Dr. Jalal: Involving Workers in the Goals Contributes to the Success of the Institution 

Within the “Future Leaders Development” Workshop Program 

Dr. Jalal: Involving Workers in the Goals Contributes to the Success of the Institution 

The Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Bahrain (UoB), Dr. Ahmed Sa’ad Jalal, stressed that the involvement of working individuals in achieving the goals of the institution, and the effective communication between the leader and workers, can contribute to the success of the institution’s leadership and development. 

This was during a workshop presented by Dr. Jalal on cyberspace under the title “Skills of an Effective Leader”, within the Future Leaders Development program currently organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs, where he stated that “The concept of leadership comes within the framework of the ability to direct, coordinate and control others to achieve the general goal of the organization, through the having influence and control that makes subordinates follow their leader with satisfaction and conviction.”. 

Also, Dr. Jalal explained that one of the factors for the success of the organization’s leadership is “satisfying the needs of workers and reducing role conflicts between the organization’s workers.” 

Moreover, Dr. Jalal stressed the role of an effective leader in balancing the needs of the organization and the needs of its workers, explaining that the leader studies the situation in all its aspects and elements, as he monitors the capabilities and experiences of the workers, analyzes the workers’ expectations of the work they perform, and increases the incentives that contribute to the growth of the workers’ productivity and positivity, in addition to studying the prevailing atmosphere in the institution. 

For her part, the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Fatima Mohammed Al-Maliki, said that the ” Future Leaders Development Program ” is a set of lectures and training workshops organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs, in various administrative, leadership, social and psychological skills, which aims to provide students with leadership skills and creative thinking, develop students’ administrative and technical skills, and raise a conscious generation capable of contributing effectively to the nation’s renaissance. 

2021-11-14T11:05:56+03:00October 26, 2021|Uncategorized|
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