Dr. Al-Zayani to Participate in International Communication Conference in Athens

news 19 04 2017 3Dr. Abdul Kareem Al-Zayani, professor of Journalism at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Bahrain, will present a paper at the 3rd Annual International Conference on Communication and Management (ICCM2017) organized by the Communication Institute of Greece (COMinG) which will be held in Greece next week.

The study, prepared by a team led by Dr. Al-Zayani, examines the quality of the curricula and training programs as perceived by students and professional journalists in the GCC countries. It also examines how they are trained to practice journalism in a professional manner.

The conference will be in Athens on 24 – 27 April 2017.

The study prepared by Dr. Abdul Karim Al-Zayani from the University of Bahrain, Dr. Mukhtar Larish from the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom, and Dr. Khaled Al-Jaber from Qatar University is entitled “The Future of Educational Press in the Digital Age: Students’ and Professional Journalists’ Perception in the GCC Countries”.

The importance of the study stems from the growing need to expand training and education programs in the field of technology and to employ them in the academic and professional preparation of journalists.

2017-04-19T12:05:00+03:00April 19, 2017|Uncategorized|
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