the practical training course in the English Department of his College; the development of some drama courses in the introductory programme, as well as the supervision of the students of the higher Diploma in school Leadership Training. Dr Al-Wadi said that the English course he has developed for the leadership diploma helped students to comprehend the later courses, especially in their last year of study. He pointed out that all the achievements were in collaboration with other colleagues.

Regarding how he benefited from his study of the programme of higher diploma in the development of academic practice, he said “although I was not new to the material as I was a specialist in English language teaching, yet it was very useful for my university practice, especially in the general frameworks I offered.” He continued, “I see that I am becoming more aware of the needs of teaching. Thanks to the University for these programmes and the support provided to me and my colleagues.”

The advanced Fellowship Certificate is awarded to the academic who is enrolled in specialised programmes after having the initial fellowship obtained by dozens of professors at the University of Bahrain from the British Commission after completing the PCAP academic practices programme offered by the British University of St. John’s for a period of six years, and then the University of Bahrain became independent by offering it to its academic staff members.

The Academic Practice Development Programme aims to equip faculty members with knowledge and skills that facilitate teaching and learning by training them on the latest methods and strategies in the fields of teaching and assessment. Dr. Al Wadi thanked the Unit for Development and Excellence in University Education and Leadership at the University for the opportunity and the support provided to staff members to study in the academic practice development programme.

The Director of the Development and Excellence Unit in University Education and Leadership, Dr Al-Mansouri, congratulated Dr. Al-Wadi on receiving the certificate, pointing out that the certificate is a proof of the ability of university professors to progress in the fellowship awarded by the Academy to its members according to precise and difficult requirements.

Dr Al-Wadi holds a PhD in Teaching English to Non-native Speakers in 2009 from Exeter University, UK, a Master’s Degree in English Language Development and Teaching Methods from the University of Bahrain in 2003, and a Bachelor’s Degree in English from the University of Bahrain in 1999.

Among the research interests of Dr Al-Wadi’s are the study of issues and practices concerning the teaching of English to non-native speakers and the use of English as a single language for teaching.
2017-04-02T09:46:00+03:00April 2, 2017|Uncategorized|
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