Dr. Eman Khorsheed appointed ACSE Ambassador

Dr. Eman Khorsheed the Assistant Professor at University of Bahrain (UOB) has been appointed as Ambassador of the Asian Council of Science Editors (ACSE), a legally registered organization with headquarters in Dubai (UAE).

The Mission of the ACSE is to support editors and publishers throughout Asia to develop and maintain the highest standards in scholarly publishing. The council is therefore dedicated to promote the best practices in scholarly publishing in the Asian region.

Dr. Eman, the managing editor and founder of the international Journal of Data Analysis and Operations Research said that scientific research publications have an immense responsibility towards the development of the community. This responsibility has been recognized within the publishing communities in developed nations. In these nations, the scientific literature publications has successfully adapted to strict conformity with the modern standards of publishing. However, there is still a need of conformity to these standards within the scientific professionals of the Asian region that contributes to 16.6% only of the total institutional repositories.

ACSE chooses experts in the field of research and scientific publication to represent it in their countries as ambassadors.

ACSE aims, by working with journal editors and publishers in Asia, to encourage researchers to engage in scientific research, improve the content and quality of the literature being produced, and increase Asia’s rate of research output.
ASCE serve as a unified platform to provide standardized training and education about latest technologies and future challenges to stakeholders in scientific publishing. It offers networking, training workshops, meetings, and discussions forums for editors, publishers and scholars where they can energetically participate in initiating and creating better tomorrow of scientific publications.

ASCE has a strong focus on collaboration with many regional and international organizations engaged in training and promoting best practices in scholarly publishing. It is a member of The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) and an associate member of The Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE). Moreover, ACSE has developed strong strategic ties with many international organizations working for editors and scholars including European Association of Science Editors and BioScience Writers.
2016-06-26T07:59:00+03:00June 26, 2016|Uncategorized|
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